
Chapter Plan

“So this is it? You are just going to leave. Years of service down the drain.”

Yes,” I replied simply. His face grew angrier. He was like a brother to me for years. It would be hard having to leave him behind. But what he was proposing was against everything I stood for. “I am tired of giving service. I want to live the rest of my life out quietly and what you are proposing is madness. You will die.”

“You don’t know that.”

“I do. They killed Omayra. Omayra!” I said turning to face him. “The Guard has sworn fealty to North. Let this rest.” I said coming to put my hand on his shoulder. He looked at my hand for more than a second before he brushed it off and walked away.

“Maybe you are right. You are not ready for this. You’ve gotten soft over the years. The old you would have said yes in a heartbeat.”

“The old me, the eager me. The one who had something to prove. I have nothing to left to prove.” I said watching him. His shoulders moved up and down, the way they did whenever he was angry or ready to attack. My hand moved instinctively down to the hilt of my sword.

“I too am tired of service.” his shoulders coming to a still. I withdrew my hand and folded it with the other in front of me.

“You don’t want to do this,” I warned.

“You don’t get to tell me what I want!” he said turning sharply to face me.

“The Lunes are no longer at war. This could be the start of a new era. Peace like we haven’t known for almost five hundred years. You are willing to destroy that because of greed. That is absurd and you are going to fail!” I shouted back.

“Maybe if I was working alone, I would. But I have help.”

“Not my help.”

“Of course not friend, you’ve stated your position quite clearly. My help is what we would call a generational gift from Ay.”

“What are you talking about?”

“All will be revealed in time,” he said as he threw something at me. I caught it.

“What is this?” I said looking at the small brown book.

“Read and you’ll find out,” he said with a slight smile. “It might change your mind about joining me.”

“I highly doubt that. On my word I will not.” his smile widened. Half confident half terrifying. He had a plan. A good one. The new Grand Lune was in trouble.

“Ah well. You always were one to keep your word. This is farewell, your resignation will be expected soon I take it.”


“Well, it was a good walk with you.”

“It was. For the sake of our clan, I hope you fail. But for sake of our friendship, I hope you don’t. ”

“Thank you and goodbye friend,” he said smiling.

“Goodbye. Friend.” I replied. He nodded once and closed the door after he walked out.

I looked at the curious book in my hand. What could possibly be so special about this book that could change the lives of so many forever?

I walked over to the chair in the corner and sat down. I flipped the cover open and read.

23rd day of March 1800

This is the diary of whom-shall-not-be-named, offspring of the nameless, servant of self but who from henceforth shall be referred to as R.

The secrets written within are chronicles of my own experiences, thoughts, and wishes. These words are intended for my eyes only. But I would be ignorant if I ignored the possibility that it might land in hands other than my own. That is, by chance, it is lost, stolen, or may outlast me upon my death. Then to the proprietor, I say take care.

The truth of my words need not be questioned, but if it so happens that it be read by any other than myself I take wanton care for what they may make of, feel or use the knowledge they’ve gleaned from the reading.

The truth is what you make it. The outcome of its use is all a matter of moral conscience. The result may heal, but it may also hurt.

But these are my words. Use them how you will.

I am young and I know little, but many are younger and know even less. These are my memories, as they are my lessons.

Lessons are lessons, regardless of the teacher. No one is above learning, not even learning from self.

This diary is my reminder of that.


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