
Chapter Battle of Blood vs Alpha

Ethan's face was contorted with disdain as he glared back at me. His band of fierce warriors and Zion, the leader of our pack, formed a large circle around us.

I could feel my wolf pacing at the edge of my consciousness, lending me her strength as we prepared to fight together.

Ethan's expression grew smug as he rolled his broad shoulders, brushing off the idea that I could pose any real threat to him.

"Remember," Zion spoke in a firm, professional tone, "the battle for Alpha begins in human form. Shifting is not allowed until instructed."

As Zion exited the circle, Ethan wastes no time in taking a cheap shot at me, connecting with a blow to my jaw.

I stumble backwards but quickly regained my footing.

He laughed as I shook off his hit, his ego and cockiness practically radiating from him.

I took a defensive stance and he only smiled wider before lunging forward with a series of quick punches.

I block each one with practiced ease, but anger was starting to simmer within me and Aella, my inner wolf, was itching to attack.

I returned fire, throwing my own blows, but he counters every one effortlessly.

He caught my wrist and used it to throw me over his shoulder, slamming me to the ground with incredible force.

Pain shot through my hip but I pushed it aside as I sprang back to my feet.

Without thinking clearly, fueled by rage, I lunged at him again hoping to catch him off guard.

But once again, he expertly countered and took out my legs from underneath me.

“I thought you were the infamous Blood Wolf Ciana. But I was wrong, wasn't I?” Ethan's words dripped with sadistic pleasure as he glared at me.

“You remember the day I took everything you loved,” he taunted.

My fists clenched at my sides as anger bubbled up inside of me. “Shift!” Zion's urgent voice cut through the tension.

But before I could respond, Aella pushed her way forward, her own wolf demanding to be heard.

Despite the fear and pain that still lingered from that fateful day, I couldn't help the growl that escaped my lips as I spoke in a low, dangerous tone. “Not everything.”

The memory of what had been lost still haunted me, but I refused to let it consume me any longer.

With a deafening crack, our bones broke and twisted into Aella's form.

Our once human body now covered in sleek, inky black fur that shimmered in the sunlight.

As we opened our red fiery eyes to meet Ethan's obsidian gaze, a surge of power coursed through us.

Aella exuded confidence and determination as she focused on the present moment, ignoring the weight of our past behind us.

We stood surrounded by those who needed us, just as much as we needed them. In that moment, we realized that this was where we belonged - together, facing whatever challenges lay ahead with strength and unity.

And so, together, we were ready for every day to come.

Their bodies collide with a fierce force, clawing and biting at each other in a desperate struggle.

Aella sinks her teeth into Ethan's wolf's ear, ripping it off his head with a savage movement.

The metallic tang of his blood fills our mouths, igniting a primal thrill within Aella as she lets out a triumphant growl.

Ethan's wolf howls in pain and anger, both of them now covered in blood and wounds as they remain locked in their animal forms, fur standing on end.

With a powerful leap, he launches himself towards us. But Aella is quick and agile, dodging under him and catching him mid-air.

She slams him to the ground with a brutal force before they both start to tumble, claws raking at any exposed skin.

In a burst of strength, Ethan's wolf kicks Aella off him, leaving deep gashes on her back legs from his sharp claws.

But Aella shakes off the pain and stalks towards the wounded wolf who still radiates rage and hate towards us.

With an air of dominance emanating from her, Aella stands tall over Ethan's defeated form, demanding submission.

But he only growls in defiance, refusing to give in to her command. With renewed determination, Ethan throws himself at us again, but this time Aella is ready for him.

She lunges forward, catching him by his throat and pinning him to the ground.

Her fangs hover dangerously close to breaking his skin as she growls menacingly, asserting her dominance over him and making it known that this battle is over.

Finally, Ethan's wolf whimpers and submissively exposes more of his throat in surrender.

Satisfied with his submission, Aella releases him and steps back as I come forward to shift back into my human form once again.

Jackson appears by my side quickly, wrapping me in a protective robe prepared for me beforehand. I turn to see a now naked Ethan in his human form, defeated and humiliated before us.

“Why didn’t you kill me?” Ethan's voice is filled with anger as he glares at me.

“This is over, Ethan. Know when you are beaten. I want you to live and suffer every day, knowing that it is only because I allowed it.” My words are laced with pain as I turn and walk back to my pack, to Zion.

