Amnesia - The Matlock Pack: Book One

Chapter 63 - Takeshi

Thursday 31 December

~*Takeshi’s POV*~

Nat, Cody, and I stood on the Bunyip side of the invisible border, peering through the tree line on the other side of the road where we had emerged several hours prior.

Scout was nowhere to be seen, and because we were behind the barrier, I couldn’t scent him. I couldn’t send a mind link out to Kennedy or anyone else from the Matlock pack. The invisible barrier blocked everything supernatural.

I looked over at Cody and Nat, trying to exude more confidence than I felt. “When we go through the barrier, we start running. We don’t stop running until we get back to the pack house.”

Cody nodded in anticipation while Nat looked incredibly nervous.

“I’ve seen the pair of you run. You’re both incredibly fast and agile.” I kept telling myself we should be fine. Cody had been one of the most acrobatic and athletic wolves I’d seen over the past few years, and she’d had trouble keeping up with Nat in training. “Most wolves are going to be sleeping, so we shouldn’t run into anyone, but I can’t predict where Spence will be.”

“I can help with that,” Nahi said. We’d left the raven-haired vixen Tuka in the clearing where we had all spoken, but Nahi had escorted us to the barrier. She’d hung back to let us mentally and physically prepare ourselves to re-enter Matlock. “Gidja can find him from the air and let me know. I can convey his location to you, Takeshi, but I need to adjust you first in order for you to receive my transmissions.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Nahi, I can’t exactly pay you right now.” I glanced at Cody, who was silently laughing because she knew what I was referring to, and Nat, who simply looked confused.

Nahi waved her hand in the air to dismiss my words. “This will only last a few hours; just to get you safely home.” She clasped her hands to my cheeks and brought her lips to mine.

I watched her eyes turn purple as she stared into my eyes. It felt like she was staring into my soul.

Can you hear me, Takeshi?” Nahi’s voice rang in my ears, even though her lips were still locked on mine.

Loud and clear. Can you hear me?” I linked back to her, just like I would one of my pack members. “Kairu? Can you hear Nahi as well?

Easily.” Always a wolf of few words, Kairu shook himself with anticipation. He was itching to start the race back to the pack house.

Excellent. We have open communications for the next six hours.” Her eyes returned to their typical grey, and she pulled away, letting her hands drop from my face. She held her arm out, and Gidja, Yamparti, and Tyipa all flew to her. “Spread out and look for Scout or Spence. We don’t know what form he will be in. You will find his scent on the other side of the barrier at this location.”

We all watched the three birds take flight immediately, soaring through the barrier, circling once to scent Spence, then heading off into the forest across the road.

Nahi stepped back, letting me take the lead again. She sat cross-legged on the ground, her eyes glazing over.

“We shift before we go through the barrier, then we run. Follow me in single file and try to keep up.” I heard Kairu let out a snort of laughter in my head. I knew he didn’t think they would be able to. “Once we get to the pack house, head for the courtyard of my office. I will link Kennedy to have it open and ready for us.” I turned to look at Nat. “The quicker we initiate you as a member, the harder it will be for Spence to get to you.”

“The immediate vicinity has been cleared. They’re tracking his scent now. Looks like you should be good to head north to Cambarville, then approach Matlock from the south-west.” Nahi’s eyes became clear in order to lock onto mine. “I’ll let you know once they find him. Run fast. Stay safe.”

“And you,” I said to her, my eyes never wavering from hers. This was the first time I had heard Nahi sound unsure of herself. It was somewhat unnerving, to say the very least.

She nodded, then her eyes glazed over again, effectively ending the conversation.

I turned to Cody and Nat. “It’s time to go.”

They both grimaced, but started their shift process. I waited until light filled the air before I shifted as well. As soon as they were ready, I bounded over the road and started to run.


We were about half an hour away from the pack house when I started linking people.

The run had been uneventful; Nahi had told us to change course only once, and then only slightly. Nat’s familiar, Tyipa, had doubled back to travel with us from the sky, while Gidja and Yamparti continued monitoring for Scout.

Kennedy, wake up. I need you.” I reached my mind out to him as my paws rhythmically beat against the forest floor, never slowing. Alex was immediately behind me and was keeping up with me easily. Roux was bringing up the rear. She was breathing heavily but was staying with us.

Yes, Alpha. What do you need?” Kennedy’s voice came through sounding drowsy, which wasn’t surprising as it was the morning after a full moon. Most Matlock residents would still be in bed at this time of day after a full moon.

