Bearing the Shifter (Shifter World - Book Four) (Series of 13 Short Stories)

Chapter Chapter Three: New Friends

Maddy moaned against his mouth. “Rolando,” she mumbled.

“Maddy, I want to fuck you in every position ever invented.” He kissed up her throat to her earlobe, then nipped at it.

She nodded. “We can arrange that. But on a bed.”

He chuckled. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Are you close?” she asked as she rode his cock.

He nodded. “I’ll pull out so we can get out of here before that bear returns while I’m stuck inside you.”

She giggled, then groaned when he slapped her ass.

“Not something to laugh about, Mafilia.”

She snorted. “I know. But if you want to punish me, think of something that’s not going to turn me on.”

He chuckled. “You like that, huh?” he asked, slapping her ass again.

Maddy moaned. “Apparently, from you, I do.”

Rolando groaned as he moved her faster up and down his large cock. The faster they moved, the closer he came to orgasming.

“Rolando!” she hollered as another orgasm had her bucking against him.

“Fuck, I’m going to cum.”

Rolando pulled Maddy up. He meant to pull her off his cock—but the momentum pulled her backward and him on top of her. His cock sank deeper inside her, and he came so hard his vision blurred.

“What the hell was that?” Maddy asked, staring up at Rolando, his cock knotting inside her—once again.

She watched him shake his head.

“I don’t know,” he said out of breath. “I’ve never cum that hard before.”

She smiled. She liked the knowledge, but she’d thought he was going to pull out, so they weren’t out here for another thirty minutes.

“I thought you were going to pull out.” She eyed him.

He grunted. “I tried; I swear I did. That’s when we ended up like this,” he said, holding himself above her.

Her eyebrows furrowed. “You tried?”

He nodded. “I think the Goddesses have ensured we don’t skip knotting.”

She grunted. “Well, at least we won’t have to worry about getting pregnant immediately. I’m on the pill.”

He frowned. “You are?”

She nodded. “Of course I am. Have been for years.”

He nodded. “Of course.”

She sighed. “Maybe once we know each other better, hmm?”

He smiled. “Yeah.”

“So, what will our….” She stopped as she thought about it, then smiled. If that’s what the shifters call them, then she may as well, too, since that’s what they’ll be. Bear cubs. “What will our cubs look like?”

He smiled. “Like you, I hope.” He pushed her black hair out of her face.

She snorted. “So, you want fat dumpy kids.”

He growled. “No, I want beautiful, smart kids. Like their mama.”

She chuckled. “Sorry, I’ve always been called fat….”

“You’re plus size. Doesn’t make you fat. Makes you curvy and sexy as hell.”

“You’re sweet.” She smiled.

He snorted. “Telling the truth.”

She nodded. She believed that was how he saw her. And maybe that’s how some others see her. And perhaps that’s how she should see herself.

“So, what do you want to do while we wait again?” she asked with a grin.

He looked down at her tits, and the smile on his face made her heart skip a beat.

“I would say, suck on your incredible tits, but then I’d get hard again, and with the knot blocking movement, we’ll just torment ourselves.”

She nodded. A noise in the bushes had them looking up. Maddy was terrified that it was the bear—back to finish them off. But it turned out to be a black wolf. Wow, she’s never seen one of those before. Where the hell is her camera? Then she saw the silver eyes and moaned. Great.

“Gerald, what the fuck are you doing here?” Rolando asked with a growl.

The black wolf started shifting, and Maddy closed her eyes.

“I noticed your clothes in the woods and came looking for you. I see you found the unclaimed mate,” Gerald said, glaring at Rolando. “Didn’t you read the book?”

Rolando nodded. “I did. And thank you, it helped a lot.”

Gerald snorted. “Helped you find her and cockblock her mate, brilliant.”

Maddy opened one eye to peek at him and found him fully clothed. She sighed and looked at Rolando.

“Cockblock?” she asked.

Rolando grunted as he looked down at Maddy. “It’s what it’s called when a shifter fucks another shifter’s mate; before they find and claim him or her.” He looked back at his friend. “Gerald,” he said, but the man had turned from him, too pissed to even look at him.

Rolando laughed, not because his friend thought he’d cockblocked some poor smuck. But because he’d found his mate. The one person who will make him happier than he ever thought he could be.

Gerald turned to glare at him. “The least you could do is stop fucking while I’m here.”

Rolando smiled at his friend.

“Don’t smile at me, prick. I’m not going to forgive you for… get the fuck off her.”

“Gerald, look at us. I finished about fifteen minutes ago.”

Gerald’s eyebrows furrowed. He walked over to them and fell to his knees.

“What the hell?” Maddy demanded when Gerald picked up her wrist.

“Well, fuck,” Gerald said with a bright grin. “She’s yours.”

Rolando chuckled. “Did you really think I’d cockblock someone?”

Gerald shrugged. “You never know. An unclaimed mate smells amazing.” He sniffed the air. “Even a claimed mate has a wonderful scent.”

Rolando nodded. “She smells like tangerines.”

“I can’t smell the bonded smell,” Gerald smiled.

“I smell like tangerines?” Maddy asked, confused.

“To me, you do,” Rolando said as he nuzzled her neck.

Gerald continued to look at Maddy’s wrist, and when his finger traced over the markings, she sucked in a breath.

“Does it hurt?” Gerald asked, looking at her.

She shook her head. “Not anymore.”

