
Chapter Weddingy Things

“As maid-of-honour, I get to make a speech, or rather finish the one I’d started last night, until our conversation drifted in a different direction,” said Alex.

There were a series of small giggles coming from some of the women in the room. I covered my face briefly and smiled as I remembered the awkward moments at my bachelorette party last night. I then bravely removed my hand and looked at Alex, my cheeks still flaming.

“Yes like I was saying last night, today is the day that you Aurora and Rain, your life changes forever, as you are finally one with the one whom you love, and who loves you with all of their heart.

“It would be an understatement to say that the both of you are an odd match. In fact, you two are as odd as snow falling in the tropics.” she smiled. But the two of you reminds us, that love conquers all. Never in my, or I am sure many of the others here tonight, wildest dreams would we would have thought that day and night, fire and ice could co-exist so peacefully and lovingly. Yet the proof of it happening stand right here in front of us all.

“I’m not only referring to the beautiful centrepiece that you had created together, but the evidence is present here with the two of you, your amazing union. This union, which also represents the union of two nations, the Coronas and the Lunes, two forces strong apart, but who are made even stronger than ever before, now they are being forged together. I would just like to wish you all the luck, prosperity and happiness the world has to offer the both of you. And may you be successful in all your future endeavours. To Aurora and Rain.” she said raising her glass. “Cheers.”

“Cheers,” said Thorn as he clicked his glass against mine.

“Cheers,” I replied as my eyes smiled as I placed the glass at my lips.

This speech was followed by those by our parents and then Caleb. He had the crowd buzzing with laughter as he relayed his own twisted version of Thorn’s and I relationship, as it appeared through his eyes. He was funny, yet his statements were true, sincere and were deeply appreciated by both of us.

It was hard hearing bad things being said about you, but it was much more difficult and a little uncomfortable for me to hear all the nice things that people had to say, but after a while, I was finally slipping into it. Thorn and I had been through a lot these past months and I thought that we deserved all the happiness we were now experiencing.

“I would now like to call the bride and groom to the dance floor, where they will share their first dance as husband and wife,” said Jaegari over the microphone.

Thorn got up and helped me up from around the table and lead me to the centre of the room. I placed one hand on his shoulder and interlocked the other in his palm, as he placed his free hand at the small of my back.

The song started and we waltzed slowly. The melody of the song soon grabbed my attention. It wasn’t like anything I’d ever heard before. The soft sounds of the piano, drum and violin were enrapturing as if they captured the true essence of what I was feeling at this moment.

“I’ve never heard this song before,” I said softly and looked into his eyes.

“That is because it has never been played before. It was something I composed and recorded with the help of dad on the violin and Naeht on the drums. Do you like it?”

“Yes, I love it.” I smiled. “It captures everything I feel for you,” I whispered.

“That was what I was hoping for since you were the inspiration behind the tune,” he whispered softly in my ear and kissed my softly on the neck. Immediately I felt a small tingle run all over my skin and towards my heart, where it exploded into fountains of gushing warmth.

We had stopped waltzing and instead had started rocking back and forth. Others had joined us on the dance floor. I looked at them briefly as they spiralled around us. Everything was perfect. Even the Lunes who seemed uncomfortable at first had started blending in into the setting.

It was like we had captured a part of never-never land and had it placed right here. I had gotten my happily ever after. I closed my eyes and rested my head on Thorn’s shoulder.

I opened my eyes slightly and stiffened as for a brief moment I thought that I had seen Naeht standing at the opening of the curtain. His dark eyes melted into mine. I blinked, but when I reopened my eyes, he was gone.

“Are you okay?” asked Thorn probably having felt my sudden rigidity.

“Yeah, I am fine. I just thought I saw something, but my eyes must be playing tricks on me. I guess I had a little too much to drink.” Naeht wasn’t here. It would have been nice if he was though. “This party is dying down, do you want to leave now?” I asked after we were near the end of our fifth dance.

“Really, I hadn’t noticed,” he said with a devilish half-smile that had sent my heart pounding through my chest.

“Sure you haven’t,” I said rolling my eyes. “I’m sure that no one will miss us after we're gone. I mean we’ve done all of the weddingy things already.”

“Weddingy things?” he said lifting an eyebrow.

