Another End

Chapter 2


Home sweet home... Well, home was never here for me. I never thought I will come back! And after all those years I didn’t miss it! At all! 9 years, almost, and nothing has changed. Wow, not asking why I left...

”Well, it doesn’t turn how we were expecting.” says Chris.

“Absolutely not, how did I accept to lead the pack for a month! ” I can’t believe it! Lucky me!

Darius starts to laugh: “I wish I could see Anton’s Face when I will learn you are staying a month... at least”

He is enjoying this too much... As I don’t know that yet. Good thing he is not answering my phone and as I know him I would say he is not going to answer my calls for weeks.

”Doctor Farnsworth, what can you tell us about Alpha Liam health?” I asked turning toward her, not wanted to speak about the party pounder.

“ He is lucky to be alive. He is still feeling his wolf but is not able to speak with him. He is really weak and needs a lot of rest to have a chance to go through this without losing his wolf or his life. I already saw a few cases like his and they all die after a few days. He needs absolute rest.”

“ Why kind of poison do you think it is?” Asked Darius. Something told me I will not like the answer.

”I think he ingested a powerful poison. The LB Toxin I would say.” She said looking at me.

”How is it even possible? I thought the last flask had been destroyed months ago... Can you confirm it in some way? And if he has really ingested this poison why he is still breathing?” I asked her.

”I took a blood sample after I analyze it I will be able to confirm what kind of poison is in his system. For why he is still alive now I will say I would say because of his mate?”

“ What is so special about Eleonora?” Says Ezra. We all turn to look at him. Does is think before speaking. Actually yes...

“A strong love can save from everything... Almost” deepens Chris.

“ Well, he still needs to rest if possible in bed.” Says the doctor. She turned one more time back to me before to add: “ He needs someone to take over his alpha job during his recovery, it’s too stressful for his state.”

”Well he was so happy to see me, for sure knowing I will be the one leading his pack will not be another reason to be stress. No to forget I have a perfect knowledge of this pack!” My voice is full of sarcasm. Good job Anna-Lynn! Why live a simple life when you can complicate it all by your self. “ I will work with his father like that he will help me to lead the pack and I don’t give a reason to Alpha Markus to broke our deal. Hopefully, it will calm Liam to know I’m not leading his pack alone. ”

“ Yes, I think it’s what he wants for you to leave and not do your job as his “true” mate. But he needs you and I don’t trust Alpha Markus. He will strike as soon as he can.” Says Chris before asking Darius“ Do you still think he did that now because he wants to kill his mate?”

“ Definitely! He didn’t even look at her. I think he wants to claim another mate and he can’t if his true mate is wearing his mark. The only way is to kill her. After so long, I don’t see another logical explanation. It’s not like she was hiding. Everybody knew who she was and where she was.” He answers.

Chris nods to agree with him: “it’s true, I would like to know who wants to mate with him? If it’s willing.”

“In the case why not kill her directly. He could have, he succeeded to poison the Alpha” I asked.

“Ego, Alpha tends to have the biggest one. Killing the Alpha in combat also avoids war between two packs and he will have the biggest pack that never existed.” Chris tells me.

Yeah, it makes sense. “Something felt off about him. Are we sure he is nothing more than a werewolf?” I say thinking out loud.

“ We will try to check it. But I knew his parents and there were both werewolves” Says Chris. “ You should go meet the Alpha and see where you will stay and how it will work for the next month.”

I’m really worried about that poison but before I can voice my concerns he adds: “ And if it’s really that poison I will find who and how they provide it.” He knows me so well.

“ Thank you! Can you take all the disposition for Ducan, please I want to have him with me if I have to stay that long.”

He is thinking about it and tells me: “ He can stay with me and you can come to see him anytime you want. You will not have a lot of time for him with your alpha work. And I’m not sure they can guarantee his safety.”Before I can protest he says “ If it’s not working then I will send him to you.”

I nod not happy with that but knowing he’s right.


Right now I following Luna Marie and apparently I will be staying as far away as possible from everybody. What a surprise! Well, it’s not a bad thing. The meeting was short and went pretty as expected. Why can they see I’m here to help them, I’m not their enemy. We didn’t even speak about how we will do for the next month and didn’t ask Alpha Franck to help me. But Liam was looking tired and not well so I didn’t want to keep him up too long. Hopefully, in one month, everything will fix the way it should be... Cross finger, once a month we are enough to fix everything.

