Alpha's Second Chance

Chapter 0059


After I left the hall, I walked into the library. I want to learn more about the Lycans and how they fought, trained, and, more importantly, learn about their strength.

I first went over to the computer and typed in one word, "lycan" several titles came up on the screen. My eyes landed on one title, "Lycan history" I found the book's placement number and went to the bookshelves and found the book.

I walked over to one of the big lounge chairs and sat down comfortably before opening the book. Already from the first page, I could see that the book was ancient and that the pages were fragile. So I was careful when turning the pages. The first few pages were some information about lycan ranks, from the poorest ones to the royal ones. Under the lowest-ranked Lycans, the werewolves were shown. This very clearly shows that Lycans thought werewolves weren't worth anything, not even to work for them. I ponder about this for a second because had they been more accepting, they might not have been extinguished.

I carefully start to turn the pages, and the next page makes me gasp. There is a picture of a king, and if I didn't know any better, I would have thought it was Logan. The man in this picture looks like him with the same facial features, hair, and eyes. When I read the text under the image, it says that the picture is of the very first Lycan king, that had existed almost a thousand years ago. It also says that his people very much loved him and his Lycan. Slowly reading through the old pages, I come to something that looks more as if it is a written diary.

I have never seen my Kingdom like this. People are angry, and to be completely honest, I understand why they are. What he did is wrong and something that he should never have done. If he keeps doing stuff like this, I will be scared to leave the crown to him. His mother told me not to be so hard on him, that he, after all, is Royal, and that was in his right.

I can't believe she said this. Our son has ruined something so important and precious to that girl. All because she didn't willingly want to sleep within. My old heart and soul cry for the girl and her destined mate. And so that he wasn't a lycan, she wanted to accept him, and her parents were happy for her. But now. I can't see how to help make their life easier. My heart cries. >

I wonder what exactly his son had done, though I can imagine from the words he wrote. I feel sorry for the King at writing this. Because he actually seemed to care about his people. I continue to read. < Date July 1124.

I think he is plotting my death. He is tired of waiting for me to hand over the crown. But our people are not happy with him. They fear him and hate him. His mother was attacked last year and was killed.

I have tried my best to help him see what he does is wrong. When he just laughed at the girl, when she came told him her daughter was his child. And looking at the little girl, there was no doubt. He refused and called her things that made my heart cry for the girl and the child. He sent her away, telling her this bastard child would never be his.

I secretly went to her family's house and apologized for my son's behavior. I met my granddaughter. What a precious and sweet little girl. Since finding out, I have a granddaughter, I have sent them money to make their life a little easier. I hope she will be okay. >

Wow, this prince is a big asshole. Poor girl, but I love how the king tried to help her. It is something Logan would have done too. I keep reading the book and learning so many things about the past. The nice king had died in 1127, and after the Prince became king, the life for Lycans changed. He killed the girl he a few years earlier had found to be his mate and took a chosen mate.

The girl he had forced himself on and had a daughter with was told to leave the main city and pack unless she wanted to die. So she fled, and no one knew if she and the daughter were killed or if they survived. His people hated him, but more than that, they hated his chosen mate, who was now their queen. She was evil and didn't care about anything but herself.

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