“Yeah, walk down the aisle. Say I do. Speeches. Cutting the cake, first dance, dancing with our parents, throwing my bouquet. You going under my dress and pulling down my garter with your teeth.” his smile widened at the mention of this. “Weddingy things.”

“Let us just say goodbye to our parents first,” he said releasing one hand from around my waist, and lead me to our family who was standing at the front with Jae, Alex and Caleb. “By the way, do you know that there is a small birthmark on your inne right thigh,” he whispered, wearing a sly one-sided smile.

“I know. You looked?” I said starting to blush.

“I tried not to, but it is hard for me not to notice everything about you love.” he whispered again into my ear and then placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

“So no more dancing for the happy couple?” said my mother turning her full attention to us.

“Yeah, we were actually about to leave. We just came over to say goodbye.” I replied slowly as my mind was still stuck on what Thorn just said to me. In fact, I was hoping that we wouldn’t have to say any long goodbyes as I wanted to leave right now.

“You are leaving, so soon?” moaned my mother.

“It has been three hours Sonya. I’m sure that the newly-weds want some alone time.” said my father to her.

“Oh right,” she shot me a smile that made me want to blush. “Well at least let us give you the proper send-off,” she said walking off to gather the rest of the guests.

“Thank you for everything.” I said hugging Alex. “The rings are beautiful. Thank you again for them, Alex.” I said touching the band of silver and gold intricately woven together, with small diamonds encrusted along the edges where the two metals met. The ring was simple, yet beautiful. I was afraid that she’d gotten something ostentatious with a diamond huge enough to blind you if you looked at it too long, but this was exactly to my liking.

“You’re welcome. I knew you would like it. You guys enjoy the rest of the night.” she said releasing me.

“Dad,” I said falling into his arms.

“Goodbye my daughter,” he said kissing me on the forehead.

“Seidon,” I said moving over to him. “Thanks for letting us use your house for our honeymoon.”

“Actually, it is your house now.” he smiled.

“Really, wow, a house,” I said still stunned.

“A wedding gift for you and Rain.” he continued.

“Thank you,” I said hugging him.

Once, I would have argued about it being too much, but I was slowly slipping into the notion that money wasn’t a problem for me anymore. Not that it was in the first place. In fact, my parents, opened a starting bank account in our names, which was very generously endowed. I would be too much of a hypocrite if I’d turned down a house, Thorn and I did need somewhere to live. Being married and living in your parents’ house didn’t quite cut it.

“Jae, Caleb.”

“Goodbye Summer. You two have fun.” smiled Jae as Thorn joined me.

“Yeah, have fun,” said Caleb wagging his brows and winking at us. I slapped him on the arm, but he didn’t even cringe. He just kept on grinning.

“I’m sure that we will,” replied Thorn without any innuendo slipping in his tone. “Well, this is goodbye for now everyone,” he added as we turned to the crowd who had converged at the entrance.

I waved to them and we ducked off into the crowd, dodging the showers of rice being thrown at us until we exited the tent. The crowd followed us as we gaily skipped across the lawn around to the driveway. Thorn opened the door of his Viper and helped me to get in, before closing the door. He walked around to the driver’s side.

I rolled down the window and waved to the people standing out there.

“Ready to go Mrs. North?” smiled Thorn as he started the ignition.

“Yeah,” I said searching for my mother. “Wait,” I said as I saw her running up to me.

“Goodbye Aurora,” she said hugging me through the window. “I had to go back to the house to get you this,” she said handing me a small white gift bag.

I opened it and peeked to see what it was. “Oh,” I let out. “Thank you.” I smiled again, hugging her for the final time before she stepped away from the car. “Goodbye,” I waved to her again. I pulled in my hand and head and leaned back into the car seat. “Now I’m ready to leave,” I said smiling at Thorn.

“Okay love,” he said backing out the driveway and down the hill. “Although I am curious about what's in the bag.” he said without taking his eyes off the road.

“My Galusion gem and a second wedding gift, something that you will enjoy.” He would definitely enjoy it. I would be scared silly having to put it on.

“No clues?” he said with an eyebrow lifted as he turned to look at me.

“Nope, you will just have to wait until we get home.” I smiled cheekily and turned my attention to the road.

