Avandor's Gift

Chapter The Return

Something in the world shifted and for some reason I was here again. The sun was blazing hot and I was standing outside of a palace. I took an uncertain step forward as the ground felt unsteady under my feet. I wondered why it should be so, but then again the last thing I stepped on was....

“Your Majesty, it is good that you have returned.” It was commander Sonis, but what is he doing here? Here, wherever it is. Or maybe I was the one who was not to be here. I am supposed to be dead. Wasn’t I?

He was dressed quite finely and it was the first time ever that I was seeing him without armour. He smiled broadly and then placed a hand on my shoulder. I jumped slightly at the contact, but he didn’t seem to mind or notice. He touched me and I felt it, which meant that whatever’s happening now must be real.

“It was quite the slip you gave the others when you dropped them off in the different cities down south, I didn’t think that you could have evaded them that long. But I suppose when I saw that the Grey wolf went missing, no one could catch you after that.” he chuckled.

He guided me towards the open gate continuing to talk as he did, not seeming to notice my reticence. I had never heard him talk like this before. He was so at ease now. In previous conversations, his speech was clipped and it was always about war strategy and what our next move would be. Instead, he was updating me on the different provinces and the new crops being grown along the river Nain? From what he said they were doing very well.

It was after we were in an enclosed chamber away from prying eyes and ears that he finally asked. “So how did it go Evander? Did you find the disturbance that you sought?” his eyes bright with expectation.

I finally had the chance to speak so I did. “Commander, I am not quite sure how this is possible or how it is I am here, but I am supposed to be dead and it seems like I am not.” I frowned.

“I don’t understand. What do you mean Evander?” he said as his eyes became wary and yet alight with curiosity.

“I am not Evander, I am Gareth.” his lower jaw dropped instantaneously. His mouth moved up and down but no words came out as he seemed to be trying to pick what to say next.

“You can’t be, when you walked into that twister we all saw you... You...”

“Died, yes I know. It is odd isn’t it?” I said.

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