Arith : The Undiscovered Planet

Chapter CHAPTER 17

The day came for Eric , Kelvin , Bryan and Jesse to meet with Derek. Bryan and Jesse were very happy for Kelvin and Eric. As they were about going out , Eric got a call. A strange number was calling. He hated interruptions at a time like this and ignored the call . But his phone kept ringing . Kelvin touched his shoulders and gave him the 'eye' that said ‘pick up and listen to what the caller has to say'. Eric sighed, there was no other choice but to answer the call. He did just that. He narrowly avoided barking into his phone.

“Yeah” Eric said with a dull voice. His face had turned a dark hue, due to his suppressed anger.

“Its someone you may not know”. The caller said , slowly.

My phone was ringing for this? Eric asked himself. He wanted telling whoever it was, to fuck off . But the caller interrupted his speech.

When Eric didn’t say anything, the caller spoke.

“Your whereabouts have been known by your adversaries. For your own good, do not go to the bridge as discussed with your dad, if you do that, you’d meet with assassins. You know what this means. Was it a smirk he heard in the caller's voice?

“Who are you”? Eric spit out . “And why should I believe your story”?

“Fine. Let me introduce myself. My name is Malik, Kennedy’s greatest enemy”.

Eric lost his patience.

“And who the hell is Malik? How did you get my number? How am I supposed to believe this? Could be you’re playing games, you know what, I’m not ready for any games”.

This had to come when he was about meeting his dad. Who would betray them here? Was it the co-commander who had asked them to lay low? The funny thing here was Eric believed this caller but he had to play hard, to believe. His uncle and Jesse touched his shoulders, They heard everything because the call was on speaker. They could see the caller was talking sense and so nodded at Eric, who did likewise. He shrugged his broad shoulders.

“Did you say play games? Believe me when I start my games , you’d know”.

“What’s in this for you”? Eric asked Malik.

“I was working with Lincoln, your dad’s hired detective . Down the line, he was shot. I’m here to alert you Eric. For the record, I have gone into hiding because, a hit was called on me, just so you know . Now do you believe me or not”?

“I believe you Mr Malik” Eric said.

“You can call your dad now and can all of you meet me in Dellon Cement Factory”?

“Okay, thanks Malik, we will be there”.

And that was the end of the of the call, Eric had wanted to ignore.

Eric signaled the others to come closer.

“We have a spy here” he whispered, “We have to be very smart in this , let’s just pretend we’re going to meet my dad close to the bridge , okay”?

The others smirked and nodded at this. A very good plan.

“Your father must be waiting Eric, let’s go meet him . Hurray!” Bryan exclaimed, trying to throw-off whosoever was listening on their conversation.


Derek was in the hospital with Lincoln when Eric had called. He had to pinch himself to be certain he wasn’t dreaming. Eric my son is alive! He was so glad. He wouldn’t be alone again. His life which had been on hold had started again. I can’t wait to see you son , he thought.

So that night, he was ready to see his son on the bridge as they had discussed. He was beaming with smiles and asked the Dante to look after Lincoln. He told the doctor the reason for his cheerful demeanor, when Dante had looked at him pointedly, maybe thinking he was on to something. As usual, the doctor was ready to do anything great for a friend. He did as Derek asked.

As Derek left the hospital, his phone rang. His son was calling. He’s very impatient to see me, Derek thought smiling.

“I’m on my way son”.

“Dad something just came up, can you come over to Dellon Cement Factory? I’m there waiting dad”.

Derek wanted asking why. But he would find out when he got there right? Eric knew the right thing to do .

“Okay son , I will be there”.

And he drove to the place.


It was a very emotional reunion. Father and son couldn’t let go of each other. They were squeezed in an inseparable embrace. The others looked on smiling through tears at the fondness displayed.

“Son, you weigh more” Derek said laughing, when he attempted to lift Eric and failed. Eric laughed at his father’s weak attempt .

“Your hair has increased in length son”.

They continued teasing each other. It was during the pause of their embrace, that Derek looked at the others and saw his late wife’s twin brother, Kelvin. It had been so long.

“I’m so glad for Arith. It kept you two for me”. Said Derek to Kelvin. Their hug was short but emotive.

“You didn’t change one bit Derek. You look just the same” Kelvin said.

“I should be telling you that, you didn’t age a day. As for me, after all these that I passed through , I agree” Derek said.

“Trust me, you didn’t. Just look like one of Eric’s friends”.

Derek didn’t know if he was to believe Kelvin or not. He looked at his son for clarification. When Eric nodded and smiled, he turned to Kelvin and said:

“Hmmm, thanks if you guys believe so”.

