Backup Girl No More: Adios To My V-Card and My First Love

Chapter 120

Chapter 1 I lost my sight saving Lorenzo from an accident .

He swore to heaven he would be my eyes forever and never leave my side .

I diligently followed my doctors treatment plan .

On the day my vision was finally restored , I rushed home excitedly to share the wonderful news with him .

Instead , I walked in to find Lorenzo in our bed with his executive assistant Isabella , locked in a passionate embrace , their bodies intertwined .

In the heat of passion , Lorenzo moaned breathlessly , calling out Isabellas name .

Lorenzo , why dont you divorce that blind woman ? Isabella whispered .

Im the one who truly understands and loves you .

I need more time , he replied hesitantly .

That night , thick snow was falling .

I walked out into the cold wearing only a thin jacket and booked a one way ticket to Montana .

I would disappear somewhere Lorenzo could never find me , deep in the mountain wilderness .

After booking my ticket, I thought they would stop their intimate encounter .

When I returned home after composing myself , I found them in the living room , locked in a passionate embrace , the air heavy with desire .

Lorenzo looked at me with lust filled eyes , biting his lip to stay quiet while Isabella deliberately teased him .

Dont worry , Lorenzo .

Shes blind , she cant see us , Isabella whispered against his ear , throwing a contemptuous glance my way .

Lorenzo pinched her side .

Behave .

She might hear something .

But isnt this exciting ? she purred .

Oh no , were out , Isabella whispered just loud enough for me to hear , her lips curling into a malicious smile .

We need more protection .

She traced her fingers down Lorenzos chest , casting a deliberate glance my way .

Should we make your blind wife fetch them for us ? Wouldnt that be … delicious ? 15:25 Backup Girl No More : Adios To My V Card and My First Love 93.0 % Chapter 1 .

Lorenzo hesitated , conflicted , before finally speaking .

Darling , my throat hurts .

Could you grab the Tylenol from the coffee table for me ? I stared at him , pale faced .

His cheeks were flushed , eyes glazed , arms wrapped tightly around Isabella .

I clenched my fists , looking bitterly at the Tylenol on the table obviously a box of condoms .

Lorenzo was asking me to hand them protection .

Are you coming down with something ? I kept my voice steady despite the tears threatening to fall .

Should I call the doctor ? Im fine , Lorenzo gasped slightly as Isabellas hands wandered beneath his shirt .

Just need to … down for a while .

lie Then you should rest , his words caught as Isabella nipped at his ear .

In the guest room , of course .

Wouldnt want me to catch your … cold .

They stumbled down the hallway , giggling and whispering .

The moment the guest room door clicked shut , my composure shattered .

Silent tears tracked down my cheeks as the sound of their passion echoed through the walls they thought were thick enough to mask their betrayal .

I called my mentor at the remote mountain sanctuary .

Are you sure about returning ? Once you come back to our healing community , you cant leave .

Were completely isolated .

Can you really leave Lorenzo ? Yes , I answered without hesitation .

My mentor paused .

Alright .

Come in seven days .

I used to hesitate because of Lorenzo .

Now he made the choice for me .

I glanced at the closed guest room door , hearing their passionate sounds .

Ive wasted years neglecting my gift of healing .

Its time I honor it and help others at the sanctuary .

Good .

Well welcome you home in eight days .

Ill be there .

After our call , Lorenzo emerged wearing a white shirt , covered in passion marks he thought I couldnt see .

After all , I was supposed to be blind .

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