Avandor's Gift

Chapter Attack at Filia

We pulled into the harbour just as the final sun had set. As we approached, the deck was flooded by murmurs of the sailors as they looked at the city.

“In all my days, I never thought that I would see something like this.” said Lishpa.

“Aye.” I said reverently. Huma was the stronghold of the deer but Filia unquestionably belonged to the helksinc.

Nine monoliths of polished silver each in the form of a helksinc in mid-strike towered over the harbour. Eight of the statues grew upwards to form a huge dome, with a head looking in every direction. The ninth extended out to sea with its mouth wide open. Its underbelly was stained by the colours of the ocean while the top was a dusky gold of the sky. Its eyes were stained a ghoulish red as it captured the colour of the setting suns.

Countless ships were in the harbour, some going out and other like us were coming in. Noran and Nivraél docked along the side of one of the piers which together with the others made the dorsal fins of the gigantic statue.

Nivraél pulled up beside after the ship had docked. “Quite a city.” I said. “I read about it in the tomes brought to me but I never thought it would be anything quite like this.”

“Yes, I believe that you have only seen Talithá and EnkÐáfheetra in your travels so far?” I nodded. “Cities of neutrals and aliens respectively, you will find it not so in the rest of the country. Each clan rules a territory: Lunara, Morais the land stretching between those two and the southern half of the Diadem belong to the wolf. Toriah and Manaos and the un-forested lands between are claimed by the horse. Huma and the northern half of the Diadem belong to the deer and Filia and the peninsula surrounding Serpent Bay to the Helksinc.”

“What about the land around Llyn Morir?”

“Llyn Morir is sacred and is owned by no one. The lands further east are wastelands and were formerly settled by humans and Ulgana alone.”

“During the race Manoas moved. Does Filia move as well?”

“From time to time it floats along different parts of the bay. However most of us chose not to move too far from the ocean.”

The ship was finally docked and the ramp unto the pier rolled out. A small group of changelings hovered on the dock as if waiting for someone to disembark.

“The people of the snake seem overly generous or is it un-ambitious taking just a city.” said Lishpa who was listening nearby.

“No they are not. They may not hold much land, but hold a territory more vast; the sea. All of it.” I said.

“Quite intuitive for a chuman. Not many outsiders understand that.” said a changeling most resplendently dressed in a cloak of shimmering gold, which was a stark contrast against his jet black hair that spilled around him.

“Nivraél, Noran quite the catch you have here: some humans, a wolf and a Grey Mage.” He smiled revealing canines sharpened to resemble that of the helksinc. A growl issued from between Greyshanks teeth.

“Hold your forked tongue Lithuel before you lose it.” warned Nivraél. “What is it that brings you here?”

“My apologies. It seems that you two have clearly demonstrated where your loyalties lie.” He said inclining his head to one side. “I was sent to escort the Grey Mage to the hall of Lord Naliel.”

“There is no need for you to be further incommoded Lithuel. We can bring the Grey Mage to meet our father.” said Noran. “In the meantime there is a ship that has run aground just off Docks cay, see that a service crew is sent to fix it and make sure arrangements are met for the accommodation of the humans until we can see to their departure.”

“Very well then.” He said with poorly hidden derision. “Your subjects will be attended to Grey Mage if they would follow me.” He said before walking away.

“That didn’t sound good.” said Lishpa. I had forgotten that we had slipped into the dialect of the changelings. I could see that the others sensed the tension but didn’t know what it was about.

“We were just finalising a crew to fix the ship and take care of you. Go with him and keep an eye out on the other men.”

“But who will keep an eye on you?” he asked.

“I have a bloodwolf at my side, so I will manage.” I hoped. He didn’t look fully convinced but he nodded once and then herded the others to follow the changeling.

“I apologize for Lithuel’s behaviour but every clan leader has a bulldog and that unfortunate creature happens to belong to my father.” said Noran.

“No need to apologize, I would rather face open disdain than buried scorn, makes life less of a mine field. Shall we go?” I said.

Grey and I walked behind the brothers along the pier until we found ourselves within the belly of the stone beast. It was hardly frightening as it was lit by white lights leading along the tunnel. There were two canals, one for incoming the other for outgoing traffic lying in the centre. Small barges lined the waterway for as far as the eye could see.