I’m on my way back with Roux and Alex. We’re coming in hot. I need you to open the gate to my office’s courtyard.

Consider it done. Where have you been? Spence has been linking me like crazy.

I bet he has.” I rolled my eyes. “If you see or hear from him, don’t let him know that you’ve heard from me.

Will do.” I could hear the curiosity in his voice, but unlike Spence, Kennedy knew better than to pry.

Find Auden and Casey. Have them waiting in my office. You, too. If Kelly is with you, bring him as well. I need witnesses.” Things were going to have to move fast when I got back. I needed all the pieces ready to go.

Yes, Alpha. How long do I have?

I’d say we’re less than half an hour away, so move quickly.

Copy that.

I cut the link and immediately quickened my pace. Everything hinged on what was going to happen in the next hour.


Takeshi, where the fuck is my daughter? She’s blocking me.” Auden’s furious and somewhat worried voice filled my head.

We were still about ten minutes away from the pack house. Roux was tiring, but Alex was holding steady. We were so close.

She’s with me. She’s fine. We’ll be back soon.” I tried to placate her, but I could already tell we were going to be in for an argument when we returned.

What the fuck is going on, Takeshi? The last thing I remember is seeing Cody light up like that witch friend of yours, then I wake up in your apartment and Jackie’s mark is gone, and now Kennedy is demanding I join him in your office?!” Auden’s voice became louder and louder the longer she ranted. I felt myself wince as she screeched the last syllable.

I promise I’ll explain everything when we get back, but right now, we’re in the middle of a situation. Can you hold off on screaming at us until it gets resolved?

What kind of situation?” Auden immediately became serious and businesslike. Being able to switch gears on the fly was one skill she’d picked up as a doctor, and it came in immeasurably handy during pack politics.

Spence is gunning for Nat.” I paused. How was I going to broach this with her? “Nat’s wolf is male, Auden.

There was an extremely short pause before she spoke again. “Okay. What else?

I grinned. I knew that wouldn’t phase her. It was wonderful to be proven right. “Nat’s a Rainbow Serpent. When she shifted into Alex last night, her light wasn’t white like the rest of us; it was multi-coloured. Everyone in the pack saw it, Auden.

Another pause, this time much longer. “I’m assuming that also meant Spence saw it.” Her tone was grim. She knew without me having to tell her what sort of issues that would have created. “Okay. I’m in your office with Kelly. Kennedy is on his way with Casey. I’ll get the dagger out for you.

I breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks Auden.

A few minutes later, we broke the tree line and barrelled towards my courtyard without breaking stride. This was the most dangerous time, as we were now out in the open where anyone could see us. I pushed our trio even harder.

Auden, we’re in sight. Open the gate for me.

I didn’t slow at all as the doors swung open in front of me, Auden standing to one side to shut them once we were all through. I shifted mid-stride and headed straight for my desk as I listened to Roux and Alex shift back, the bright rainbow light reflecting off all the glass and mirrored surfaces in my office.

“Has anyone got eyes on Spence?” I asked as Kelly handed me a pair of pants. He headed over to Cody and Nat to hand them both a t-shirt each. Casey stood bleary-eyed at the rear of my office, with Kennedy leaning against the door to slow anyone down if they tried to break their way in.

“Not yet,” Kennedy said. “We lost track of him just after you went looking for Nat and he hasn’t shown his face in the pack house yet.”

“Good.” I picked up the ceremonial dagger from my desk, before turning and taking a step towards Nat. She took a step back from me in alarm. “It’s okay, Nat. I need to mix your blood with mine to make you a member of the pack.”

“Are we doing this now?” Casey asked, suddenly becoming very much awake. “Is that why we’re all here?”

“I need the witnesses. You’re all council members, and I trust you all.” I sliced my palm. “Give me your hand, Nat. We need to make this quick.”

We all turned our attention to the door to my office as it suddenly thudded from the other side. Kennedy held steady, his back to the door, forcing it to remain shut. He tilted his head at Kelly, who rushed over to his husband and leaned against the door as well.

“Takeshi, I know you’re back.” Spence’s voice boomed through the heavy door. “Open the fucking door.”

