Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets For The HOT CEO

Barren Mother Give Birth To Sextuplets To The Hot CEO Chapter 30

The court day was today and here was Broderick
seated majestically with his personal assistant and three of his executive assistant and head of guard seated around him. Amy w
seating before him while Callan was seated alone on the rows of seat that was beside the ones that Broderick sat. Callan‘s lawy
er was the first to speak, After
speaking in defense of Callan, he presented the invalid divorce papers that Amy only signed but doesn‘t
have the signature of Callan there. ‘This jerk didn‘t sign it even after six years!‘ Amy mumbled angrily. Callan‘s
lawyer then went ahead and talked about why the six children were for
Callan. The six children were in a separate court room at this moment. None of the kids had an idea of what
was going on but they were nervous cause of the little knowledge
they had about court. Callan‘s lawyer went ahead and present a DNA test result that
proved that the children were for Callan. Amy stood and shouted,” what! That‘s not true. That result is forged.” Amy was so sure
of that. “Order!” The judge ordered and
then collected the DNA test result, he examined it and seeing the stamp of one of the reputable hospital in it, the judge beleived it
was true as they would never stamp such result if it
was not true. Amy sat back, seriously burning in anger. This idiot obviously forged
the result. When Broderick saw Callan‘s lawyer present the DNA test result to the judge, his heart sunk into his belly and his eye
s closed
for a while. So the kids were for Callan? After Callan‘s lawyer was done proving that Callan‘s marriage with Amy was still valid an
d that the children were for
both Callan and Amy, he sat. The judge then gestured for Broderick’s lawyer to speak, he only went ahead to talk about why the
children should stay with Broderick eventhough the children were not for him. “If the kids
were with Mr. Broderick with the absense of their mother, Mr. Broderick would have been accused of kidnap. But the case of kidn
apping is totally invalid,” the judge said. Callan had actually also levied a case of kidnapping against Broderick. His plan was to di
stract Broderick so he would stop trying to buy his family company. Broderick felt very bad and set his face on the judge, waiting f
or her final proclamation, “I declare that the kids are truly for Callan and hence, he has the right to
their custody. Mrs. Amy should also return back to their marriage or she is also
free to dissolve the Marriage by filing a divorce case.” Amy stood and said,” I don‘t want the Marriage
with Callan anymore, that was why my signature is in the divorce paper, I don‘t want to have
anything to do with him anymore. I caught him cheating on me in the past, please persuade him to sign
the divorce papers.” “This isn‘t the reason why we are here, you can file a
different case to dissolve your marriage with Mr. Callan. As for now, let the kids return to Mr. Callan,” the judge declared. “They ar

e not just his kids, they are my kids too,” Amy said angrily at the judge‘s bias judgemental, “I have laboured over them for six yea
rs then you suddenly want me to hand them
over to another man, huh?” “Mrs. Amy, you can get a lawyer. This case is between Mr. Callan
and Mr. Broderick, you can bring forward a case between you and your husband later on! Court!” The judge brought the court
proceeding to an end. Broderick remained seated and watched as the six children were brought from the special court room that
they were inside the court room, the kids had their eyes on Broderick but they saw sadness in
his face, their nervousness grew but they suddenly became very sad when they were
lead to Callan. The female cop spoke,” lovely kids, this is your real father. He
had proved it scientifically and even your mum could testify to him being your father. Your mum doesn‘t want you to have anythin
g to do with him cause she doesn‘t like him anymore,” the cop said. “Why didn‘t mum like him anymore?” Elisha asked. “He chea
ted on your mum with another woman,” the female
cop answered. “I have apologized to her and tell her that it was a mistake. I love you all so much,” Callan said. Moses shook his
head and cried,” I don‘t like him, I want him,” Moses pointed to Broderick. “I want him as our dad.” Once the other kids saw Mose
s crying, they all began to cry saying that they want Broderick to be their dad.
“This is a court order, kids. I‘m so sorry, you will be following your real dad home,” the female cop said and left. The children sobb
ed even more, Amy had tears streaming down her face. She felt like she failed her kids. Broderick would probably kill her now sin
ce he had been sparing her because of the kids. Callan stood and ordered his men to let the kids follow him, the kids turned their
head while they were being taken away gently but forcefully, Broderick had his pained eyes on them, his heart broke and couldn‘
t watch them anymore, the took his face away slowly. The last time he felt his heart shattered into nothing was when he watched
a video of his late wife cheating on him. Amy stood and ran after the kids
but Callan‘s men wouldn‘t let her reach the kids, she watched as the kids were made to enter Callan‘s car and then driven away.
It was like her world was taken away from her, she sunk to the floor behind a pillar and was crying aggresively. She was having a
serious headache as a result of crying but she did not care, folks around were watching her but she didn‘t care at all. Her heart
was broken and she was feeling an excruciating pain. “Get up!” A noble voice sounded majestic and she raised her weak face up
, seeing Brodrick, fear gripped her heart. She stood and pleaded, “please beleive me. I left him many years ago after he cheated
on me. The kids were not for him as he stopped having sex with me two months before I caught him cheating. Please... please d
on‘t punish me.” “Follow me,” Broderick said and she followed
fearfully, she didn‘t know what he planned on doing to her. Once Broderick got inside the car, she stepped in fearfully too, “pleas
e don‘t hurt me! Please!”

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