Avandor's Gift

Chapter Stories

It was a difficult thing trying to sneak a bloodwolf into a city undetected. It took a great amount of cajoling, bribery and giving a few concussions, but it was done.

It was another thing trying to convince Lishpa to allow Grey on his ship. The reputation of bloodwolves had reached his ears.

“Greyshanks is different.”

Not that different. said Greyshanks to me. I ignored her stifling a laugh.

You want to go to Envladane or not? I shot back.

Not, if my fearsome reputation is being destroyed. I merely grunted and continued speaking to the captain.

“She is completely under my control and if you say that Envladane is dangerous, it wouldn’t hurt to have a dangerous ally travelling with us.”

That is more like it. She said and I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes.

“Besides how else can you learn what you want to know?” Stories, that had been his price. It seemed the captain had inherited the changelings all-consuming desire for knowledge.

“There are other ways Your Majesty to get information.”

“You would pass up first-hand experience for hearsay?”

“I suppose not.” he said grudgingly stepping aside to allow Grey aboard. “But you are the one cleaning up after it.” he grunted.

Being onboard this time was different. I spent most of my time on deck, as the cabins held painful memories of festering eyes and a fever wracked brain.

There were so many unpleasant memories that I wanted to suppress. Lishpa it seemed would deign not let me forget as every night since we’d first set out he demanded another story.

I peered out into the distance, the night lit only by the gibbous moon and dots of orange light. I heard his heavy footsteps behind me.

“Muirland, the last set of lights from this continent that you will see before we set out into open water.”

“Hmm,” I said barely acknowledging his statement.

“Tell me about the changeling.”

“Which changeling?”

“The woman that followed you, Tetyana, I believe you called her.”

“There is much tell, so you have to be more specific.” I frowned slightly. I should be more careful about the bargains I make from now on. For this trip I said I would trade anything and Captain Lishpa was taking full advantage of that clause.

“Why do you love her, she is a different race after all? Weren’t there other human women that you loved before?”

“That is a very involved question.” I said turning to face him. He simply shrugged as he waited for my answer as he knew it would come.

I sighed then went on regardless. “There was a human that at one point I thought I loved,” He raised his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes and told him what he wanted to hear. “Princess Noräin of Sebán.” I said.

“And,” he prompted.

“That was not love as I had come to see. After I met Tet, what we had was ...” all-consuming need, absolute trust, emotions so intense that they bordered hate at times... “Different—more.” I sighed again. “Besides it would have never worked out between me and Noräin. She got married to Prince Bastian of Rá Leat and was in love with my brother.”


“Yes, you have met him, Gareth, my twin.” I smiled as I saw the look of recognition and shock that dawned on the Captain’s face. “I did tell you that it was a rather involved question that you asked.”

From the cabin below me I head Greyshanks consciousness stir. Careful Evander there is no need to tell this man too much. He could harm you with this information. She warned.

I am not afraid of that. I trust that you would eat him if he did.

True. She said a bit amused. But still....” I acknowledged her warning and continued the story without stopping. The Captain completely unaware of what had passed between the two of us.

“Besides if racial difference was to be the hindrance between Tet and I being together, I would still have to choose her over Noräin.”

“I don’t understand.” admitted the Captain.

“I am also a chuman. All the men in my family are dating back as far as Oaklanf, who was the last full human king Gé Addar had. All their wives were changelings. So in truth I am more changeling than human.”

“So that is where the magic in your family comes from.”

This was only partially true but I didn’t think it wise to correct him.

“But changelings are immortal; the queens died short human deaths.”

Another point I didn’t wish to correct him on as there was a reason I believe the changeling would want humans to think they were immortal.

“Yes, they had long lives, but those who were sent here as queens were chosen specifically for that task, but they too also agreed to the arrangement. In agreeing their immortality was forfeited, that with any prior knowledge of who and what they really were.” I remembered my grandmother telling Curly and I about her upbringing in Dashan.

He was silent for a while before he spoke, “I always thought that their race was so insular. Human and Ulgana interactions were always so many and well documented; they just seemed to always exist outside of everything.”

“Hardly their style,” I said dryly. “They were just more covert with their interactions that’s all. So you asked me why I love Tet, it is obvious now I think; I love her because I was not meant to love anyone else.” I walked away from the railing and was about to retire when he spoke again.

“But she didn’t choose.”

“Excuse me,” I said turning to face him.

“Tet she was still aware of what she was, so she can’t be the chosen one.” he said.

“It doesn’t matter, we chose each other.” I recalled the vision that I had before she died, the one where our lives were un-warped and uncomplicated. The one meant to be before Asher’s actions had changed our fates dramatically into what it is now. I didn’t care what conclusions the Captain would draw from my lack of explanation, some stories were only meant for me and no one else.

Remember me Evander, remember that I love you. Her last words to me.

I still remember Tet and I am coming.

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