“The barge is only big enough for two.” said Nivraél. “I will accompany you and Noran will go on the other with the wolf.” I nodded.

I directed grey on the first barge. She was uncomfortable at first being on the small boat but she eventually settled in. It was only then did I board the other.

The boat was pushed off by some unseen force and floated towards the other end of the tunnel.

“It was never your intention to let me travel unimpeded to Talithá was it?” I said.

“Talithá has changed and my father thought it wise that he saw you first.” said Nivraél.

“I see.” I said folding my arms in front to of me. “And you?”

“Our reasons are to show you what you are to face in coming days so that you may better prepare yourself.” said Nivraél.

“Why would you do that?”

“Because you are the Grey Mage and I have seen glimpses of the other side of the coin. Others including some in my clan celebrate the change, but my brother and I see something dreadful.”

There was a heavy toll coming from ahead of us followed by hiss of steam being forced through very narrow pipes.

“The gates are closing.” He said as he pointed to the all the pier being retracted to cover the openings at the side of the snake. A worried look crossed his face and I saw him looking behind to his brother.

As the tunnel grew darker small blue lights suddenly flicked on.

Evander. I heard Greyshanks worried whine in my head.

I know. I said. “What really is going on here Nivraél?” I asked.

“Our city is being attacked.” As if sensing the urgency of the situation the boats went faster.

“What happened to Lishpa and the others?”

“They are inside so they will be safe.”

The canal gave way to a large open lake framed by golden white sand. The raft drew close to shoes and we disembarked. It then floated of its own volition around to the other side of the canal and disappeared in the tunnel.

Greyshanks came beside me immediately. “This way.” said Noran as he and his brother made their way towards a cylindrical shaft of glass which extended to the top of the dome.

“He pushed open a grill door which led to a metal plated box. He and his brother then climbed in. I stepped in next looking all about me. The space was too small for Greyshanks to join us.

“I apologise Grey Mage but the wolf will not be allowed further than this point as we are entering my father’s private apartments.” said Nivraél.

“I understand.” I said. Grey keep watch let me know if any one unwanted is coming up.

Yes. She said.

The lattice doors were pulled back in place and Noran flicked a small lever upwards. I was surprised at first as the floor moved upwards.

The bow suddenly came to a halt and the lattice doors were pushed open. We stepped into an apartment the colour of a clear beach at dawn. An entire wall was made of glass behind which hundreds of fish and other sea creatures dwelled. The lights around us suddenly flickered off and the room was flooded by the silver light of the moon which had just come up over the horizon.

Footsteps approached and we were met by a small group of changelings who were in such deep conversation that they barely took notice of our presence at first. The eldest—who had to be at least five hundred years old, as his hair was streaked with wisps of grey—finally addressed us.

“Where is Lithuel?” he said.

“Out on an errand for the Grey Mage.” said Noran looking at me.

“Leave us.” He said to the other attendants.

“But the battle?” protested one of them wearing a helmet shaped like a helksinc in mid-strike.

“You know what to do, so do it. I wish to speak to the Grey Mage alone, if he will hear me.” I had the feeling that he really wasn’t asking but it was sort of a command. How very changeling-like.

I nodded once and the room emptied of all the occupants leaving me and this changeling lord alone.

“Have you seen a battle fought with no arrows Grey Mage?” he said facing one of the glassy eyes of the helksinc which served as a window.

“No, not in person.” I said as I came to stand beside him.

“This should be a lesson then.” he said as he folded his hands behind his back and watched.

Converging on the docks were several ships. They weren’t white and as elegant as the one we travelled in. These were made of dark metal, clearly designed for battle.

Several explosions went off as a huge fireball landed in city.

“Are you not going to do anything?” I said not understanding the calm facade of the changeling beside me.

“Look closely,” he said simply.

I squinted a bit ignoring the small splashes of orange fire that added brightness to the faded day. I didn’t seem them at first but my eyes caught a slight movement along the side of each ship. I would have thought it to be a reflection of the moon on water except for the jagged dorsal fins that appeared and disappeared every once in a while.

The fire bombs pelting us stopped as the men on board must have noted that something was wrong. It was too late for them however. The body of a giant snake suddenly shot out of the water and wrapped itself around the middle of the ship breaking it in half. As if in cannon, other serpents followed carrying other ships to the bottom of the sea.

