Angel’s bliss by Dripping Creativity

Chapter 6

Emergency calls only M… 

Angel’s bliss 

Let’s get one thing straight before we go any further miss Cobler. This is not me suggesting we have a relationship. You will have no claim to me, you are there to satisfy me. If I get satisfied by fucking another woman, that will be none of your business. If I choose to have a fucking orgy, you have no say in it.” Ava nodded at his words. 

“I won’t force you to do anything against your will or out of your comfort zone. But you will be mine, I don’t share. You will have no men besides me. You will have no male friends sniffing around. The only other men you are allowed near are my men. And if they get too handsy you will tell me, understood?he said in a cold voice. He knew it wasn’t fair. But he wasn’t a fair man. He expected her to nod again, but she frowned ad looked at him. 

“What if the man isn’t interested in me?” she asked. He smirked, her innocent was adorable. 

Ava felt her gut clench for the hundredth time since this conversation started. Was she really considering this

“Angel, any–man that hangs around you will be interested in getting you in his bed unless he is insane. I don’t want you around crazy people,” Zane told her with 


“And if he isn’t interested in women, if he is gay?” she asked. Zane looked at her with surprise. 

“I’m guessing you have a particular man in mind?” he said. 

“My best friend,” she nodded. 

“And you are sure he is gay?” Ava couldn’t help herself but smile. 

“I’m sure,” she nodded. 

“I could allow it if you agreed to let my men or me be present when you met, at least at first.” Ava nodded. She didn’t like the idea, but it was betting than losing Gabriel all together. If she would have to give hm up, it would have been a 

deal breaker. 

“I do have to treat male patients,” she told him. 

“What do you work with?” he asked. 

“I’m an E.R nurse,” she said, she was proud of herself for her work. 

“It won’t be an issue since you, won’t be working,” he calmly said. 



Emergency calls only✪ MOU 



“Angel, I will expect you to be by my side or close by at all times. I can’t have you disappearing for hours to work.Ava frowned at the nickname he used. He seemed far too comfortable using it, in her opinion. And giving up her work? She didn’t know how to feel about that

I need the money to feed myself, I have bills to pay and a house that needs repairs,she told him. He laughed. He stood up and leaned over her again. Ava leaned back as far as she could in the armchair, Zane was far too close for her comfort. He ran his thumb over her cheek, down her neck and let it trace her collar bone. A shiver went through her body, she wasn’t sure if it were out of fear, or something else. 

You don’t understand, angel. You will be mine. You will live in my house, and I will make sure you have anything you need, including a new wardrobe,he said. She saw his eyes wander over her body and she blushed at the intimate gaze. He had no shame

“If I knew where my night was to end, I would have dressed up. But your men surprised me at the end of a fourteen–hour shift, you have to forgive me for not wearing my sequence dress,she told him. Again, she could kick herself for talking back to him. He chuckled and Ava had to braze herself as it was one of the sexiest sounds she had heard. 

“It sounds like I would do you a favour taking you in. A woman like you shouldn’t be working fourteen–hour shifts. A woman like you should have everything she wants at the tip of her fingers,” Zane said in a low voice. He took one of her hands and brought it to his lips and kissed it. He gave her one of his wicked smiles. The move surprised Ava, no one had ever kissed her hand before. That was just something you saw on movies or read in books. “And she needs to be fucked and well pleasured,” he added as he sat down on the table again. He had to go and run it, Ava thought. She had no answer to it, what could she answer? She had a question, but she didn’t know how he would react to it. Zane seemed to know she had something to say as he pinned her down with one of his looks. “Tell me,” he said. “As long as you don’t disrespect me you don’t need to watch what you say around me.” 

“If you are sleeping with others, will you use protection?” she asked and blushed. She didn’t feel comfortable at all with this topic. She should be better at it as she was a nurse, but ths was her private life. 

“I never go raw, I don’t need no fucking kids running around. Are you on birth control?” he asked. Ava shook her head, there had never been a need for her to use it. “As I said, I always use a condom. It won’t be an issue.” Ava nodded. “Are you clean?” he then asked. 

“Yes,” she said without hesitating. 

“So certain?” 

“We get tested regularly at work and…” she stopped speaking when she realised what she was about to say. 

“And?” he urged. Ava felt herself blush even more. 

“And I have never been with a man,” she whispered. She knew he had heard her as one of his eyebrows shot up. 

“How old are you?” 


Emergency calls only Man … 

“Twenty–five, you?” 



“Thirty–one,” he answered. “Anny other questions?he added, choosing not to comment on the virgin topic, which Ava was grateful for. 

“When you say I’ll be your pet, what do you expect from me? I have read… things,” she said and cursed herself that she was blushing yet again. 

“What things have you read, angel?” he asked, looking very amused. 

“I know there are people that enjoy treating their sexual partner like a pet. Leaches, cages, pet bowls,” she told him, 

trying to be brave enough to meet his eyes, but failing and instead looking down. 

“I’m not interested in you being my literal pet, angel. I just want you at my beck and call. I want you to respect me, my word is the law. Surrender your body to me and give up all other things in your life for three years. You will be by my 

side when I need you, you will be in meetings if I wish so, you will see some shit and I expect you not to go crazy or freak the fuck out. There will be an NDA that you will sign saying you will never speak of the things you see, hear, read or otherwise learn. I don’t do rats, not even if they are angels. Is that clear?” he asked, and the steel was back in his 


“Yes,she nodded. 

“Good. That said, I do like the idea of a collar around that long neck of yours, showing everyone who you belong to,” he 


“So no cage?” she asked. Ava was terrified by the idea of being locked in a cage. 

“No, that’s not my kink. But if you disobey me, there will be consequences in form of punishments.” Ava swallows hard. Of course, there would be. Zane had been honest with her about what type of a man he was. Ava had no illusions about it. True, she usually tried to see the best in people. But by his own admission, Zane had few redeeming sides. “Does this mean you will accept my offer?” he asked. Ava felt her heart start to pick up the pace. She didn’t want to, her mind was racing to try to find another way out. But she drew a blank. 

“Yes, I accept your offer,” she finally agreed. Did Zane look surprised? She wondered. But the look on his face was replaced by a satisfied smile so quick she had no time to interpret it. He leaned forward and took her hand again, placing a lingering kiss on it. 

“I’m happy to hear it. I need to make some calls before we leave. You can use my private bathroom if you need to wash your face. It’s through that door and then the first door to the right,” Zane told her and inclined his head towards the 

door in the corner of the room

“Thank you,” Ava said and stood up on shaky legs. She walked towards the door as Zane sat down behind his desk. Ava discovered the door lead to a bedroom. It held a large bed with black and red silk sheets with another soft rug on the floor. She found the bathroom, it was larger than her bathroom at home and decorated in black marble and brass fixtures with white details. She used the toilet and then washed her face in cold water, staring in the mirror at her own face, 


Emergency calls onlyMU *** 

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