My heart accelerated as the car entered the yard, and drove down the soft dirt road to the huge cut-stone house that Thorn and I would now call our own. We came to a stop, but my heart and thoughts raced on ahead of me.

“We are here,” said Thorn turning to me.

“Yeah,” I said smiling nervously at him.

“Wait,” he said as I was about to open the car door. I watched as he took out the keys from the ignition and came around to the passenger side of the car. “I get to carry the bride from here,” he said smiling and opening the door. He then carefully scooped me up with both arms, adjusted my veil and then kicked the door closed.

I slipped the handle of the small gift bag around my wrist, leaving my hand free. We both remained silent as he carried me around to the front of the house. In one swift movement he moved me from both his arms and over his shoulder, one arm holding my thighs firmly in place.

“Well this certainly an interesting position.” I giggled lifting my head slightly.

“Sorry love but I had to get the key from my pocket,” he said pulling out the key and placing it into the lock.

“There is nothing to be sorry about, as I love the view from here. Everything is so clear tonight, it must be a full moon.” I said softly.

“Actually tonight is a new moon,” he said softly as he pushed the door open and swung me around to his arms. “It looks like you share not only my bending abilities as it seems your night vision has also improved.” he smiled.

“Oh, that is good. Seeing that I’ll be putting it to use a lot tonight.” I said as I looked at his face and smiled. I felt an increased thrumming against my chest, but it was not coming from me. It took me a while to figure out that it was Thorn’s heart racing along. Of course he would be just as nervous about this night as I was. We both knew exactly what waited for us once we got inside.

“We should go inside now,” he said, his voice sounding husky.

“Yeah, we should.” I said hardly managing to get the words out, as my throat felt dry and like it was tied up with barbed wires. He stepped into the house and closed the door. We didn’t even bother turning on the lights downstairs, as he swiftly climbed the stairs up to our bed chamber at the north of the house.

He opened the door and walked into the middle of the room where he set me down. My knees suddenly gave out and he had to turn to grab me before I fell.

“Are you okay?” he asked as he steadied me on my feet.

“Yes,” I said clearing my throat. “It is just a little hot in here.” he looked at me suspiciously. Me complaining about the heat. An extremely poor excuse. “I’m going to open the windows,” I said pointing to the huge French doors at the other end of the room.

“Okay, I’ll get the lights,” he said with uncertainty and we walked in opposite directions. I was hit by a sudden rush of cold air blowing in from the sea, as I pushed the doors open. I inhaled deeply and turned around.

My skin was flushed as I looked at the huge bed, draped in clouds of mosquito nets set at one side of the room. I blushed even deeper when I noticed that Thorn saw me looking at it.

“All your things have already been placed in the drawers and closet. Your toothbrush and all your other toiletries are in the bathroom. . . .” he started and then stopped as if uncertain what to say next.

“Oh, I was wondering where some of my stuff had gone.” I said nodding. “When were they brought here?” I said clearing my throat again.

“Your mom brought most of them up a few days ago. The more personal items were carried here earlier today.”

“Hmm, well I think I will take a bath before . . .” I stopped and dropped my eyes.

“Oh okay,” he answered softly. I walked quickly towards the adjoining bathroom. He held my hand as I was passing him. I lifted my eyes to meet his. “I love you,” he said smiling softly at me.

“I love you too,” I said managing a small smile and slid my hand slowly from his hold, before continuing towards the bathroom. I opened the door and clicked it softly behind me.

I leaned silently against the door and drew in a series of deep breaths as my nerves had gone haywire and I felt both hot and cold at the same time.

“Calm down Summer. You’ve wanted to do this for months.” I whispered. “Okay. Bath. Right.” I said pulling in another deep breath and dragging myself off the door. I looked at the marble countertop where I saw my bath sponge and other things were sitting.

I slipped the small gift bag from my wrist and unto the counter. I looked at myself in the mirror as I removed the silver tiara and veil from my hair and rested them beside it. I moved next to the silver choker and my earrings and rested them next to the veil. I quickly slipped out of my dress and underwear and grabbed my bath sponge before I hopped into the shower.

I didn’t wait for the hot water to come on before I stood under the shower and allowed the hard spirals to beat down on face. I rubbed my hands over my face vigorously and took in sharp breaths, as if it was possible to scrub the anxiety from my brain.