“So, you can still smell that she’s a Fated Mate?” Rolando asked as he caressed his mate’s shoulder with the tips of his fingers, giving her uncontrollable chills.

Gerald nodded, still playing with Maddy’s wrist. “She smells good. Like home.” He looked into Maddy’s face and chuckled at the look on her face. “Don’t worry, Love. You’re not my type.”

Maddy frowned and tried to pull her hand away from the wolf shifter, but Gerald kept hold of it, not wanting to lose the contact.

“Don’t worry, Mafilia. It’s not because he thinks you’re not attractive enough,” Rolando reassured his mate.

Gerald looked at Maddy. “You’re gorgeous; anyone can see that. I just prefer more between the legs.”

Her eyes opened wide, then she chuckled.

“Yep,” Rolando grinned. “Our friend here is gayer than the days are long.”

Gerald snorted. “You’re just jealous because I get more cock than you do.”

Rolando chuckled. “Actually, I prefer it that way.”

Maddy laughed at their banter, and both men smiled at her.

“So. How much longer?” Gerald asked, finally letting go of Maddy’s wrist.

Maddy watched Rolando look at her watch. “Three minutes.”

“I take it this isn’t your first fuck,” Gerald said with a wicked grin.

Rolando chuckled. “Second.”

“He tried to pull out this time, so we could get out of here before the bear came back, but apparently, your Goddesses don’t allow you to pull out.”

Rolando told Gerald what happened when he’d tried to pull out, and his friend laughed.

“At least it was the best orgasm of my life,” Rolando said with a cheeky grin.

Maddy chuckled.

“What bear?” Gerald asked.

“That grizzly that’s been attacking up and down the stream. He went for Maddy. Luckily, I was in the bushes watching her.”

“You were spying on me?” she asked with wide eyes.

He grinned at her. “I had just found my Fated Mate. What did you expect me to do? Jump out of the bushes in bear form and growl at you? Yeah, you would have really understood that I was here to fuck you and not kill you.”

She snickered. “You could have shifted.”

“Yeah, like a naked man jumping out of the bushes saying, you’re my mate, I must fuck you now. Would have done any better.”

Gerald laughed so hard that he fell over onto the grass.

Maddy chuckled with Gerald and smiled up at Rolando. “I don’t know. Seeing your huge cock swaying as you tried to convince me—might have worked.”

Rolando laughed and kissed Maddy. “I really like you, girl. I think we’re going to get along great.”

She smiled. “I hope so.”

Rolando felt his cock pop out of her, and the sound had the three of them staring at each other, then falling into fits of giggles.

He has never giggled before, but it felt good to do it with his mate. It’s not manly or something a large black bear would do, but his mate was something else. And she’s already rubbing off on him.

“Sounds like you’re free.” Gerald snorted.

“Let me get dressed,” Maddy said as she scurried away from Rolando to look for her clothes.

“She’s got a hot body,” Gerald whispered to Rolando.

“I heard that.” Maddy smiled.

Rolando and Gerald looked at each other and grinned.

“She has your sense of hearing.”

Rolando nodded. “Mine isn’t as good as yours or a cat’s. But shifter hearing is always better than human hearing.”

Gerald nodded.

“Ready,” Maddy said as she walked back to them.

Gerald got to his feet. “We’ll get back faster if we shift.”

Rolando nodded and turned to his mate with a smile. “Want a ride on a big black bear?” he asked with a wink.

She grinned. “I’ve already had my ride, but I’ll hop on your back if you promise not to hit me with the low branches.”

Rolando chuckled. “Deal.” He shifted into his bear, who was very happy to be close to their mate.


Maddy’s smile was so big when they finally got to the house; both men couldn’t help but smile with her once they shifted to their human form.

Rolando quickly pulled his clothes on, then held his hand out to Maddy. She took his hand, led her to his car, and helped her into the passenger seat.

“I’ll make sure no one wakes while you’re gone or snoops,” Gerald said as he headed for the house.

“Thanks.” Rolando pulled himself into the driver’s seat.

“Are you seriously going to sneak me in?” Maddy whispered.

Rolando turned to her and smiled. “For tonight, yes,” he said as he started the motor.

It didn’t take long to get to her room and even less time to pack what little she had with her.

“Is this everything you own?” he asked as he watched her pack her bags.

She shook her head. “No. I’m only here for pictures, remember?”

He nodded. “We’ll go to your house, gather everything important to you, and bring it all here. Once I find a house for us.”

Maddy looked up at Rolando. “Why don’t we just rent a house? I really don’t want you to buy one here….” She stopped talking and went back to packing.

“Why?” he asked.

She shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t know. I just have this strange feeling that this isn’t where we’re supposed to be.”

He watched her, and she could feel his eyes look deep into her soul. God, that’s creepy as hell.

“Okay, Maddy.” He nodded. “Maybe you’re right.”

She looked up at him with wide eyes. “No one has ever told me I’m right when I say I feel something’s not right.”

He chuckled. “Did you tell many people that?”

She shrugged. “Mostly my dad.” She frowned as she lifted her packed bags.

“Let me get those.” He took the two heavy bags from her.

She smiled. “I can carry them, you know. They felt light as a feather.”

Which was odd because they were heavy as hell when she’d brought them here.

He grinned. “That, Mafilia, is the strength you’ve received from our bonding.”

Maddy smiled. She could get used to being a shifter’s mate. She looked him up and down, and her smile broadened. Especially this shifter.

She’s going to be the envy of every woman who ever lusted after this larger-than-life shifter.

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