“We know so” Kelvin and the others chorused . Derek laughed out at this . When Eric introduced his fiancée Jesse, Derek was ecstatic.

“I have finally met you sir…”

“Please call me Derek” Derek politely interrupted.

“Oh … Okay. Eric always spoke about you. I could even describe you without having to see you Derek”.

“Oh really”? Derek asked looking at Eric fondly.

Eric winked at his dad and both of them shared a secret smile.

When Bryan was introduced, Derek said:

“The best thing in life is to have a friend you can trust . Thank you for always been there for Kelvin, when he felt alone in your planet”.

Eric was glad his father didn’t ask of his mum, on seeing Kelvin. He already knew she didn’t make it. Eric was very impressed by his dad’s control. It would have been really sad if his dad had broken down after all the merriment.

Derek relayed the situation to Eric , and the others.

“Our adversaries went this far, only because they did not want to be exposed? They had to murder people who got in their way”. Bryan said.

Everyone nodded.

“Well this situation, made you guys discover yourselves, your good friends, as you are now” Derek said looking at them, so proud.

This made them laugh, holding their partners.

A noise behind them , brought the merriment to an end. Each of them thinking it was their enemy. But Eric being the ever adventurous one among them, turned back and saw a heavily built man coming towards them . The man looked about sixty years of age. He looked Russian as well. if he was coming to ambush them, he’d already failed, because he it was five against one. Erik just stared daringly, at the man coming.

The others seeing Eric’s brave stance, followed suit, each staring at the Russian .


Malik, had stood there for about one hour, watching the reunion. He watched as Eric and his dad acted like siblings. He could imagine the sort of pain, Derek had gone through, when he thought he had lost his wife, son and brother-in-law. He had watched the other three, who were just looking in on the scene. Malik saw when these other three joined in the merriment ; a wonderful reunion, he thought.

It seemed they had forgotten his meeting with them. Well, he wouldn’t just stand by and not tell these people the situation. Although his entrance in the scene would pause this wonderful moment, he had to make known to these people who their real friends were. So off he went to meet them. He made sure to make some noises, at least to alert them of his entrance. And it got the desired effect.


The Russian came to a halt before them and said:

“Hi , I’m Malik”.

At his introduction, everyone’s eyes looked at him with recognition but Derek’s was laced with suspicions.

Malik decided to explain things to them.

“For the record, I am Kennedy’s bodyguard and technician”. Malik said looking at all and continued.

“I am on your side because, I was cheated by him in position. I have worked very hard to be in the I.S.E.A. I came before Kennedy, but he had the upper hand and used his influence to become the leader. When I saw I couldn’t be the head, I went for the second-in-command position”.

“But you know what? I was demoted because he falsely accused me of the death of Miranda; your wife Derek. There were footages of me strapping in Miranda before her space exploration. So Kennedy reported that I made the fatal mistake which led to her death. His son, Josh became the second in command. Thus I became one of the technical crew. I would have resigned, but thought it wise to know who really killed Miranda. And I did”.

“All these years, I had been watching, till I got the video clips of Kennedy’s meetings , where they talked about their illegal dealings. I got to Lincoln and gave him the clips, which he wanted giving to you Derek, before he got shot. I tried being subtle in my activities. But someone they referred to as the executioner, mentioned me. And that was how Kennedy ordered the hit on me. I have been into hiding”.

Everyone nodded slowly, the picture clearer to them now. They were deep in thought. Malik looked at them and expected a particular question .He wouldn’t give the answer until he was asked. So he waited observing them.

“How did you get the video clips”? Eric asked. Well this wasn’t the question he was waiting for. But he would definitely answer it.

“I am a technician Eric, I installed the cameras in the office, which was a very risky thing to do, but I did it all the same. I also used ear phones to listen to their conversations in the office from my hiding place”.

“That’s brave of you Malik” Eric said teasingly. But Malik just stared at Eric , he was in a serious mode. So Eric shrugged, since he couldn’t move the stuck-up man.

“A question for you, how did you get to my private detective, Lincoln”? Derek asked.

Malik smiled widely at this. This was the question he was expecting. So he answered:

“First of, Lincoln is an in-law to me. We’d never met before that incident. I knew him facially but he didn’t. We got to meet during an incident , to tell you the truth, he was nearly shot by me because I caught him eavesdropping on my associate and I”. Malik said walking around the room. The others just stood silent, starring at him.

“Now another question for you, Mr Malik, who’s this associate of yours”?

Malik smiled , here it is. The question that held many secret answers. He opened his mouth and told them.

And this brought about a deafening silence in the room.

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