I turned off the spray before grabbing the body wash and using it to lather my sponge. I slowly worked my way down my body, until I was fully white with berry-scented soap bubbles. I didn’t remember getting this particular body wash before. I took up the bottle filled with the pink liquid. “Shampoo.” I knew that it smelled familiar. “Oh well,” I said putting back the bottle beside the bar of soap I’d failed to see in my anxiety. I turned the tap and rinsed the lather from my skin before turning it off.

Small drops of water spotted the floor as tiptoed out of the bath over to a rack from which hung two bathrobes. I grabbed the smaller one and draped it around myself before I walked back over to the mirror.

I oiled my skin and put on my deodorant and finished by brushing my teeth. I pulled out all the pins holding my hair in place and ruffled it to get out the water that had fallen into it. I hesitantly reached for the bag my mother had given to me and I emptied the contents out on the counter.

I nervously eyed all the sheer lace and silk garments that lay in front of me. It appeared that mother had only showed me the outer silk layer last night, as the scantier pieces of the ensemble were now present. I stared at the pieces of lingerie trying to build up enough courage to put them on.

“Damn it Summer. What are you so afraid of? It is only sex. Sex with Thorn, your husband, who loves you. You only get to have one first time, so it has to be done right.” I cussed softly and I dropped the bathrobe and hurriedly slipped into the scanty ensemble before I lost my nerve again. I picked up all my clothes that were scattered on the floor and placed them into a straw wash basket sitting at one corner of the room. I came back to the mirror and ran my hand through my hair one final time before I moved to the door.

I turned the knob and pulled the door open. The room was mainly dark except for the hundreds of small glowing candles scattered all over the room. Then I saw him standing at the window, looking out at the sea. He’d changed as well. He was dressed in loose, white cotton pants and a shirt that billowed in the coastal air.

The door clicked softly as I closed it behind me, and it was only then that he looked around. He closed the window and stepped away from it before walking towards the middle of the room until he stood directly in front of me. I watched his hand, as he slowly traced it down my arm and then back up to my neck, where his fingers traced my jawline.

I slowly lifted my eyes up to his face and found his scintillating grey eyes being poured into mine. I opened my mouth to say something but I forgot what it was.

“This afternoon when I lifted your veil, I thought that it was impossible for you to look more beautiful than you did at that moment. Then I saw you walk out the door, and for the first time in my life, I knew that I was wrong.” he paused. “Tonight you've left me completely breathless.” he whispered as he placed his other hand around my waist.

I felt my knees starting to shake again, but I quickly steadied myself. “At least you have started breathing again because I’m still holding my breath,” I said looking at him and then dropping my stare to his chest.

He tilted my face up so that I could look at him. He brought his head slowly down to my face, where he brushed his lips gently against mine. All the fear I’d felt earlier quickly dissipated, as with animal-like desire, I twisted my hands around his neck and pulled in closer to him. I closed my eyes as I kissed him fervently.

I felt his hand fall from my neck and around to my back where they were loosening the string holding my outer covering in place. As soon as he loosened it, his hands moved back up to my shoulders, slipping the thin straps down my arms, until the piece of garment fell listlessly to the floor.

I reluctantly pulled away from him and grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it up over his head and dropped it onto the floor. I slowly ran my hands over the hard planes of his silvery chest and traced my fingers over the smooth scar that was slashed across his waist, which made it seem to glow softly in the candle light. His muscles were hard, yet his skin so soft, silky and warm. An unimaginably wonderful contrast.

He seemed to tremble a little at my touch, a response that was both frightening and flattering at the same time. Frightening because we both were new to this, and were moving more out of instinct than rational thought. Flattering because I’ve never had someone quake under my touch before, which meant I must have done something right.

I stepped back up to him and placed a soft trail of kisses from his chest, up to his neck and jaw. I heard him groan softly as he brushed his nose along my cheek...soon his lips were again crushed against mine.

I curled my toes gently as he gently lifted me from the floor and walked towards the bed. I moved the nets to one side that we could climb under. He rested my head gently against a pillow, as he hovered over me. I savoured the cool scent of his body as it lay so close to mine.

