Attack (The Aurora Marelup Saga Book 4)

Attack: Chapter 7

Aurora must have come to my bed last night sometime after the Eagles and the War Dragons returned. I was kind of shocked to roll over to find her facing me with her hand on my chest. It’s been forever since I have had Aurora in my bed alone.

My eyes roam over the features of her face, and it makes me smile. She looks so angelic in her sleep, so innocent and pure at first glance. Faint silver scars are marring her flesh from past battles, visible on a closer look at her features.

I run a finger over Aurora’s cheek reverently; I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful mate at my side. Languidly, her eyes open; they are the mercury dragon eyes of her beast. A low rumble is audible from Aurora’s beast, and it’s now stalking me. I watch her rise up onto all fours with unearthly grace. Her beast is in full control, her mouth opens gradually, and her canines are visible and fully descended.

Her scent hits me in the gut hard; she’s in heat again. My cock is as hard as titanium, and my beast urges me to breed our mate again. Through the bond, I reach out to my bond mates as well as Nicodeamus. I’m panicked, we’ve come so far, and we’re so close to attacking the castle now. We can’t take a chance of Aurora getting pregnant no matter how badly she wants it.

My door blasts open, and it’s my bond mates first; their animals are almost on the surface as badly as I am. We are all struggling for control as we watch Aurora look at each of us in turn with that unmistakable hunger in her eyes.

Nicodeamus walks in and shakes his head as he raises one hand. Suddenly the temperature starts dropping in the room. Aurora focuses her attention on her father, and he locks eyes with her. But Aurora is almost stronger than her father because of the added Lycan Alpha powers combined with her dragon nature. With the combination of the two species’ strengths, she’s almost able to force her father into submission.

Quickly, I jump up and cover her eyes with my hand and attempt to restrain her. Aurora starts screaming and thrashing; she’s not happy her attempt to breed was stopped. I give Nicodeamus the opening he needs. He rushes in quickly and lays his hand on her chest, dropping her body temperature. Ever so slowly, the fight begins to drain out of Aurora. Her scent isn’t as powerful as it was before.

Just as quickly as it all started, it is over, and Aurora is asleep in my arms. I look up at my father-in-law, and he nods. “Carry her to my quarters; I’ll look after her for the next three days. You boys have plenty of information to review and compile to formulate a battle plan. I’ll watch over my daughter until her heat is over,” Nicodeamus says with all the finality of a battle-hardened general.

I start walking with Aurora in my arms; I’m fighting my beast for control. Her sweet scent is driving us absolutely insane. Quickly, I carry her down the hall to Nicodeamus’s room and lay her on the futon that he has. I smirk at Nico and shake my head. “I’m guessing you were prepared for her heat this time?”

“After last time? Yes. Yes, I was. We don’t need her pregnant again, not now that we are so close to the end of the journey.” Nicodeamus moves across his room with a blanket he had picked up. Gently, he lays it over Aurora, tucking her in for her slumber. “I’ll keep her in the ice sleep, so her body goes through her heat without the pheromones. When it’s over, I’ll wake her up, and it will be back to business as usual. Till then, I’ll watch over her and keep her safe. You need to be the king she knows you are.” Nicodeamus rises and places his hand on my shoulder and smiles at me.

“I’ll handle everything in her absence; thank you for watching over our mate for us.” I bow my head and raise my fist to my chest as I look at Nicodeamus. He returns the gesture, and I dip my head slightly and leave his room, locking the door behind me.

Through the bond, I reach out to the other mates and call for a meeting in the war room. I shoot a text out to Ellis and tell him about the meeting. He’s a wise ass as usual, but it wouldn’t be Ellis if he weren’t. I make it to the war room and shut the door, locking it behind Ellis as he enters.

“Okay, everyone, as you can notice, we are two people down for the meeting. Aurora is indisposed and Jaggar… he’s no longer breathing, and Tigers are on the extinction list.” I cross my muscular arms over my chest, daring anyone to question me.

“Damn, bro! Harsh much?” Ellis questions. Ellis looks at each mate in turn, and none disagrees with my decision.

“Okay, so where is our Blood Queen?” Ellis looks around the room until he gets to Jayce, knowing he is the weakest link.

Jayce looks at me, waiting for my permission. When I nod my head to Jayce, he speaks, “She’s with her father for a few days; there are important matters they need to attend to together.” Jayce looks back to me again, this time seeking approval. I smile and nod my head again to Jayce, prompting him to smile in return.

“Okay?” Ellis says, but it sounds more like a question. “So, since I’m an outsider to this kumbaya shit you’ve got going on, mind filling in the blanks?” Ellis moves and leans against the closest wall looking at each bond mate in turn.

“Short version,” I say as I start to prowl the room. “We couldn’t trust the Tigers. Jaggar was acting shifty as all hell, and he was disappearing from camp more often than not.” I move to the whiteboard and erase the Tigers part in the plan. I then flip the board over, and an entirely different plan sits there.

 “I tried to believe that they were good, but in the back of my mind, I felt they were untrustworthy. So this is the real plan.” I motion to the whiteboard then return to my seat at the head of the table.

Klaus casually stands and moves to the corner of the room and answers his phone. I watch him closely; his facial expressions are quite animated as he talks to whoever is on the other end. Eventually, he motions to the smart TV and casts the video he was sent to it. I get it now; it was Klaus’s operative sent to explore the castle’s flooded tunnels.

