Back and Stronger: Alpha's Daughter

Chapter 83

When they arrived on the island, it was all business. Neil started barking orders, and securing their location, whatever that meant. Sophia stood quietly off to the side, reveling in the strength of him as a leader. This was him, to the very core of his being, he was a leader and he thrived in it. After getting things going, he came over and took her hand in his, rubbing his thumb along hers. She smiled quietly to herself. Those moments, those little signs of intimacy made her heart sing, butterflies flitting about in her stomach and those damn swarms of bees zipping around. Oh, how she hoped she never lost that feeling.

Together, hand in hand, they walked to the center of the island and stopped when Connor was lifting a patch of dirt that had blended so well that if Sophia wasn’t seeing it with her own eyes, she would never believe that it was a trap door. With a whoop Connor dropped down over the side and disappeared.

“Come on, baby.”

Neil pulled Sophia behind him. At the ledge he lifted her by the waist and lowered to a small staircase that was just inside. He dropped down beside her on the stairs and grabbed a loop that had been embedded into the underside of the trap door. With a tug, he pulled it closed over their heads and enveloped them in darkness. Her vision had improved with her newfound strengths, so she wasn’t scared. She could make out enough of their surroundings. Smooth walls on both sides and a long dark hallway lay before them. He gripped her hand in his and led her down the hallway.

After walking what had felt like a mile, he opened another door and they stepped into a room bright with light and all the comforts of home. Connor was unpacking supplies from a pantry and shoving them in cupboards haphazardly, whistling happily. He paused to eye Sophia and Neil.

“I wasn’t sure about sleeping quarters, so I moved mine down the hall and put her next to you.” Connor said to Neil, a smirk on his face.

Sophia squirmed and she wasn’t sure why.

“That’s fine. Do we need anything?”

“Nope, we are fully stocked, enough for a long haul.”

Neil nodded. “Okay. I’m gonna show Sophia around then I’ll be back. We have things to discuss, without delay.”

“Aye-Aye Captain,” Connor saluted him and Neil rolled his eyes.

He led Sophia through the room, and into a hallway on the opposite side. They passed meeting rooms with large tables surrounded by chairs, a dining hall, and a lounge that looked more like a man cave than anything else. A bar sat in the corner, with a refrigerator behind it. A large television hung on the wall. A pool table and ping pong table sat off to the sides and the lounging furniture, big fluffy lounging furniture was scattered about. Poker chips and a deck of cards sat on a table.

“That’s nice,” she said.

He snorted. Don’t worry, there’s stuff for you to do too. He pushed open the door across the hall to a library. From the floor to the ceiling the whole way around the room were books. A computer sat on top of a desk, a television hung on the wall, though it was nowhere as large as the one in the other room. A stand underneath had DVD after DVD in long rows. She lifted her gaze to him.

“Am I not allowed in the other room? Is it male only?”

He chuckled. “You can go anywhere you want, anytime you want, except outside. But you may want to escape the others from time to time.”

He shut the door behind them and stepped in, moving her so her back was against the door. He rested a hand on either side of her head and lowered his eyes to her lips.

“Or maybe we want to be alone.”

She couldn’t stop herself; she rose on tip toe and nipped his lip. Goddess he tasted so good.

He groaned again. He seemed to be groaning a lot lately and she reveled in the power she had to make him feel that way, to react that way.

“Come on.” He opened the door and pulled her out into the hall. He opened another door so she could peek in. The entire wall was lined with computers, their monitors showing different areas of the island and the mainland. Another screen showed an aerial view and the one next to it showed underwater. They seemed to be rotating around the island.

“You’re safe here, baby. But come on, if you have any doubt, I have one more thing to show you.” He pulled her to the end of the hall and felt along the ridge of the chair rail. He depressed a lever she heard but didn’t see and a door swung open. He reached in and popped a light on.

“It’s a panic room. Once the door is opened and the sensors pick up a presence inside, when you close the doors, they cannot be opened again from the outside. There’s a monitor that shows all activity in the safehouse. Just don’t shut me out of there unless you need to, baby. I won’t be able to get to you then.”

“Never,” she said.

He pulled her down another hall and the maze-like layout was starting to get a bit confusing, but she supposed she’d get the hang of it.

“Your room,” he flung a door open so she could look inside. “Bathroom in the corner. I’m afraid it’s showers, but the water runs hot. Everything you could possibly need is the commons. Clothes, shoes, toiletries. Whatever you need you just go and take but sign it out on the sheet, so we know when we need to replenish our supplies.”

