Animal's Sanctum

Chapter Epilogue

“Mommy! I want to go play. Can we go outside and play?” My son calls out to me from the porch, already anticipating the fun he’s about to get into. I shake my head laughing softly.

“Where’s your father?” I wipe my hands on the dish towel, waddling towards my four year old wild child.

“I’m right here honey, why don’t you rest on your swing, I’ll keep an eye on Carson.” I smile kissing Ezekial on the lips before settling on my swing. Watching as he steps off the porch with his son. I love watching the two play, it makes my day.

Carson Ahanu King was born nine months to the day of our wedding night. I shake my head with a grin. I can’t believe this is where we ended up. I still remember that day Ezekial sat me down to talk about his spirit animal. He walked me inside to show me the surprise he had been working on.

What a surprise it was. He had been working to remodel the lower portion of the home. He knew I was going to be moving in, and didn’t feel comfortable having me stay there and at least a portion not being safe. Although it didn’t much matter, I didn’t actually move in until the full home was complete.

It looks stunning, I can’t believe that I live in this home with my family. Ezekial worked so hard making this place a home, I love it and him. Between my family and the sanctuary I’ve been pretty busy.

Well I recently had to hire another veterinarian to help while I was out. And I think I’ve gotten the business to a place where I can step back some.

While I know I’ll never give up my work, I can spend so much more time with Carson, and his twin siblings on the way. I smile at the thought, a boy and a girl. I can’t wait to meet them. Hearing a bubbling laughter, I turn my attention back towards Carson and his father.

I laugh as Zeke picks up Carson, carrying him over his shoulder acting like he’s being chased by a monster. This is their favorite game to play, ‘Escape the Monster’, I’m not really sure how it works. I just know that it typically ends up with Carson being toted around as his father runs from the imaginary monster.

“Quick Daddy run! It’s gonna get us!” Grinning I have to bite my lips as I see my husband, a tall and sturdy man running around to keep his child away from the play monster.

“Where is it buddy? We can’t let it get Mommy!” Ezekial calls out, encouraging Carson’s imagination. I love seeing this. Shaking my head, I watch as Zeke spins around like he’s looking for the monster.

“Mommy! Be careful, there’s a monster on the loose!” Carson calls out making me attempt a straight face as I rub my belly.

“Don’t worry baby, I know you and your Daddy will protect me. I’ll make sure to be extra careful!” I call out, loving that Carson is including me in the fun.

I know his father had sat him down and had talked about how Mommy was going to be needing her rest and needing to be taken care of more. I was carrying his brother and sister. I thought it was the cutest thing, hearing his little questions about the babies and what was happening.

His face was so precious as he asked how the babies were going to get here. Carson acts much older than any four year old I’ve ever met. I shake my head at the pair watching as they continue to play. Standing up I head back inside towards the kitchen, needing to finish dinner.

Lifting the lid to the crock pot I enjoy the scent of the pot roast I have been working on all day. My belly rumbles, I’m hungry. I love using the crock pot, it’s easy to clean up afterwards. The only downside is I have to smell dinner cooking all day long.

I always find my stomach chewing on my back bone because of the aroma that surrounds the room all day long. That’s the only downside to using the dang thing. I snort shaking my head as I shut off the cooker. “How long till dinner honey?” I look over my shoulder smiling, my heart melts seeing the sight before me. My husband is holding our child, both of them looking at me with love. I’ll never get enough of this sight.

“It’s just about done, I need to pull it out and plate it. Do you want to help?” Zeke nods setting Carson down.

“Of course. Why don’t you take Carson to wash up, I’ll set the table.” I nod Walking away from the pot. Zeke set’s Carson down.

“You ready to wash up?” He nods reaching for my hand.

“Mommy, you’d be proud of me and Daddy! We scared the monster off, we don’t want him here.” He nods proudly, skipping to the bathroom to wash his hands and face. I grin at him, enjoying how happy he is.

“That’s wonderful! I knew you and Daddy would protect us.” He nods, puffing out his little chest as he climbs up onto his step stool. I turn the water on, and pump some soap into his hand. It isn’t long before we are sitting at the table. Talking about our day.

Carson is going into detail about his day at preschool. He loves going to school and making friends, he is so excited when he gets home. Talking about all of the things they did in school, the crafts they made. The basement of the house has all of his crafts hung up on the wall.

His Daddy helps him hang them up, wanting to show how proud we are of his work. Zeke has been working on making him his own little art showcase. So all of his will be able be stashed away for safekeeping.

I’m pretty sure that the other two will be just as spoiled. It’s funny because I don’t know who spoils Carson more, my parents or his. Shaking my head at the thought, Ezekial sends me to the living room to rest and watch a movie with Carson. This has become our ritual.

To watch one show or movie with Carson before heading to bed and reading him a story. Carson loves to be read to, quite frankly I love reading to him. I never really was one who enjoyed sitting down for long periods of time to read to myself.

But to read to my child? I could spend hours doing that. I love seeing how excited he gets listening to a new story. He’s even started attempting to read with me. I find that to be the cutest thing ever. Watching his little finger follow along the words.

Grinning I let myself sink down into the couch, I’ll probably regret sitting here. I’m sure at some point I’ll have to give in and call Ezekial to help me up from the squishy sofa. Carson curls up on the couch next to me, pulling a blanket over himself.

“Mommy the blanket, it’s time for cuddles.” I smile, one of my favorite times of the day. Carson loves his cuddles at the end of the day. I love our cuddles at the end of the day. Pulling the blanket over me, I wrap my arms around him. Smiling as he rests his head on my belly. Carson loves trying to feel his siblings moving about.

“What do you want to watch, baby?” Turning on the TV I sign into our Netflix account, we never watch TV enough to pay for cable.

“Happy Feet!” He claps excitedly. He loves watching the penguins dance, it’s a cute movie in my eyes. Chuckling I smile as I select the movie setting the remote down beside me. The movie begins and Carson is entranced by the dancing penguins.

I hear his yawn, even as he rubs his head on my belly. Making me grin, Zeke believes that Carson will be like him. Will be able to change or have some abilities. Carson loves rubbing his head on anything like he’s marking his territory or his scent on his. I think It’s the cutest little thing ever.

Then again I’m his mom, It’s my job to think he’s adorable. And his actions just make my heart melt. “The classic.” I nod, grinning at Zeke.

“Oh but of course, what else would we be watching.” He opens his mouth before promptly shutting it, not wanting to make the mistake I did a few weeks ago. I mentioned Carson’s second favorite movie, Cars.

Wow, that was a pretty long night. He fussed and didn’t want to go to bed because we wouldn’t let him watch his favorite movie. It wasn’t until we threatened him to go without a bedtime story that he stopped his tantrum. I felt bad giving the ultimatum.

I’m soft when it comes to my kid sometimes. I chuckle shaking my head as Zeke sits down letting me lean on him. His arms wrap around both of us creating a warmth I’ll always crave. Closing my eyes, I let myself enjoy the comforts of home and family.

I’m so glad I no longer have to worry about coming home to an empty house. Those days are in the past and I couldn’t be happier about it. Zeke rubs my belly and I grin feeling Carson do the same as his Daddy.

Carson loves following his Daddy and doing the same thing. Ezekial is an amazing role model, I couldn’t have asked for a better man.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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