Bear Fights For Donna: Book 4: Dark Rider MC Series

Chapter 8: Two Weeks Later

I was permitted to walk on my own now. I am still not comfortable around all the men in the club. I was sitting on the porch watching everyone moving about the compound. I saw Bear look over from the garage now and then to check on me. I saw two bikes ride into the compound and watched as the men got off. One said something and he turned and walked to the garage.

I did not notice that the other one had walked up onto the porch until he stopped in front of me. What do we have here? You sure are a pretty little thing. He reached out and grabbed my arm and I started screaming and fell to the floor and pressed my back against the wall.

What the hell is going on? I looked over at the porch and saw Donna screaming and pressing against the wall. The biker standing over her. Beast and I ran across the yard and onto the porch as several members ran to Donna as well.

Beast asked the man what the hell he thought he was doing. I leaned down and picked Donna upholding her bridal style. What the hell did you do to my wife I screamed. Nothing. I just touched her arm and told her she was a pretty little thing. That is not the point.

You do not come to our club and talk to any of the women who are not whores. And you sure as hell do not touch them or grab them. Sorry man. She looked so lonely setting here. I just thought I would talk to her. Do not talk to her, look at her, or touch her.

I yelled prospect he came running. He is one of the men that Donna seems to trust. Here I said putting her in his arms. Take her inside and set her with Elizabeth, Dove, and Sara. I watched as he carried her into the clubhouse before I turned and looked at the man.

I don't know who you are but if you ever touch my wife again I will kill you. If these members don't. Get the hell off the porch and to the garage. I watched as he and his president walked in front of us to the garage. Look his president said. We did not come here to start trouble. We stopped because we are looking for Cherokee. From behind us, we heard "you found me" what do you want?

We need help. What kind. My sister is missing. She was taken off the street in Florida and we heard that you had her. What's her name? Donna. Well, dumb ass this VP of yours just terrified her all over again. But how do we know you are Donna's brother? I handed him the envelope with pictures of us growing up. Bear, I walked over and looked at them.

He's her brother. What is your name? Death the president of the Wind Rider MC from Lima, Ohio. This is my VP Arizona. So, you are my sister's husband? By law and claimed woman. You are welcome to stay but he stays away from Donna.

Let's go into the club and my office where we can talk. We followed Cherokee into the club and to his office. Did they tell you what happened to her? No. You might want to prepare yourself. I brought up the medical report and turned the computer towards him. Then he got to the pictures of when she was brought into the hospital by the Wild Rider MC.

I saw his jaw tighten and his hands turn into fits. Who took her? We don't know yet. I have not been able to contact the president of the Wild Rider MC to find out the MC they found her at. We are working on it. Then we will find out who took her and who did that to her. They are going to pay.

Now, you need to understand she has no memory. She is terrified of bikers she does not know. So don't move fast around her, and do not look at her very long. We walked out of the office and sat down at the VIP table. I could see the prospect had gotten her a fresh cup of coffee and was knelled down in front of her.

Donna, I brought you a surprise. He put her hair behind her ear. But you have to look at me to get it. We watched as she lifted her face and looked at him. That's very good. Now, look at what I got you. We watched her look from the prospect to what he had in his hand. We saw her smile. Here, take it. She reached out and took the M&M's with peanuts.

We watched as she looked up at him and leaned forward and kissed his cheek. Thank you, Donna. She looked at him and said, thank you. The prospect stood up and walked over and sat at a table closet to Donna. I walked over and she looked up at me. I lifted her and put her on my lap.

She looked at me and smiled and handed the bag to me. I opened it for her and handed it back. She lay her head on my shoulder and she ate the M&Ms. I saw that the prospect had got one of her pain pills and put it in a medication cup. After she ate I handed her the pill and she took it. What is that Arizona asked? A pain pill. She is still in a lot of pain.

You do love her, don't you he asked me? More than anything. I plan on killing the men who did this to her. I have to start over with her as she doesn't remember me. At times I think I see reorganization in her face and eyes and then it is gone. Like she touched my hair earlier like she remembered that my hair had been shorter.

She seems to trust you. Yes, she does. She remembers my touch I am sure of it. And my smell. She is always smelling my clothes or me and then she gets this far away look. They don't know if she will ever get her memories back.

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