She nodded absently, lost in the thought.

He flung open the door next to hers. “My room.”

She stepped inside. His room was much like hers except it mirrored her layout. She pulled him in and closed the door. She just wanted a taste, just a quick taste of him. She ran her hand up under his t-shirt, letting it glide along his abdominal muscles. He sucked in a breath like she was hurting him. Her hands shook with desire as she stood on tiptoe. She let her breathe out slowly, so feather-like wisps grazed his lips.

“You’re killing me,” he let out a moan.

“Oh, am I?” she pulled back. “Well, I guess I can go over here,” she pulled away heading to the opposite side of the room. Before she got an arm’s length away she felt his hand clamp around her wrist, and he yanked her back to his chest. Before she could move so much of a muscle he devoured her, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth, holding her so tightly her hardened nipples pressed against his chest.

“Mhmmm, this is fun,” she whispered against his mouth.

“Yeah, fun. Come on, before I lose my ability to walk. I’ll show you where to get what you need, and you can take that shower you wanted while I handle some business.”

She giggled the entire time she gathered shampoo, brushes, toothbrushes, clothes. She placed everything she’d need in a basket and took leave from him outside the door to her room. He really did look pained, and she only giggled more.

She took a shower and felt gloriously clean as she scrubbed her hair, massaging the lather into her hair. She shaved and rinsed away the lovely honey and brown sugar scented soap. She felt like a female. Not a delicate flower, but spicy, strong, and female. She loved it. She stepped out of the shower, dried off and got dressed. She was determined to look as good as she possibly could. This was the first time in what felt like forever, that they were safe, at least for the time being. As she dried her hair and loosely styled it she thought of how their relationship had shifted. She felt closer to him than ever before and he no longer shut down or pushed her out. Anytime he was near, she knew, before his first footfalls could be heard, before his scent hit her nose in waves, she knew. Her heart knew and it called out to him. After putting on a little make up she stepped out into the hall at the same time his door opened. She had thought he’d be busy doing whatever leaders did during times like these, so she was surprised. Then she was giddy. He stood there with sweats swung low on his hips, no shirt, and a towel slung casually around his neck.

Her eyes stared at his chest, and she licked her lips. They burned under the heat of his gaze. He groaned and she slowly raised her eyes to his. He growled. Low. Deep. Hungry. He grabbed her hands in his and backed up slowly, pulling her into his room. He flung it shut hard then cupped her face in his hands.

“Why, why are you so fucking beautiful. So damn perfect, in every way.”

Her breath hitched at his words. Oh my goddess, Oh my goddess, Oh my goddess.

Her answer was to lay her lips on his. A teasing whisper of a kiss, gently grazing his, once, twice, then she pulled back. He’s the one that’s perfect, she thought. She trailed small kisses along his jaw until she reached a spot on his neck just below his ear, where she gently sucked while she ran her hands along his chest. Heat pooled between her legs, and he grabbed her face in his hands, knocking the towel he had around his shoulders to the ground.

She gasped in surprise; her heart stuck in her throat. She blinked, sure that she was hallucinating.

“Baby, are you okay?”

When she didn’t answer, pain crossed his face.

“I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to--”

He broke off when he noticed she wasn’t even hearing him, she was staring at his collar bone. He went to the mirror that hung above his dresser, Sophia following, as if it went out of her sight for even a second it would disappear.

There, in the reflection in the mirror, Neil stood tall, his gaze on his collar bone. Sophia stood half behind him, her gaze never wavering. She slowly reached up to the neck of her shirt and pulled it to the side so her collar bone showed in the reflection as well.

Slowly, his eyes went from her collar bone, to his, back to hers then he locked his eyes on hers. They matched; he was her mate. A smile lit up his face.

“But how?” she whispered.

“Second chance, baby. They’re rare, but they happen.”

“So... we’re--”

“Mates,” he finished for her.

She stepped in front of him, blocking the reflection in the mirror. He gripped her waist and lifted with one arm, sitting her on the dresser. He stepped in between her legs, letting his fingers graze up her sides, to the collar of her shirt and he pulled it aside again. He lowered his lips to it, placing a gentle kiss on the symbol. The symbol that unites them with the blessing of the goddess. She closed her eyes, loving the feel of his lips on her symbol.

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