We watch as the male swims through algae-covered tunnels with all sorts of plant life filling the open space. The tunnel splits at one point, and we see him point to the right tunnel and shake his finger no. He swims to the left and cautiously emerges from the water. The room he enters appears to be the old armory in the southern corner of the castle. The male looks around more and points to a very old sword on the wall. It bears the Marelup crest and appears to be in decent shape after all this time. At least a dozen swords have escaped the ravages of time because of the thick wax coating on the blades. I nod along, taking notes as to what I’ve seen. Klaus’s man swims to the far side of the room to the partially opened door and looks out. All the lower chambers seem to be holding at least three to four inches of water.

The feed cuts out, and we look at Klaus. “Gus did well; he’s one of our best swimmers, and he is the most stealthy when it comes to missions like this.”

“Please tell him excellent work from all of us. Aurora will be most pleased knowing that there’s an unobstructed path to the interior of the castle.” However, I am not pleased that my mate wants to be the one to attack from the inside, but her logic is solid. With all that standing water, she can freeze her targets solid and minimize the damage to her infiltration team.

I roughly run my hand through my hair and try to quell my beast. He knows Aurora is in heat, and he wishes to go to her and fill her again with his hatchlings. It’s not fun to be a rutting Alpha. I look up, and the room has cleared out. All except Jayce left. My good little Omega. He must scent my need, and he’s waiting to see if I will accept what he’s offering.

Deliberately, I slide myself to sit on top of the table with my legs spread, looking over at my Omega. His scent has changed, and he smells delicious; his scent almost mimics Aurora’s. Bloody hell, his scent gets my cock hard and leaking. Jayce stands before me with the unspoken question in his eyes. Fuck yes, I want this boner taken care of! I smirk at him and lean back slightly, making it easy for his nimble fingers to make short work of my belt and buttons.

Carefully, he frees my throbbing cock from its prison, and he eyes it greedily. Jayce takes the rolling stool and sits upon it before me as he kisses and licks my balls. He’s truly an expert when it comes to sucking cock. He knows how to rile me up and make me want him more. I feel his lips giving my length butterfly kisses from root to tip. I’m gripping the table hard, trying to resist the urge to thrust up and into his mouth before he’s ready for me.

Slowly, Jayce tortures me; inch by inch, he slides my length to the back of his throat. What he can’t fit in his mouth, he strokes roughly—knowing I like a firm grip. I can’t resist anymore; I start to thrust up each time he takes me down his throat. Soon we find a rhythm that satisfies both of our needs. I release the desk and shove my hands into his hair for complete control. I’m so fucking close. Several more thrusts, and my seed starts pulsing down Jayce’s throat, and he swallows every single drop.

Gently, I caress his scalp, running my fingers through his hair, showing my appreciation. His smile is rewarding enough right now. Hmm, what should I do for him? I’m still hard as steel, and his balls have to be aching. I reach out through the bond to Klaus—he’s definitely the type to get in on some Jayce lovin’. Several moments later, Klaus enters the war room to find Jayce still licking at my cock and me smiling at him. “Come here, Klaus. I want you to suck Jayce’s cock while I fuck his ass. If you’re a good boy, maybe I’ll fuck you too and have Jayce suck your cock as well.”

Klaus’s pupils dilate at the thought of what I just offered him. I turn my head to find Jayce naked and waiting. Gods, I love an eager Omega. I grab Jayce’s hand and lead him over to the doorway that leads into the file room. I place each hand of his on either side of the doorframe. “Get to work, Klaus; make Jayce feel real good.” Klaus takes the rolling stool that Jayce had used earlier and rolls it into position.

I reach around and feel how wet Jayce’s cock is; feeling his pre-cum coat my hand, I pull away and rub it along my length. I give him a few more strokes, milking him some, then take more of his pre-cum and start to massage his rosette, getting the muscles to loosen up. Klaus is taking his time licking Jayce, making him moan and writhe before me. Oh yes, I’m absolutely fucking brilliant at times. As soon as Jayce is relaxed enough, I thrust deep inside of him—sinking balls deep. Jayce likes it rough, so I run my hand up his abs to his chest then his throat. I grip his throat, applying just enough pressure to have complete control. He moans and leans his head back and to the side in complete submission.

My dragon roars in the back of my mind, pleased with his reaction. I place my free hand on his hip and start thrusting into him hard and fast. I need this more than anything; I need my Aurora. Jayce is no Aurora, but his Omega status helps ease my rutting. I fuck him harder, occasionally making Klaus gag from the sudden forward thrust. I feel Klaus’s free hand come back and grip my balls, and that does it. I cum so hard into Jayce’s ass that I end up biting him again, marking him as mine. My bite causes Jayce to cum almost immediately. I watch over Jayce’s shoulder as Klaus swallows every drop.

Between Jayce’s and Klaus’s involvement, they have managed to take the edge off my rutting for now. I look up at Jayce and the way Klaus is running his fingers through his hair. I have a feeling these two are involved in their own relationship within the bond. Carefully I withdraw my now-flaccid cock from Jayce’s ass, and I kiss his cheek. “Have fun, you two,” I say as I turn and wave. “Be sure to clean up when you’re done.”

Both guys thank me as I depart, and I can hear them giggling to themselves as I close the door behind me. Yup, those two are definitely an item. The old-school thought is that each member had to be bonded to the other for the strongest connection. But the truth of the matter is, it takes time to forge a strong bond. The stronger the female, the stronger the bond is between the mates through her will alone.

We’re lucky to have Aurora; she’s probably the strongest, most understanding female I’ve ever met. The next three days will be hell for us without Aurora’s presence. For now, I must talk with the others and plan our next possible moves.

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