After walking for fifteen minutes, we arrived in a small isolate cabin in the middle of the wood. It’s really old and I’m not even sure there are water and electricity. When we enter in, it’s full of dust and there is no furniture. Great... In turn on the light and it’s working, at least this is good news. I already know how I will pass my first evening here, cleaning and renting furniture. I don’t think the will organize a welcome party if I’m lucky I will have a goodbye party! Who knows. I need to check if the 4G is working here. There is a high risk that will be my only social life here, so please please be working. I check my phone, hurray I have 4G!!! Happy dance, in my mind I’m not alone. Great I will order a pizza for tonight. Wait, can I be delivered here in the middle of nowhere?

In fact, this cabin is not that small and is well built. It just needs to be refreshed and it will be a nice place. Not that bad, and I like to have my privacy. Something tells me nobody will come here, except a spy if they don’t trust me.

“Thank you, it needs a refresh but it’s a nice place.”

“ Be happy, you have a place for free.” She says with a cold voice.

“Look, I’m here for a month so can You at least be nice and polite. I just want to do the right thing and help-”

“ The right thing would have to stay out of my son's life.”

“ Do you really believe I stand a chance with Liam?”

She laughed: “ You are delusional If you think you can have a mate here. Even if you feel the pull, YOU are nothing like Nora. She is the perfect Luna. And it’s Alpha Liam for you!”

“ I don’t have a wolf, so I don’t feel anything toward him. My point is we are on the same page. I don’t want him and even if I would he will never love me. I didn’t do anything wrong here...”

“ You came back, you should have stay in the human world where you belong!”

“Okay...” It’s a lost cause, I don’t even know why I try them to show her that I’m not the enemy here. Never mind, I don’t need her approval. Damn, she is already leaving and I have to ask for Alpha Franck.

“Luna Marie, Can you, please, ask your mate to meet me as soon as he can. I want his help to lead this pack for the next month.”

“ Like you will be the one leading my pack. You are too weak for that and...”

“ I’m here for that and it’s exactly what I will do, with or without your help. Look, I don’t know what Alpha Markus wants exactly but I win a break for your son to recover and I don’t want him to have a reason to coming back before. For sure, he will be looking for every mistake from us. Moreover Li, I mean Alpha Liam needs to rest as much as he can. So you don’t really have to say in this situation, the sooner you accept that the easier it will be. After all of this, I swear I will be leaving and you will never see me again.”

“Fine, I will let him know. You can meet him tomorrow at 8.00 in front of the Alpha office.”

Thank you! Have a nice evening.”

She left without any answer. People are not polite anymore, we are leaving in a mad world. Let's start to clean everything or maybe I should order furniture first.


A half-hour later, someone is knocking at my doors. Here are Darius and Chris and one of the Gammas. I have no idea which one, they are too similar and I never really spend time with them when I was leaving here so I was never able to make the difference between the both of them.

“ Wow, they should have moved you, even more, farther from the packhouse.” Says Darius, I can sense his annoyance in his voice.

Chris nods in approval and adds: “ we wanted to see if you were fine before leaving. If you need anything we are just a phone call away. I trust you to behave properly, princess.”

“No worries, I will stay myself daddy” I answer him with my most innocent smile.

“God help them!” Darius teases me. I roll my eyes to him.

“Wow! So you were rejected by my Alpha but I see you found another Alpha to fuck. Don’t you have any shame, he could be your father! What’s a whore!” Says that stupid Gamma.

“ Watch your tongue young mutt if you don’t want to lose it.” Says Chris full of anger. “ I will not accept disrespect from...” 

He is cut by Darius who bursts out laughing. “Oh, Goddess! This is so funny. Oh, I love it! I can’t wait to tell that to everybody, and see them face!” He is almost crying... A bit more and he will be rolling on the floor. Ughh!!! I wish I could kick him in his nuts.

”He just told me I was a whore and you are laughing!”

”Come on, Alpha Chris and Luna Anna-Lynn!” He found the situation hilarious but at the same time, I know he is trying to calm down his father. “And With your ways, he is not that w...”

Darius!” warns Chris.

”Okay, okay! I give up. You will never understand me” He says sulking “At least Veronica will be by my side” He whispers. Poor baby. At least with his laugh, we avoid a fight and a possible war between two packs.

“You should go now. I was nice enough to let you see Anna-Lynn before you leave but now this time is up” Says the Gamma.

