Arith : The Undiscovered Planet

Chapter CHAPTER 10

Eric couldn’t believe that he was in a planet like Earth. It was so airy and the temperature was moderate. Well … for now it was moderate, his uncle had told him that at certain periods, it would be so scorched, and cold that some people could get very sick, unlike Earth. He was so glad that this planet had saved him. He was also very glad to see Kelvin The man he had believed dead. Kelvin said his mother didn’t make it, like him. He was very sad about it.

Although, he had believed his mum had died years back, his hope returned when he saw his uncle. But now , that hope vanished when his uncle had relayed the bad news to him. He just had to keep staying strong, for his dad. The more he looked at uncle Kelvin, the more he missed his mum. They really really looked alike.

John their saviour, made Eric and his uncle feel at home in Arith . Also Kelvin made a best friend named Bryann, they lived together. John introduced his children to Eric. They all got along fine. Within three weeks of Eric’s stay in Arith , he was already familiar with John’s children particularly his last daughter Jesse , who was a year younger than him.

As the days went by , Eric couldn’t help but think about aunt Tessy , they’d both spun away and lost each other. He survived, did that mean she survived too ? If he hadn’t dragged her into this, she wouldn’t have been in danger. He felt so bad and told his uncle about it.

“Oh Tessy was so close to your mum and I in high school. We parted ways and came back to work together in the I. S. E. A “ Kelvin said sadly .

They were in Kelvin’s courtyard enjoying the cool air. John gave Kelvin the house, as a welcome present when he had arrived Arith. Bryann had left his home to live with Kelvin. Their bond seemed so strong. The house they lived in , given to them (Kelvin, Bryann and now Eric) by John was a beautiful place. Everything seemed free.

“But what mission did you have to carry out with only Tessy”? His uncle asked.

“I looked into the element siredanium , that led mum to her death. I absolutely know that her death was intended. Dad said mum discovered that people had been stealing the element . So they killed her in order to hide the truth. I told aunt Tessy about this and we went to find out, only for this to happen”.

His uncle nodded and dropped the bombshell.

“Your mum and I were betrayed by Josh. He somehow broke out tethers, I don’t know how he did that and we floated away” .

Eric was so shocked that he dropped his cup of coffee. What? Why? The questions were so much in Eric’s head. Oh … it came as no surprise when he remembered that Josh his boss didn’t really like him. The whole scene just formed in Eric’s mind.

He could imagine Josh smirking at his mum while she floated away. Now, he remembered the looks his boss gave him; sometimes, sneering at him when he thought Eric wasn’t looking. Oh it all made sense now ! His thoughts were so far away that Kelvin had to bring him back.

“Eric”? His uncle shook him from his thoughts. Eric just blinked at his uncle.

“I know you’re furious about Josh. And he shall be dealt with. But here is what I want to tell you and it’s very important”.

“Your mum told your dad and I about the theft in space. She must have told someone else . Which I’m not sure about. Now Eric, the main enemy we have here, is the person who told Josh and Kennedy about your mum’s discovery. The person is still out there. That was how the vile men got to know about your space exploration and decided to stop you and Tessy. The only thing is that, Tessy got unlucky and you got lucky like me”.

Eric was furious.

“And that’s the more reason they would pay for this. They plotted against the two women that mean so much to me”.

He told his uncle about Zach ; his betrayal.

He tried calming down, of course he shouldn’t be furious at his uncle while the perpetrators were still at large.

“Uncle , I found a bracelet while exploring the siredanium . Kelvin was eager to see the first clue of the theft. He waited impatiently as Eric brought out the bracelet.

Eric had kept it with him all these while. He remembered when he first woke up in Arith, the bracelet was in his space suit. He had kept it safe. When Kelvin saw the bracelet, his face went blank. Kelvin produced an identical bracelet.

“This is your mum’s bracelet”. He said showing the one he brought out to Eric.

The one Eric held, Kelvin said it belonged to Olivia , Zach’s mum. Kelvin showed Eric where the initials ; ‘M’ and ‘O’ were painted. Indicating Miranda and Olivia. Olivia was already dead. So how come he found it, Eric thought. Could Zach have worn it? Afterall, he drugged him. So he should have worn it right ?

“This bracelet seems familiar to me” Eric said to Kelvin.

“Certainly, it should be, it belonged to your mum. But… she gave it to me on your fourth birthday and she hasn’t worn it since then. You must have very retentive memory dear” Kelvin looked at Eric in awe. Eric felt amused.

“Well … thanks uncle … but I have seen this bracelet lately. Maybe a flash . Someone was wearing it , I just wish I could remember”.

“You will definitely remember son, just give it a little time. This bracelet holds the key to our investigation”.

Eric nodded and they discussed further. Jesse came over and joined them.

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