“You are weak,” Ethan shouts after me, his voice full of bitterness.

“You are not fit to rule, neither is that piece of shit King. That’s why I made sure to kill his first mate.” His words cut through the air like a knife.

Suddenly, the sound of crunching leaves and twigs fills the air, and I see Zion running towards me. He pushes me aside just in time as Ethan's wolf launches himself directly at Zion.

“NOOO!” I scream as I watch the two wolves collide in mid-air.

But then, a small figure appears between them, holding Ethan back with some invisible force field. It's Clover Ray, our little protector.

“Clover?” I hear her mother yell in worry from behind us.

In a swift motion, Clover drops the teddy bear she was holding and brings her hands together in front of her.

A bright blue light emanates from her body, enveloping both wolves in its glow.

Ethan howls in agony while human screams mix with the sound of struggling wolves.

They slowly start to separate from each other and fall to the ground next to each other, shaking uncontrollably.

We all look on in shock as Clover stands there, seemingly unphased by what she just did.

Then, the blue light separates from Clover's body and takes shape in front of Ethan and his wolf. It transforms into a human form - Lilly.

“Ethan Black, you have committed some of the most heartless crimes against the werewolf community. Murder, rape, attempted murder, torture, enslavement...the list goes on and on. The Goddess has deemed you unworthy of your wolf.” Lilly's voice echoes through the clearing.

She raises her hand and Ethan's wolf changes into a spirit, which she lifts into the air. With another wave of her hand, the spirit disappears into the clouds.

“Ciana granted you mercy and yet you would still choose death. But death is too swift a punishment for one like you. You will live in the human realm among them as one of them. Every day, you will feel empty, longing for the wolf that you lost because of your own actions.” Lilly's words hold a weight that cannot be ignored.

And with one final gesture, dark lights surround Ethan and he disappears from sight, leaving us all in shocked silence.

Lilly slowly turns towards Zion and myself, her form no longer glowing with ethereal light.

Zion stands in front of us, his expression one of complete shock.

"Hello Zion," Lilly says softly, a smile on her lips.

"Lilly?" Zion questions, still unable to fully comprehend what is happening.

Lilly continues, her hand reaching up to cup Zion's cheek. "You were a great mate and friend to me. Thank you for that. Please stop blaming yourself for what happened. It was my time to go, and I have accepted it. Now it is time for you to accept it as well."

With those words, she walks past him and comes straight to me.

"I am proud of you Ciana and Aella," she says, her voice filled with love and warmth.

"You chose love instead of hate. You don't have to forget the past, but do not let it hinder your happiness in the present."

Her hand rests on my shoulder and I feel a surge of emotions coursing through me.

"Thank you Lilly," I say, tears starting to well up in my eyes.

"No need to thank me," she replies with a gentle smile. "I wasn't the only one watching over you. Your loved ones will always be by your side, in your heart. But now it is time for you to embrace love and happiness once more."

And with those final words, she slowly fades away into thin air. Suddenly, Zion is standing directly in front of me, his eyes filled with so many emotions.

Aella howls from within me, sensing her mate's presence.

"Zion, I-I'm sorry," I begin, wanting to apologize for everything.

But before I can finish my sentence, Zion's lips crash onto mine in a fiery kiss that sets off fireworks throughout my body. Aella purrs contently as our souls bond and strengthen.

When we finally break apart, gasping for air, I see the love and acceptance in Zion's eyes. "Do not ever apologize for being who you are," he tells me, his voice filled with conviction.

"I accept you for all that you are," he continues, his hand reaching up to brush a strand of hair behind my ear. "Stubbornness and all."

"And I accept you for all that you are," I reply, my heart overflowing with love for this protective and loving man before me. "Protectiveness and all."

Suddenly, the crowd around us erupts into cheers and shouts of joy, celebrating our union.

Zion lets out a powerful roar, his wolf Steele making his presence known to everyone.

And then, as if on cue, everyone around us drops to one knee and bows before us.

Everyone - werewolves, and other supernatural beings alike. They have accepted us as their rulers.

"Shall we, my Queen?" Zion asks, extending his arm towards me.

"We shall, my King," I say, taking his arm in mine.

This is the start of a new journey - one where we will hold the memories of those we've lost in our hearts but also embrace the love and happiness that surrounds us now.

I am grateful to be able to move forward with those who support and love us by our side.

Here and now, we begin our reign together as King and Queen of our united pack.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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