”Be careful and call me as soon as you can. I love you princess.” Says Chris hugging me.

“Love you too daddy!” I say with a quick kiss on his lips, surprising him.

Come on, let’s get have some fun. In fact, Darius is right, even if I will never telling that his head is already big enough! This situation is really hilarious so why not keep it like that. Darius winks at me before hugging me. “ Be careful, mommy!” He whispers in my ear. 

“I really don’t know what I will do with both of you!” Says Chris shaking his head.


I didn’t sleep well but there was an old bed in one of the room so it was better than on the floor. I can’t wait to receive my new bed. Good thing I found a website where I can rent every furniture I need. I will have it today or tomorrow.

I am waiting outside the Alpha office for the last thirty minutes. Alpha Franck is late. I hate people who are not punctual! He is not here in the next minute I will enter without him.

“Sorry, I’m late. I was speaking with Liam about your tasks” he says opening the doors.

“ I will do as I think is needing Alpha Franck. I will not follow orders. I’m not a puppet. I want to know how works this pack? And I already have a few questions: where do you keep all the information about the pack member? Also, how works the patrols, who is the Omega (the chief of the patrol)? Thank you!” I tell him firmly before to add “I’m here to help so let me do my part of the job. You don’t want Alpha Markus to come before your son has fully recovered. So don’t give him a reason.”

“Okay, I don’t remember you were that determined and confident.”

“ Well, I always remembered you as a fair and wise Alpha so don’t prove me I was wrong.”

“ Alright, you may sit Anna-Lynn.”

We spend all morning speaking about the pack organization. It’s not that bad at all but the archives with all the pack’s members can be optimized. We don’t have time to speak about the patrols. I’m following him to see where we are eating our lunch.

“Hello, everybody. Enjoy your meal!” I say smiling.

No answer... Great! I feel like the bull in a china shop. I’m not that fat! Humor is for me the best way to manage the stress and the loneliness apparently. Lunch... You can hear a pin drop in the room. I hope it’s because of me. If not I don’t know how they don’t bore to death. Note to myself, it’s my last meal in the pack house, I will eat at home, better alone than in this silence. At the same time, what did I expect? Meals here were always awkward. Well, the meal I shared with them at least. Nobody is speaking even when I’m sitting alone in the room, no one wanted to sit by my side. Just the same old.

The food is good but my glasses smell odd, one is with wine and the other water. There is a slight smell of blood... Maybe someone cut themselves and they didn’t clean the glasses enough. At the same time, Liam was poisoned and the easiest way to do it is by the food or the drink so I prefer not to drink them. Better to be safe than sorry.

“ Don’t you like our wine?” Someone says.

“Hey! I’m talking to you, you could at least answer me!” The same voice adds.

Wait who are they talking to? Why the Alphas and the Betas are looking at me. Oh, they were asking me. They could have said my name how I am supposed to know they speak to me when they spend the last hour ignoring me.

”I don’t drink while working and no thank you, I’m not thirsty.” I finish saying.

“Working!”Say Liam full of aggressiveness.”You shouldn’t be here!”

”You neither. You should stay in bed.” I can see my comment pissing him off even more. “ Let’s make a deal, if you can knock me down I’m leaving.”

”Easy, leave us except for the Alphas and Betas.” He says walking toward me.

He tries to kick me in the legs but he is way to slow. It’s so easy to dodge his punches that it isn’t funny. After a few minutes, he is even slower. With a kick in his knee, a knock him down.

“ I’m not the one who has one month to recover and to work out. Face the facts Alpha. You lose a lot of muscles and force and you’re running out of time. It will be simple for everyone if you’re doing your job. Right now you have to recover to be able to kill that Alpha. If you don’t, you could lose everything so be the smart Alpha I know you can be. Think about this people, what will happen to them if you die. You can’t let him have his hands on them and you know that. You don’t have to like it, you just have to do it. I swear I only have the best interests for this pack. And your father is with me if I doing something wrong he will let you know.”

”I still don’t trust you. I don’t know what are your reasons but you sure have a few. I have no idea what you want but I have nothing for you!” He said looking directly in the eye.

“Noted”. I answer him.

“And Collin, my Gamma, will also stay with you the time you are here. And stay away from my mate and my son or I will kill you.”

“Okay!” I say walking out of the dining room. If the one I met yesterday, we will become a great friend for sure. He already has the best opinion about me. Lucky me! 29 days left, come on you can do it!

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