I motioned Nat’s hand to me before grabbing it and slicing her palm open. “I, Takeshi Saito, hereby offer membership of the Matlock Pack to Natsu Saito. Will you pledge loyalty and honour to this pack?” I whispered as I grabbed her bloody palm with mine. I stared at her terrified eyes. “Repeat after me, Nat. ‘I, Natsu Saito…’”

“I, Natsu Saito,” she whispered, her voice breaking as the door shuddered from another pounding.

“I know what you’re doing, Takeshi! You won’t get away with this!” His voice roared with anger. If the pack house wasn’t awake by now, they soon would be.

“… of my own free will, hereby pledge loyalty and honour to the Matlock Pack…” I felt Auden, Cody, and Casey surround us, opposite to where Kennedy and Kelly held the door. We needed as many witnesses as we could.

“… of my own free will, hereby pledge loyalty and honour to the Matlock Pack…” She flinched as the door shook again. Auden and Casey both placed their hands on Nat’s back to strengthen the vow to the pack.

Spence kept beating at the door until it cracked, his hollering getting ever louder. He could feel a new pack member being created, and he was making his displeasure known to everyone in the pack house.

“… until I choose to leave the pack of my own free will or I draw my final breath.”

“… until I choose to leave the pack of my own free will or I draw my final breath.” Nat repeated quietly as she felt the pack membership take hold. The hammering on the door settled as Spence realised it was too late.

“Welcome to the Matlock pack, Nat.” I let go of her hand and hugged her. “He can’t hurt you without consequences now.”

“Thanks Takeshi,” she murmured in relief.

I saw Auden grab some paper towels from my wet-bar for us to hold to our still bleeding palms.

Wiping the ceremonial dagger on my pants to get it clean, I placed it on my desk and stood in between Nat and the office door. “Okay, let him in.” I clenched my jaw in preparation for what I knew was coming.

At least phase one was complete.

Kennedy waited until Kelly took two steps forward before he opened the door.

Spence took no time in storming through. “You damn fool. What the hell have you just done?! It’s wrong, it’s an abomination!” He pointed at Nat, glaring at her with murder clear on his face.

I narrowed my eyes at him and gave him a level stare. “Nat, Cody, would you be so kind as to return to your apartment? I need to have a word with Spence.” My words were beyond icy, letting everyone in the room know exactly how I felt about this turn of events.

I stood between Nat and Spence until she and Cody had left the office, Kennedy closing the splintered door behind them.

Casey’s eyes darted between Spence and me, then took two steps towards the door, obviously feeling the tension roiling through the room.

“No, Casey. You stay,” I ordered. He halted immediately, still looking unsure of what was going on. He went to stand next to Kennedy and Kelly near the door.

I turned to Spence, who was standing in the middle of the room. “Her name is Nat. She’s not an ‘it’,” I growled. “You’ve spent enough time with her over the past month to get to know that there is absolutely nothing wrong with her.” Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Auden take a step back to get closer to the wall.

“It doesn’t matter,” Spence spat. “It’s–”

I growled again, this time louder. I could feel Kairu pacing in anger. “Hold, Kairu.

For now.

Spence rolled his eyes. “She’s still wrong. We now know why she was banished from whichever bloody pack she came from.” His hands balled into fists at his side. “I’m honestly surprised that they didn’t kill her… which is exactly what we should be doing, rather than offering it–” He paused when I let loose with another warning growl. “–her a place in our pack.”

I tapped my fingers to my side to try to keep myself calm. “Matlock is my pack. If I feel she is suited to my pack, then it is my choice to offer her membership.”

He scowled. “Maybe it shouldn’t be solely your choice.”

“I abided by council rules. Two council members sponsored her, and I approved.” To keep myself from thumping him upside the head, I moved to my chair behind my desk and sat down. “Four council members witnessed her unchallenged initiation. It was not solely my choice.” Leaning back in my chair, I crossed my legs. I was absolutely furious and in dire need of a shower, but fuck it. I could at least look like I was relaxed and in a business meeting.

Spence leaned on the back of the seat opposite me. “Having it–” I growled. “–her in this pack puts us all in danger. One person shouldn’t sign off on something of this magnitude. The entire pack council should have been involved in this decision, but oh no, you didn’t want to involve them, because you knew which way they would vote. You knew they wouldn’t want it–” I snarled at him. He was really pissing me off. “–her in the pack, so you didn’t even give them the chance to vote ‘no’.”

