
Chapter Finding A Way

“Lily?” I questioned aloud, not sure if the voice came from inside my own mind or not.

The young woman stood in front of me, her back to the line of trees. She had long ginger-red hair that flared at the ends and had some waves to it. Her eyes were bright green, like a fern frond tucked into a bed of soil. Her skin was fair and smooth like it had just been polished. Freckles danced across her face.

I tried to open my mouth but felt nothing. Of course. I couldn’t talk anymore. Not now, at least, until I found out what she wanted from me with these strange questions. How could she answer them?

“Yes. The one and only.” She spoke into my mind so clearly that it sounded like she was standing right next to me in human form.

“What is it you want to talk about?” I asked her through my mind as if it were a mere thought.

“I was sent here to help you Ciana.” She again spoke through my mind but her face gave a sincere smile.

“Zion, he is a strong proud King. He needs you though as much as you need him.” She says.

“But.” I tried to respond but she was not having it.

“No. I know everything Ciana, and I can feel your pain. You must realize that pain will never go away. It is a part of life that has the potential to make all other emotions worse. Pain will only get more bearable to handle with time. If you continue to let your pain control you then you will forever be miserable.” She says sincerely.

“You must let yourself be happy without feeling guilty, Ciana,” Lily says. “You are going through the same pain as Zion. Guilt, even though neither of you is to blame for the actions of others. They chose their paths not you.”

I question her parroting my thoughts. “How can I be a good mate? How can I even be queen? I am failing my own pack. Myself,” I say to Lily.

She sighs and smiles at me. “You know you keep forgetting someone...” she pauses waiting for me to answer who it is that has been pushed from my mind.

I shake my head slightly in frustration at trying to figure out her riddle and she continues, “Your wolf. She was born for this as you were. This is your destiny. You only have to accept it, Ciana,” Lily says to me and my heart skips a beat at her use of my name again.

"Your wolf will always guide you when you feel lost." Her voice soothes me like the rain on an autumn day, bringing life and growth into the barren fields and trees around us and she takes both of my hands in hers, comforting me with her touch.

“Stop using your past to keep you from a future you deserve. Lean on Zion. He knows what you are going through.” She says as she stands to her feet again.

“It is time for me to go. Remember Ciana, I will always be looking out for you. Now you too must go. Show them who you really are. They need you.” Lily repeats in my mind before fainting off into the sky.

Then I heard it. Someone is trying to reach me through the link. As soon as I removed the block all I heard was screaming.

‘Help. Please help us. We need help. We are under attack.’ Is all I could hear.

I needed to follow Lily’s advice.

‘Aella. You are up. Show them who you are.’ I tell my wolf.

‘You got it Ciana.’ She says with pride.

Like a bullet, she was gone. Running faster than she ever has. Fire was running through our veins and I trusted her fully.

When we got back to the castle grounds there were many laying dead. Both the enemy and Royal pack.

Memories tried to invade my mind of that horrific night but I fought them. I buried them down so she could focus.

Aella could sense strong magic nearby. Must be a witch. The witch helping Ethan. Has to be.

Aella looks around and sees Jackson on the ground with a dark brown wolf stalking him like he is his next meal. She quickly acted. She ran through the crowd of dead wolves and pounced on the wolf threatening her best friend, her brother.

She bit down on the back of his neck hard. Gripping tightly as the metallic taste of his blood filled her mouth. He whimpered and yelped as the pain of her fangs dug deep into his flesh. She shook her head violently until she heard his bones crunch signaling his neck was broken.

His body fell and she walked to her friend nudging him with her snout. He looked in our eyes and saw Aella was on the surface. He nodded his wolf head in thanks and stood back up ready to follow her.

She looked around and saw a horrible sight. Zion was held to his knees by several wolves holding silver chains wrapped around him. Then I noticed a tall man approaching Zion.

I looked at Jackson and he knew we needed to move. We raced to Zion. Slashing through any wolf that dared stand in Aella’s way. Anger was coursing through both our veins.

Zion’s eyes met ours and he looked scared.

“Ciana, WATCH OUT!” He shouted.

We turned just in time to dodge a leaping wolf. He hit the dirt and Aella pounced. Slashing his face with her massive claws. Causing blood to spew from his snout. She grabbed the front of his neck as he tried to claw her with his back legs. She threw her head to the side, ripping out his throat in the process.

She looked at the man stalking her mate and dropped the dead wolf’s trachea from her mouth snarling at him. Warning him to stand down.

The man tilted his head from the side and snorted a laugh. “Ciana.”

This man knew my name. I had no clue who he was.

“Oh, how lovely. Your still alive and the Blood Wolf I see.” Snarling in our direction.

‘Ciana, it is your turn. Show them who we both know you are. You are strong. You can do this.’ Aella speaks to me and shares her confidence through our veins.

We begin shifting and as fast as we shift white cloth wraps around my body. I smile internally knowing it is Lily.

“You know who I am. It is only right for me to know you.” I say to the unknown man.

“That is none of your concern. Your concern is what Ethan is going to do when he finds out you are still alive.” He snarks at me.

“This is your one chance to leave before I kill you,” I shout back to him.

“You are too cute. I am not weak like the others. So, before I take you prisoner to be Ethan’s play toy for a while answer me one thing. Why protect this pathetic wolf? You are on the losing side Ciana.” He questions my actions.

Aella and I both knew our answer. Lily, I am putting a lot of trust in you.

“Because a Queen always protects her King,” I say before shifting quickly back to Aella.

Together we joined our strengths. Charging the unknown man as he was shifting. Aella pounced on his chest causing his shift to stop. She smirked her fangs at him in a sickening way.

She began digging her claws into his chest causing him to scream in pain. He threw her to the ground. He stood to his feet wobbling from the loss of blood. Aella stood up, shaking off pain from hitting the ground.

She circled him, letting him know that this was his end.

“I guess that is all the time we have for now. See you again Ciana.” He says.

Suddenly a woman appeared next to him her face was wrapped only showing her eyes. All I saw was pain. Then poof, they were gone.

Aella then turned and all Ethan’s warriors were gone as well. Zion was now standing mere inches away from us.

“You accepted our bond.” He says in shock.

“Come on. We need to check over our pack.” He says causing a chill to run down us leaving goosebumps when he said our pack.

“Everyone help the wounded. We need to gather our loss. They will get a proper burial for their sacrifice.

“Let us go, My Queen.” He says to me and Aella follows next to Zion staying in her wolf form.

I smiled to myself. I only hope trusting Lily is what is best. It will be hard, but I must try.

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