Arith : The Undiscovered Planet

Chapter CHAPTER 5

Eric and Zach were playing golf with their other mates. It had been two weeks they came back from space. Hence, they were fully recovered. As they played golf, Eric studied Zach and decided that he would have to tell someone about his upcoming ‘travel’. He didn’t know why he felt like doing so.

“Zach, let’s get water, aren’t you thirsty”?

Eric said, looking for an excuse to have Zach alone.

“Well… sure, let’s go”.

They left their friends behind and went to the room where they kept water and food for people exercising. After collecting their bottle drinks, Eric signalled Zach and they got to the back of the building. He relayed the message to Zach.

“Now bro, if you discover that people are actually stealing this element, what are you going to do about it ? Considering the fact that if this is true, it means that we have a betrayer if not betrayers in our midst . And there’s no way you can send them to prison because, there’s no proof. We really have to dig in deep”.

“Well bro, nobody is above the law, I know it would really be difficult to crack this case. But justice must take it’s course”.

“Okay, sorry there’s not much I can do. But I definitely wish you the best of luck” .

“Thanks Zach, this means a lot to me”.

“So when do you intend going”?

“My aunt’s doing the arrangements. I will call her to know what’s up”.

“Oh good bro, it’s good you have an aunt, whose rank is high”.

“Well, I feel lucky. Thanks dear”.

Having discussed, they went back to playing with their friends.


In a dark room, six people sat discussing, each with a glass of wine. Mr Kennedy, Mr Josh ; his son and others. The leader of this group, Mr Kennedy, stood up with a glass of wine and said:

“We toast to our everlasting partnership. Cheers everyone. Nothing is ever getting in our way” he said with a smirk.

The others smirked and nodded. Cheering at each other and drank from their glasses. Now everything has been put in place.

“Do what you have to do” he said looking at each person.

“Absolutely”! Everyone chorused.

Mr Kennedy smiled at this and they kept drinking…


Four days later, Zach came to visit Eric in his apartment. Eric was glad of the company. He had been feeling a bit depressed lately, he wasn’t a pessimist. But what if something went wrong with his upcoming space exploration? What if he didn’t come back? Well, he hoped to be successful.

“Hi bro “ he greeted Zach.

“Hello bro” and they hugged each other.

They went into the apartment . Zach dropped the bag he was with and Eric couldn’t help but wonder what was in it. Hope it wasn’t their training gears. He didn’t want to talk about any of that now. Well, Zach surprised him and started talking about things going on instead.

“Eric, you weren’t in class two days ago and yesterday. What’s happening”?

“I guess I’m occupied with my upcoming exploration”. He tried to answer indifferently.

“Don’t give me that bro. Is there any way I can help”?

“Help? How do you mean dear”?

“I’m not sure, just asked. By the way, you must be hungry”.

“Well, about that … I’m supposed to go see my aunt . We could go together. She would be happy to see you Zach”.

“Okay , wait … now? Isn’t she supposed to lecture students now? I met her in class today.

“We will see her some other time then”.

“Sure Eric, let me get what I brought you”.

“Oh really? That’s my bro. So what did you bring me”?

Zach opened his bag and brought out a lunch box and handed it to Eric. When Eric opened it, he whistled. He was very happy.

“Thanks so much bro. I never knew you could cook. You and I always eat out”.

“There wasn’t always time for us to cook. Well I want to know if you like it or not”.

As Eric was about eating, his phone rang. Aunt Tessy’s name popped up on his screen. He picked up.

“Eric, sorry it escaped my mind”? She greeted.

“Hello aunt and how are you doing too”? Eric said rolling his eyes and playfully winked at Zach, who laughed quietly.

“Hi Eric , there wasn’t any need for the sarcasm”.

“Oh lovely, aunty. Zach just told me you have a class now”.

“Oh he did” She said.

“Yes, so when you’re back, let me know”.

“Definitely dear”.

“Is he still with you”?

“For now, he is”.

“Like when will he leave”?

“He will soon leave, today is his mum’s death anniversary”.

“Oh true dear, I will even get flowers for her grave later . Alright love”

“See you soon love”.

They hung up and Zach said:

“Looking at the relationship between you and your aunt, people would think she’s your mum”.

“Of course, she is my second mum”.


When Zach had gone, Eric ate the food he brought. The food tasted so nice. He couldn’t believe Zach prepared it. Oh ! Then it dawned on him that Zach's sister ; Tara might had prepared it. Zach didn’t have to tell him, he just knew. Eric smiled at that. So after eating, he decided to sleep because he felt tired. Well, he had been feeling tired lately; lots of things on his mind.

Eric woke up feeling so heavy. He felt something had woken him up, he didn’t know what it was. Well maybe it was his raging thoughts … then he heard it ; a crouching sound… just close to him there. Danger! He thought. Right on cue, he threw his body to the left as a steel weapon whipped past him to the right. Oh ! He thought, they were here to kill him. Well whoever this was, would wish he hadn’t followed the orders.

Eric had always gone for defense classes. So he always had a sword with him. But the sword in question, was at this moment, in his storage room. He had to save himself defenceless, by warding off any hit from his attacker. Though his senses were dulled by a raging headache, he still managed to dodge another blow from his attacker.

But he didn’t realize his attacker was a pro in this. His attacker pretended to hit him and when Eric dodged, the attacker already anticipated his next move. So he hit Eric head on and Eric saw stars. That nearly finished him. The hit had completely dulled his senses. His attacker posed to deliver the final hit that would end him, Eric knew this was the end.

He would have died if not that his dad called out unexpectedly.


This stopped his attacker and before anything could happen, his attacker ‘disappeared into thin air'. The person, whoever they were, was very fast to get away. He wasn’t so sure anymore. Being weak from the headache and the death blow.


His dad called out again and that was when he realized that his dad was knocking on his bedroom door. But how had his attacker entered his room? He looked around slowly, his head was killing him. Then he saw the Windows in his room, they we’re broken. So the attacker knew about his windows. Wow! So great.

He managed to get up and open his door for his dad. His dad looked very scared.

“I have been knocking son …” his dad stopped talking and was looking at him strangely. What’s up with these looks? Eric thought.

Then he felt it, liquid slowly running down his face.

“Oh my GOD son! You’re bleeding !” His dad managed to say. Eric felt the room spin and was unconscious of everything afterwards.

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