“I love you,” he said huskily, his breathing accelerated as his eyes bore into mine.

“I love you too,” I said nervously, before wrapping my legs around his waist pulling him in closer to me.

The air had a strange scent of salt mixed with smoke and scented oils. I felt the warm rays of the morning’s first light as it filtered through the thin, white netting. I lifted my head from his shoulder so that I could get a better look at his face. He was still asleep, the planes of his face were relaxed, peaceful, beautiful. The flawless canvas of perfection. No sign of the worry lines that usually creased his forehead whenever he was around me. A few strands of his dark hair lay across his face. I moved slowly as not to wake him and slowly brushed the strands back in place.

His eyes slowly opened and he smiled as he looked up at me. “Good morning beautiful. You are awake.” I could feel his chest reverberate softly as he spoke. He then roped his arm around my bare back.

“I didn’t want to wake you,” I whispered and I ran my fingers along the planes of his chest and left my hand there.

“I’m already up, besides I don’t mind being awakened by this face. In fact, I look forward to seeing it every morning for centuries to come. You seem happy this morning.” he said returning my smile and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear.

“What can I say, I had an amazing night,” I said chuckling softly after replaying last night’s events in my mind.

“Amazing, really.” he seemed pleased. “No pain, soreness?” his eyebrows lifting.

“None that I can remember. I can only remember me holding you and wanting more, wanting to give you more.” I replied shyly. Last night he was so careful, gentle and attentive to my needs, constantly ensuring that I wasn’t experiencing any sort of discomfort.

Last night was an unimaginably, unforgettably wonderful phenomenon. It was like the coming together of two antagonistic forces of nature, working moving together as one. Like a drought and a thunderstorm occurring at the same time. Impossible, yet so magnificently possible.

It was like an innate need, a hunger I never knew that I was burning within me, until he’d started feeding me and I, never wanting it to end.

“What about you? How was your night? Honestly.” I said biting my lip nervously.

“Honestly, I can say you were the best I’ve ever had.” he chuckled.

“That doesn’t say much considering that I’m the only one you’ve ever had,” I said tapping him lightly on the chest. “Seriously though,” I said furrowing my brows, which he smoothed out with his fingers.

“I can’t exactly put it to words. Saying that was amazing would be an understatement. It was nothing shorter than magic.” he said thoughtfully looking at the ceiling and then back at me. “You were wonderful. If I’d known that it was going to be anything like last night, I might have reconsidered my stance about waiting until marriage,” he said smiling.

“Is that so?” I grinned. I’d always felt that somehow, I was undeserving of someone like Thorn, and this had always forced me into wanting to be something more for him. I wanted to be as perfect for him, as he was for me. I’d often wondered if when the time came for this, if I’d be enough for him, and now I knew.

I was.

“Yes, it is so.” he smiled.

I threw my leg around his waist and huddled closer to him as I looked into the warm sea of his grey eyes. He seemed to understand the message in my eyes. His response was automatic, as with a ferromagnetic force, he crushed himself against me and soon we were linked together in our happy place...our very happy place.

May 24, 1984

It is an honour they say, to be the consort of the king and I indeed feel honoured. I had long given up the notion of ever having love or feeling it. In fact that word had long disappeared from the vocabulary of our kind. It was myth told by those far older than myself. Lunes no longer felt, we just did.

After spending the evening together in his chamber, my king confided that he believed that a threat was being posed to our clan by a wayward Lune. He said that he’d tracked the traitor to Germany and believed that he was heading to France. I asked what he wanted me to do, and he informed me that it was my duty to find and eliminate the threat. He explained that the traitor lacked our stringent training and would be an easy target for me to eliminate. Not that I was inept. It was no secret that I was the best soldier in the Guard.

I was both honoured and elated at my new mission, although it sounded more like a wild goose chase, as I had no name nor even a picture to identify the target. I didn’t say that to him though. I was not foolish enough to think that I was indispensable. I’d seen him take the lives of his closest friends over simple disagreements.

It has been a few years since I have left Tir-na-n Óg as I was stuck with performing my womanly duties to the king. Though pleasant, I was getting bored. Frankly, I wanted more. Selfishness and greed were the best of my nature.

I leave in the morning and will return when the deed is done. It will be quick and painless .. for me at least.


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