
Chapter Becomes 66

Chapter 0066

Serena’s POV

Marjorie and I sit down to talk about the possibility of us working. together. I can’t help but feel excited about the whole thing. Steviel comes over with coffee for us all a few minutes later.

“So, I came here a few days ago and you weren’t here,” Majorie begins. “Stevie mentioned you were taking a break, so I decided I’d come back

another time.

“Oh, sorry about that… It has been a really hectic week,” I say. To call it hectic is actually an understatement, with all the drama from Doris and the complicated situations with Calvin and Bill. “But I’m here now, ready to hear what you have in mind.”

Marjorie takes a sip of her coffee, pausing for a moment. “I see… Anyway, I just want to tell you,” she continues, setting her cup down, that I have an upcoming fashion show. It’s a big event with well–known designers, and I need to source jewelry for it. I thought of you and your shop.”

Hearing Marjorie’s proposal leaves me momentarily speechless.” That’s… that’s incredible,” I manage to say. “I’m honored you thought of my shop for something so big.”

As Marjorie talks about the fashion show, I start imagining

t in my

head. I see models walking down the runway, each wearing a piece from my jewelry line. The stage lights make the gemstones sparkle brilliantly, matching perfectly with the high–end designer outfits.

I picture my shop’s name showing up at the end of the show, and the crowd claps loudly. Photographers rush to take photos of my jewelry, zooming in on the intricate details I’ve worked so hard on. Standing. backstage, feeling proud and excited, I watch as my designs shine in front of the world.

Marjorie shares, Tm really happy you’re on board with this idea. I was concerned you might refuse, considering the stress from that viral video.” I hate that Doris is still causing trouble even though she’s in prison. “I didn’t want to add any more stress with this fashion show

idea,” she adds.

“The video doesn’t really bother me, because I know I didn’t do anything wrong,” I explain. “But I do worry that you might be disappointed in met after seeing it.”

“Nonsense,” Marjorie interjects, raising her hands in a “stop” gesture.” I’m not disappointed with you. I was concerned, yes… but honestly, I’ve always looked forward to working with you, especially after seeing all the content you’ve been putting up on TikTok.”

I’m surprised that Marjorie keeps up with my Tik Tok posts. “You watch. my TikToks?” I ask.

“Of course,” Marjorie responds with a smile. “I love the passion you put into your work and the way you tell stories. It’s very engaging.”

“Thank you, that means a lot coming from you,” I reply. Hearing Marjorie compliment me like that makes me really proud. “Anyway, when is the fashion show happening?”

“About a month from now,” Marjorie answers.

“A month?” I can’t hide my shock at how soon it is.

Marjorie notices my reaction and quickly adds, “I understand if you can’t do it. Like I said, I don’t want to add to your stress.”

The last thing I want is to let Marjorie down or make her look bad among her peers by not meeting her expectations. Just as I’m about to decline her offer, doubting my own ability to deliver on such a tight. timeline, Stevie interrupts. “Marjorie, can I take Serena so we can talk for a moment?”



Marjorie nods understandingly. “Of course,” she says with a reassuring. smile. “Take all the time you need.”

Stevie gently tugs at my arm, leading me to a quiet corner of the shop. It’s far enough away that Marjorie can’t overhear our conversation.

Stevie furrows her brows, a look of disbelief crossing her face. “Wow, are you seriously considering turning down Marjorie’s offer?”

“Okay, how the hell do you know that?” I ask, genuinely puzzled. “I haven’t said anything yet.”

“Simple,” Stevie says with a knowing look. “It’s because of Adam


Adam Prichard was the quarterback back in our university days, and he also happened to be in my Accounting classes. The last I heard about him, he’d made a name for himself as a B–list actor and model. It’s been years since I’ve even thought about him, so I have no clue why Stevie is bringing him into this conversation.

I can feel my cheeks warm up at the mention of his name, but I’m also. confused. “What does Adam Prichard have to do with this?” I ask.

“Remember when Adam asked you to his frat’s winter formal?” Stevie brings up. “You froze and ended up turning him down because you were a chicken.”

I cringe at the memory as Stevie’s point starts to sink in. “Gee, thanks for the reminder of one of my biggest regrets in my life, Stevie,” I reply sarcastically. “You’re a true friend.”

“And if you turn down Marjorie now, you’ll regret it too,” she says, getting straight to the point.

say no to her, weren’t you?”

You froze a while ago and were about to

“Well, I’m worried we can’t meet her expectations in time,” I explain. “I



don’t want to do something that might hurt our shop’s reputation.”

chakes her head, showing she’s not buying my concerns. “I don’t

want to hear any excuses from you. I’ll help as much as I can. If it means taking fewer clients for me to help you, I’ll do it,” she says.

Why would you do that?” I ask, surprised by her willingness to sacrifice her own work.

“Because this could be big for our business,” she replies. “Don’t fumble the ball this time, Serena.”

Stevie’s right. It’s time for me to step up, to face this challenge head–on. “Okay, let’s do it, bestie!” I say.

Stevie’s face lights up with a victorious smile. “That’s the spirit! We’re going to make this happen and it’s going to be amazing,” she says.

Stevie and I walk back to Marjorie, ready to share our decision. “We’re in. We’d love to provide the jewelry for your fashion show,” I tell her.

Marjorie’s smile widens. “That’s wonderful news!” she says, her excitement matching ours. “Let’s meet in three days for the contract signing. I’ll have everything set up for us to discuss the details.”

The thought of signing a contract makes this whole thing feel even more real and serious. We agree on when and where to meet, and I can’t help but feel a rush of anticipation.

This is a big moment for our little shop, a chance to step into a much bigger world.


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