Avandor's Gift

Chapter Prime Punishment

At first, his form was nothing more than a shadow, lacking substance and form, but as I grew weaker, his form solidified into that of a mortal man. I sensed something else emanating from him—a dark fire that consumed everything good around him.

“You defied me again Tetyana.” He said. “Such deeds can no longer go unpunished.”

I ignored him, not bothering to open my eyes as I prepared myself for the painful invasion of my psyche which he plied each time I contacted Evander.

“Prime crime deserves prime punishment.” He said in a tone of sick enthusiasm. I felt as his fingers stroked the planes of my face.

“Your mind is quite strong, but I wonder how your body would hold up?” I fought the urge to react, but I must have as he touched my brow once.

“Don’t frown fair one, although after this I am not sure fair will be the right adjective to describe you.” He laughed. Without waiting he seemed to push me from the dais.

The air around me was cool before but it was no longer so. It was not air but liquid. I was sinking. It was hot. Piping hot. I was boiling!

I opened my mouth to scream but no words came out. The magic of Alphandé preserved me so that I wouldn’t die, but it did nothing to numb the pain.

“Prime crime means prime punishment.” He said before delving into my subconsciousness ripping me up from the inside.

All was white with pain. Nothing else existed but the intense hurt. I felt myself falling tethering off the edge of sanity.

Why must I bear this? Who I was didn’t matter anymore? Nothing mattered. Nothing except...Evander... I thought his name once and then I melted into nothingness.

His voice woke me once more...

“Prime crime, prime punishment. Do not defy me again.”

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