Backup Girl No More: Adios To My V-Card and My First Love

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Chapter 15 I managed to avoid seeing Aiden again until move in day , though it wasnt easy living next door .

Id time my coffee runs and grocery trips for when his car wasnt in the driveway .

Started taking the long way to everywhere , just in case .

Maya sent me his Instagram post a perfectly filtered photo of him and Madison at some rooftop party , his caption announcing they were official .

I deleted the notification without opening it , but not before catching a glimpse of the likes piling up .

All our mutual friends , already accepting this new reality .

I went through my social media with surgical precision , blocking anyone connected to him .

His friends , his cousins , even his little sister who used to borrow my makeup .

There was no point keeping any windows into his life open anymore .

Some doors need to stay firmly shut .

But the universe has a twisted sense of humor we ran into them at JFK .

Madison was there , of course , looking like shed stepped out of a travel influencers feed in her matching luggage set and designer sweats .

Her carefully curated airport look made my jeans and Columbia hoodie ( bought before everything fell apart ) feel suddenly childish .

Aiden barely managed a stiff Hello to my parents before storming off .

He looked right through me like I was just another stranger in the crowded terminal .

We quickly scattered in different directions , everyone pretending this wasnt painfully awkward .

No one looking back , because looking back meant acknowledging what wed all lost .

At the security checkpoint , I caught one last glimpse of him heading to his gate the one for New York bound flights .

He must have felt my gaze because he turned , just for a moment .

One final cold look before he disappeared through the doors , Madisons hand tucked perfectly in his .

Just like that , the boy whod been there for every major moment of my life first day of school , braces , drivers test , prom was walking toward a different future .

The boy who knew all my secrets , all my fears , all my dreams .

Or at least , the dreams Id had before I learned to dream bigger than just being his .

Our paths were finally diverging .

Good luck with your life , I thought silently , watching his retreating back .

Some childhood stories dont get happy endings .

Some prince charmings turn out to be just boys who never learned to see beyond themselves .

I turned toward my own gate , ticket to San Francisco clutched in my hand .

Stanford was waiting , 17:41 Backup Girl No More : Adios To My V Card and My First Love 10.9 % Chapter 15 and for the first time in my life , I was writing own story no co author needed .


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