“They could do that.” I gulped in horror, thinking that that could have been my fate earlier.

He smiled seemingly pleased. “It is never wise to attack our city from the sea a lesson I thought the others would have learned years ago.” He said.

As I looked out at the empty sea, a vision flashed before me and I heard a howl coming from below us.

“Now that has been cleared up, we can discuss what I really want to. I asked my sons to bring you here so I can see for myself who you are.” He stared at me for an uncomfortably long period without blinking. “How did a chuman like you even become Grey Mage? There must be some trickery involved.”

“No tricks needed. I am just very hard to kill.” I grabbed his trident and hit him across the head. He slumped slowly over the walls.

I found the door to the strange lift and rode it to the bottom. Lishpa and the others ran towards me with Greyshanks in tow.

“It was a trap.” He said.

“I know. The helksincs were sent intentionally to destroy our ship. We can’t go by sea or they will send another helksinc after us. Not unless we distract them of course.”

“What do you have in mind?”

“How easy are the changeling ships to sail?”

“Small differences but those can be easily figured out.”

“Good. I want you and the others to bring a ship around to the mouth of the snake and Grey and I will create a distraction. If you do not see us when you arrive sail back to Gé Addar.”

“But...” he started to protest.

“Go!” I said as I noted that several others were eyeing us warily.

“You might need this.” He said handing me a sword. I nodded and took it from him and mounted Grey.

Where to?

Over there. I indicated to a small hatch I had noticed on coming in. She rushed to the door and disappeared inside.

What are we looking for exactly?

Filia is a floating city built on an artificial lake. If we release the water it should crumble on itself. I scanned the wall until I came upon the wheel I needed. Stop here.

I got off and spun the wheel. It was tight at fist then I heard a sharp hiss then it was easy to release from then. I saw two other wheels and I repeated the sequence.

Someone is coming. She growled.

“Let us greet them then.” I said mounting her. One of the changelings charged at Greyshanks with a spear but I deflected it with the sword tipping him off balance. Another stabbed at my foot but I managed to block his attack in time. I then slashed him across the shoulder and kicked him away.

Grey had her mouth full as she repeatedly snapped and lunged at those foolish enough to get in her way.

I gritted my teeth as the tip of a spear was plugged into my thigh. I pulled it from my thigh and volleyed it straight at the changeling, sticking it in the space between his eyes.

The stem of attackers slowed and we had a chance to make it out of the tunnel. There was panic echoing around us as people fled towards the barges leading out of the city.

“Grey Mage you are hurt.” said Nivraél. “This way,” he said pointing to one of the outgoing boats.

Grey lunged at him but he was quick enough to escape the bite which would have severed his head from his body.

“The last time I followed you, I was lead into a trap.” I sneered.

“Lithuel has poisoned our father’s mind against you.”

“And why would he do that?”

“Because you killed his son, Ballahad of Geshra.” “We don’t share his avarice. We still believe in the choosing power of the Great Race. We are your friends and if it were not so your human friends would be dead and we wouldn’t aid your escape.” asked Noran.

I had wondered about that. “Fine, but if you betray us...”

“We will make our amends later. The barges are going to leave us.”

“Fine,” I said as followed them. As we moved of a sharp wave of vertigo overtook me. I looked down on my pants leg and it was soaked in blood which was also staining the fur at Grey’s side.

“This is going too slow.” I said as we boarded the boat.

“We could go faster. The last time we were just giving you a chance to discover the trap and escape.” As he said so the barge suddenly shot forward, zooming through the tunnel.

“Lithuel, that snake.” said Noran as there were soldiers waiting at each exit.

“It is a good thing then that I didn’t plan on using those exits.” I said.

“But there are no others.” said Nivraél.

“We are going up there.” I indicated to the ramp directly ahead.

“This is madness,” said Noran as he directed the barge unto the silver tongue. Greyshanks jumped off first and clawed her way to the top, with the others close behind.

“Thank Avandor.” I breathed as waiting just under the forked tongue were Lishpa and the rest of the crew. We slid down the ramp and unto the ship.

“Away mates!” said Lishpa as he directed the crew and the boat laws sailed quickly away from the shores of Filia.

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