Arith : The Undiscovered Planet

Chapter CHAPTER 15

Back at Arith, Eric ,Kelvin, John and Bryann were conversing with the C. S. R astronaunts. Declan was intrigued to find much more incriminating news about Kennedy ; he arch enemy, than the ones he already had.

“His son ; Josh betrayed my sister and I” Kelvin said. Declan was very sure that Josh had done what his dad wanted and made it known to Kelvin.

“He didn’t want us to expose his illegal acts and I lost my sister in the process” Kelvin added , with barely controlled anger. “I’m glad we have you; someone who can bring him down”.

“He killed my sister and attempted to set me on fire” . That was a bombshell, Derek dropped. Eric and the others looked on in shock, they were completely overcome with hate for this Kennedy of a man. Declan on seeing the surprise on their faces, told them the incident.

After the death of his sister Laura, Declan started with the fire service . He felt helping people was the best option , having lost his only sibling. This was before he enrolled for astronomy. Working in the fire service, gave him a feeling of satisfaction. But this feeling was short-lived. Declan , who wasn’t a cheerful guy surprised his parents and even himself. He had lots of friends who he believed would always be there for him.

Declan always went for hikes, with four of his closest friends. So that fateful night, after his hiking exercise, he bade his friends good night and drove home. After he showered, he checked his supplies and realized there was no milk for tea. He decided to get it from a nearby store. The store was just a stone throw from his house. As he was about moving out, his phone rang. A strange number was calling.

If he hadn’t picked up, none of what was coming would have happened. But being himself, thinking of helping someone in need, he picked up. It was one of his friends, Mike, who had been with him during the hike.

“Bro please, can you get over here very quickly, my kitchen is on fire” Mark had begged urgently.

Declan needed no other words and off he drove to Mark’s house with his fire extinguishing apparatus. Mark’s house was about five minutes drive. In no due time, he got there and rushed over to the house.

“Mark! Mark!” he had called.

There was no answer and funnily enough, he had left his phone back at home , in his haste to get to Mark. Hence, he couldn’t call him.He Did know how to get to Mike, being that the gates of Mike’s compound were locked. Declan was so frantic in his search for Mark that he did not see the figures creeping behind him. Unexpectedly, a heavy blow was delivered, to his temple. The impact made him fall on his face. Declan felt himself going unconscious. The pain had dulled all his senses. When strong hands took hold of his shoulders and turned him over, on his back, he managed to see the hazy image of Kennedy smirking down at him . He could neither move nor talk but that didn’t stop the second blow from coming. And this finished him.

Declan woke up in the hospital. He had burns all over his arms and shoulders. Kennedy and the other boys had left Declan in a building and had set it on fire. His saviour had been Mark , who had betrayed him. According to Mark, Kennedy and the other boys had siezed and beaten him up, they had forced him to call Declan. They thought him dead and forgot about him when Declan arrived.

When they left Declan in the burning building, Mark came and rescued him.

“I was very angry at Mark, but on second thoughts, I overlooked everything, because he saved me.

At this point, Mark was sleeping. Although he wasn’t with them in their discussion , he was among the C .S. R crew that came to Arith. He and Declan had resolved their differences and were good presently.

“Kennedy had done so much to me and now it’s between us” said Declan as he concluded story. “Lets get ready for our travel back to Earth”.

Eric, Kelvin, John and Bryann nodded at Declan and his crew.

They were to travel to Earth the next day.


Back in Earth, at the hospital, the doctor, Dante sat by Lincoln’s bed. Derek had gone home to get refreshed and supplies for Lincoln. He had explained everything to the doctor. Derek asked him to keep watch over Lincoln for thirty minutes, that he would definitely be back soon. The doctor , who was already their friend was delighted to do that for a friend. Hence, the doctor sat waiting by Lincoln’s bed, waiting for Derek’s return and kept watch.

Ten minutes later, Derek came back.

“Oh! You’re back so soon” Dante greeted.

“I had to hurry over” Derek answered.

“What happened to your voice ? It seems cracked”

“The food I had , was so spicy. I chocked” Derek answered.

“Sorry about that, maybe I should get you water” The doctor was sympathetic.

“It’s alright doctor, believe me I drank a lot of water, my voice will be as good as before”.

Dante smiled and nodded at his words, he stood to leave.

“Okay then, I have to get to my duties, check on you guys later”.

“Okay Dante stood to leave and discovered that there were bits of wet patches on Derek’s shit , he was sweating . But his face was devoid of sweat. This is so strange, Dante thought. And why did he start calling me by my title instead of my name. I thought we agreed on calling each other’s names, Dante thought again.

“Well that’s that” he said to himself and left.

As he left Lincoln’s room, he saw something and stood at an abrupt halt. Right there coming towards him from the hospital's entrance was Derek! What?! He just him in Lincoln’s room! If Derek was coming towards him, then who was that in the room with the patient?

Without wasting time, Dante veered back frantically to Lincoln’s room and to his utmost dismay, the fake Derek was gone. He immediately removed the drips , they placed on Lincoln , because the assassin might had injected Lincoln’s drip. Dante called on nurses and new drips were brought. The security was alerted to stop the assassin. But whoever it was, got away quickly. After all, he was a trained assassin.

Derek came rushing after Dante, wondering what was wrong. The look the doctor gave him, before heading back to Lincoln’s room, had shaken his core. When he saw the frantic movements of the medical personnels, his fear was already confirmed. How had the Dante allowed the situation to occur? He had told the doctor to be extra careful in watching over Lincoln. Just thirty minutes and this happened? Derek didn’t even stay till that time! Lincoln please be alive for me, he prayed.

“Thanks to GOD” Derek said , when the doctor told him that they had succeeded in extracting the injected poison in time.

“I’m never leaving your side again Lincoln” Derek said quietly but with conviction. And… something occurred to him . The killer was among them, if not, there was just no way they would had known of his leave.

All these while, Lincoln just slept on , oblivious of the worry for him and his near death.


The fake Derek walked briskly towards a dark opening. It was the executioner. The mask bearing Derek’s face had been buried. All thanks to the informant, who made Derek’s leave known. Derek ruined their near success plan. This made the executioner depressed, in passing the terrible news to the boss. Mr Kennedy had to know about this! The executioner decided to call the boss. Kennedy picked up on the fourth ring.

“I’ve heard of your failure” he greeted.

This shook the executioner to the core and didn’t want to be on the blackbook of Mr Kennedy.

“I will go again sir. I swear to you”.

“You’re no longer eligible for this, someone else has to replace you, another assignment has to be given you”.

The executioner knew better than to argue with the boss. The only option was silence and listening to the boss.

“Your wish sir, is my command”.

“Very well then, and make sure you are close for updates”

“Okay sir, thank you for giving me the opportunity to prove myself to you sir. I am forever grateful for everything have done for me ; when I was living in the streets , without purpose”.

“Yeah. Your assignment remains the same , keep up with the pretense”.

“Copy that sir”.

The executioner smiled at that and remembered the first day they met the boss, when all hope was lost. How Mr Kennedy took them in.

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