Arith : The Undiscovered Planet

Chapter CHAPTER 8

Derek felt his life was over . His son, his only son, the only contact he had , his only hope was gone, just like his wife, his brother-in-law. All gone from space travel. He wept. What had he done to deserve this ? Even when he wanted to bury his son , there was no body.

Although his Friends , Eric friends and other well wishers came to comfort him, he felt all alone. So he wasn’t ever seeing his beloved son again? He should not have allowed Eric go into this. He also regretted involving Tessy . Although, she came back , she was so broken , her skin was torn in all places. She looked like a patched up doll.

Tessy was placed in the Intensive Care Unit . She breathed with the help of a ventilator . It was so sad looking at her in the hospital , knowing this was his fault. Oh GOD! He wept. This was too much ! Could life be any worse? He was mourning his son and tending to his friend who was nearly dead , broken, greatly injured , unconscious on bed in the hospital .

At first, he had thought Tessy was dead. But the doctor said she wasn’t . As he sat by her bed, he knew she would survive this … hopefully.


After the burial of his son Eric , well he buried Eric’s picture. He was so downhearted to not see Eric’s body. Thanks to the comfort of his friends . He would have done something his son, Eric wouldn’t be proud of , in his depressed state. It was now too obvious that these incidents were intended.

Now, three weeks after the ‘burial’ , he was determined to unravel this situation. He was going to make known to the depraved people, who he was. You don’t mess with him and go scot-free . Well he decided to reach his friend who was a private detective ; Lincoln . Derek had asked him to watch Zach . So he called Lincoln.

Lincoln picked up on the first ring.

“Derek, hope you are okay now” Lincoln asked, he was really concerned. He had been with Derek, giving him comfort.

“I’m trying to be”.

“I will do everything possible to solve this”

“Okay thanks”

“Derek , I have records of Zach and his activities. Well I do not think he is involved in this”.

“You can’t be so sure Lincoln, everything just points to him”.

“It may seem so, but I have reasons to say this”.

“Okay, may we see later in the day”?

“Okay, I will come over”.

“Till then”.

Derek hung up and thought about what his friend just told him. There was just no way Zach would not be a part of this. The wicked boy even came to console him. People really have guts! He was very sure that Zach and a very prominent person were part of this. He was always present during this occurrences. But, he wasn’t with Eric in space this time, he thought. Oh! He remembered Zach came to bade Eric goodbye shortly before the launch. That was when he carried out the act . Derek was very sure . I have finally gotten you! He said to himself. You’re definitely going down. Yes, you and your group.


Lincoln and Derek sat down in Derek’s courtyard, discussing.

“So you’re saying Zach, doesn’t know anything about these attacks on my son”.

“I’ve been watching him for a month now, although he goes out at odd hours, I do not think he’s the threat”.

Derek just looked at him for a moment and decided to drop the bombshell.

“You think, I will just be suspicious of Zach? Well now for the record, Zach gave my son a drugged meal. Shortly afterwards, Eric was nearly killed by an assassin. This was after he’d given my son the drugged food and had left. So you think I would just say he had something to do with this incident without looking into facts ? If not that I came to see Eric, he would have been killed. Well… they still got him afterall”.

Lincoln just looked at him and shook his head.

“You’re right” he said. “But are you so sure he drugged the food? If he had done that, do you think he would have openly given it to Eric? Well Derek, I promise I will look deeply into this. Okay”?

“Okay Lincoln, I will carry out investigations as you go on with yours, I need to get to the bottom of this”.

“We will definitely, I assure you. I really have to watch Zach’s movement, his company and all”.

“Okay thanks Lincoln”.

“I will see Tessy tomorrow”.

“Her condition is still very critical. She is still breathing with ventilators.

“This is so sad”

“Really sad. I can’t believe the ever vibrant Tessy would ever be like that”.

“It is the evil that people put up. Whoever did this, hope they’re happy wherever they are”.

“They are absolutely failures”

Lincoln nodded.

“With all these that have occurred , I think we are up against ‘snakes’.

Derek already knew that, but this time, he was past caring.

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