I stretched my head to the side, letting out an audible crack that gave me the opportunity to look past Spence and link Kennedy and Kelly without Spence knowing. “Guys, get ready to hold him.” They nodded imperceptibly and stood up straighter. I grasped the armrests of my chair, feeling my muscles pop. I knew I was barely hanging onto my rage. If I let it go, Kairu would tear apart everyone in this room. “There’s something special about her, Spence. You need to get over your prejudices and accept that she’s exactly where she needs to be.”

“You’re wrong, Takeshi,” said Spence, scorn written all over his face. “And sooner or later, you’re going to realise you’ve just made the biggest mistake of your life, and no-one, no-one, is going to get you out of the hole you’ve dug for yourself and this pack.”

I paused and narrowed my eyes at him, but calmly said, “I didn’t ask everyone here to only witness Nat becoming a pack member.” I picked up the ceremonial dagger from my desk and started fiddling with it, letting the pointy end dig into my palm to re-open the slice I had made earlier.

Feeling the mood in the room shift slightly, Spence stood up straighter and stared at me, raising an eyebrow in question.

Now.” At the same time that I linked Kelly and Kennedy, I leaped over my desk and drove the dagger through Spence’s left hand, pinning him to the chair he had been leaning on. He howled in pain before he gripped the chair and tried desperately to take it with him as he tried to get away from me. Kennedy and Kelly closed in around him from the rear and pinned his arms to his body.

I knelt on the chair to stop him from trying to use it as a weapon. Leaning down on his forearm to make sure he was completely secure, I ripped the dagger out of his hand, making him roar with pain. I clutched his bleeding hand with mine, letting our blood mix. “Spencer Stewart, I hereby revoke your membership of the Matlock pack, as well as your Beta position and its related powers.” I grunted as he bucked against us, screaming in anger. “You are to be immediately escorted off Matlock pack lands, never to return. Your belongings will be held and forwarded to you when you advise us of your new address.”

Through the blood seal, I felt his Beta power leave him and flow into me to redistribute to the next Beta. I let him go and climbed off the chair, taking two steps back. Everyone in the room took in a deep breath when we felt his membership to the pack disappear.

“The council will never let this stand,” Spence hollered. “You’re not thinking of the consequences.”

I looked him dead in the eye with a narrowed gaze. “Fuck the consequences,” I said icily, before turning my attention to Kelly. “Get him out of here.” Kelly nodded and hauled Spence from the room by the scruff of his neck. Without his Beta power, Spence was no match for Kelly’s lead sentry position.

Kennedy closed the door behind them and breathed a sigh of relief when the tension eased out of the room. “Fuck, Takeshi. You want to give us a heads up the next time you plan on doing something like that?”

I chuckled and wiped the dagger on my pants again as I returned to my seat. I carefully placed the knife on my desk and leaned back into my seat, holding a paper towel in my hand to stem the bleeding. “Spence did have one thing right. There will be consequences for removing him as Beta.” I steepled my fingers in front of me as I thought. “Kennedy, take a seat. You too, Casey. Auden, I need you to witness one more thing.”

Kennedy moved the bloodied seat back to its location and sat down. Casey looked like he was in shock as he took the other seat next to him. Auden stayed where she was, remaining quiet as she watched events unfold.

“Kennedy, I’d like you to become Beta. Casey, I’d like you to take over from Kennedy as Gamma.”

I looked over at Auden, who smiled and nodded at me in agreement. I let out a small sigh of relief at her validation of my actions. It suddenly dawned on me how much I relied on her when making pack-related decisions. She truly had become the pack’s proxy Luna. I smiled a little at the affection that swelled my heart. As the silence stretched, I returned my gaze to the two stunned men sitting in front of me.

“Are you sure, Takeshi?” Casey broke the silence first. “I mean, I know I’m not the most stable person right now…”

“You’re brilliant with the students, Casey. I know what you’ve been through, and I think this role would be good for you.” I looked at Kennedy. “Don’t you agree, Kennedy?”

“I do. Casey would be excellent as Gamma.” He scratched his bearded chin. “But me as Beta? I can’t see it, Takeshi.”

“You’ve been invaluable these past few months, Kennedy,” I said with a huge grin. “You’ve handled Spence and his like with more grace and ease than I thought was possible, and you’ve kept me in check a few times, too. I promise you, you have what it takes.”

“Then I accept your offer,” Kennedy said with a smile, then turned to Casey. “But only if you accept it too, Casey.”

Casey snickered. “I guess I have no choice then, do I?”

I beamed at them both. This was going to be a wonderful change for the pack. A wonderful change indeed.

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