Attack (The Aurora Marelup Saga Book 4)

Attack: Chapter 3

Never in the history of my people have any ever chosen a mate outside of our own kind. Many live their lives alone or paired up with another, with no hope of ever having a hatchling of their own. Aurora fiddles with her phone and puts on “Silent Lucidity” from Queensryche, saying it was one of Andre’s favorite songs. It’s midnight now, and we gather around the fire in the tent that we had erected in a hurry.

Aurora sits next to me with some of Andre’s belongings clutched to her chest. She anxiously fiddles with each item looking them over carefully. Nicodeamus has a single black braid in his hand. His sorrow is evident with how haunted his eyes appear. The hollow depths seem to almost stare through the braid in his hands. I watch him as he runs his fingers over the hair. I can only assume it’s from Aurora’s mom.

I start to toss the herbs into the flames, and they begin to change colors. Extending my hand, I reach out to Aurora on my right ,and Jayce who is on my left. One by one, we take each other’s hands and form a circle. “Please close your eyes till we make contact.” Slowly, we close our eyes as I begin the ancient rites to summon an ancestor.

After several moments of chanting, there’s a soft scent of cologne in the tent, and I hear Aurora gasp as she grips my hand tighter. I open my eyes, and the ancestor that had guided me here stands within the smoke before me. His eyes sweep over everyone gathered, then locks on my mate. A fatherly gaze sweeps over her this time as he smiles softly.

“Baby girl.” Andre’s voice is like a whisper on the wind. His smile broadens as he tilts his head to the side, watching her reaction. At the sound of his voice, everyone opens their eyes. Aurora almost instantly starts to cry, looking at Andre. Dimitri and Nicodeamus are crying as well at the sight of their old friend.

“Baby girl, please don’t cry. I can’t hug you and make it better,” Andre says, smiling at Aurora.

Aurora sniffles then reigns in her tears. “I’m so sorry, papa bird. I miss you so much. Don’t worry, I made Sebastian suffer for what he did to you. I ripped his heart out then cut off his head. Oh, and I have babies!” Aurora’s eyes glow for a moment before her two baby dragons came running into the tent. “I named them Ladon Uther and Tiamat Andrea. I didn’t know I was having a son, but my daughter’s middle name is after you.” Aurora’s babies sit on either side of her then shift to their human forms to look at Andre. Both children are blonde with grey eyes and chubby toddler cheeks.

Andre sniffles now, looking at the babies, then back to Aurora. “You make me so proud. I watch over you, even from here. I sent Arnulf and his clan to aid you. I figured since I cannot be your eyes in the land of the living, he can.”

Andre stares at Arnulf then starts laughing. “Son of a bitch! You’re her mate!” He points right at the mate mark that Aurora blessed me with. “You have to finish the rituals. Otherwise, she won’t get a gift from you.”

“Yes, my ancestor, I will. I am blessed and honored that you sent me to her.” I lean over and kiss Aurora’s temple. “Andre’s twin brother is my great grandfather. His great bloodline lives on through me and us when we are blessed with hatchlings.” Andre then takes the time to speak to everyone else present, as well. Aurora smiles, getting the chance to spend time with him, at least for a little while.

“My baby girl, don’t worry, I’ll be back in your lifetime. After all, we Golden Eagles believe in reincarnation. I will see you again, don’t be afraid when it happens. For once, you will be the teacher, and me the student. Remember, death is but a doorway.” Andre smiles one last time, then is gone as suddenly as he had arrived.

Aurora double blinks then leaps into my lap and kisses me passionately. I embrace her tightly, kissing her back with just as much enthusiasm. We hear Nicodeamus clear his throat, and we start to laugh and break apart.

“I’m sorry, Father, we got a little carried away. I need a few strands of your mate’s hair and some of Aurora’s blood to summon Anca here. I’m not sure how long I can hold her here, but I will try.” Hesitantly, Nicodeamus offers the braid to Aurora. Slowly, she lifts the braid to her nose to see if she can scent her mother. By the look on Aurora’s face, no scent remains. Carefully, Aurora pulls six hairs out of the braid then hands it back to her father. I watch Aurora cant her head to the side and look at Alaric. He lifts his long blonde hair to show a snow-white braid woven into a braid in his hair. Aurora then looks to her father, and now Dimitri is braiding Anca’s braid back into Nicodeamus’s hair. Slowly, she nods in understanding before looking back at me.

I start adding different herbs into the fire and chanting. I toss the hair in, and the flames change color. I nod my head at Aurora; she slits her palm and holds her bleeding hand in the fire. I’m ready to flip the out when I notice the fire doesn’t burn her. Slowly, she draws her hand back and shows me she’s no longer hurt. What the hell did I just witness?

The smoke begins to swirl and whip about the tent wildly. Slowly, a form begins to emerge from the flames. She’s beautiful, and if I didn’t know any better, I would have thought my mate was standing in the flames. “Nico!” The apparition shrieks! She tries to rush forward and passes right through him.

“Anca!” Nicodeamus screams as she passes through him. They keep trying to touch but can’t. It’s heartbreaking to watch them struggle.

“Mom?” Aurora speaks; her normally powerful, sure voice is reduced to a quiver. Quickly, the female spins and looks at Aurora.

Specters can’t cry, but you can see it on Anca’s face that if she were living, she would be bawling her eyes out. “Seraphina? My baby girl?” Hesitantly, her hand extends out and passes through Aurora’s cheek.

Aurora winces and hunches over for a moment. “Mom, I ended up being named Aurora.” Aurora’s eyes drop, knowing fully well that her mother may be disappointed.

“Who the hell gave my Seraphina, my angel, the name Aurora? I chose her name!” Anca’s eyes are that of her wolves in a second. It’s quite apparent that the dead queen is not happy.

“Vladimir did, my Queen,” Dimitri answers and bows his head to Anca.

“How dare he! If he ever crosses over, I will make his afterlife a living hell!” Anca’s hands become clawed at the mention of whom named her daughter.

Aurora starts to laugh and stands up. She shifts before her mother, showing her the massive hybrid beast she can become. Aurora’s babies shift and blow fire onto their mother showing she cannot be harmed. Aurora shifts back to her human form and stares at her mother.

“I already have plans to take his head and shove it onto a pike in the front yard. I’m going to make him suffer like he made my father suffer without you. His death will be slow and as agonizing as possible. On my blood, this I swear.” Aurora promptly cuts her palm and holds her dripping blood into the flames.

“I’ll be waiting for him on the other side. The other mates and I will torture him until it’s your time to join us, and you can join in on the fun. It’ll be a great bonding moment.” Anca smiles at Aurora. “I am proud of you. Oh my gods, are those my grandbabies!?” Anca almost squeals, pointing at the baby dragons.

“Yes, they are mine and Alaric’s babies. Someone forgot to tell us that a dragon will always be chosen first, over all the other mates.” Aurora looks between her father and Alaric. Both men say ‘what?’ at the same time then start laughing together.

Anca and Aurora roll their eyes at the same time and both mutter “men” at the exact same moment. They look at each other, then start laughing. “Aurora, please take care of your father for me. He needs a babysitter, he has a bit of a temper and likes to burn things.”

“Of course, Mother, I will. Hopefully, Arnulf can summon you again so we can talk more.” Aurora looks to me, hopeful. I nod slowly that it is possible.

“Aurora will be able to sense what was mine. You can use a physical object of mine that will not burn next time. For now, I must go. I love you all. Take care of each other!” Anca screams the last part as she fades from view. Aurora smiles, watching her mother fade, then looks around the gathering.

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