Alpha’s Second Chance Mate (Sidonie & Carlyle)

Chapter 79

Chapter 79
“Mama, who is she?”
“Is there something you need?”
Raina’s eyes narrowed, her gaze sharp and piercing as she studied me with
undisguised suspicion. “I heard
you were talking to...what’s her name? Athena,” she said, her tone accusatory.
“What was that all about?”
I sighed, the weight of Raina’s hostility adding to the burden that already weighed
heavily upon my shoulders. “It was nothing.” I replied wearily, my patience
wearing thin. “Just catching up with an old friend.”
Raina scoffed, a derisive sound that grated on my nerves like sandpaper. “Don’t
play dumb with me, Donnie,” she snapped, her voice sharp with anger. “l know
there's more to it than that. What were. you two really talking about?”
I braced myself for the confrontation that I knew was inevitable, but deep down, I
couldn’t muster the energy to engage in yet another argument with Raina. Not
tonight, when my heart felt heavy with the weight of uncertainty and fear.
“Look, Raina,” I said wearily, my voice tinged with resignation. Im not in the mood
for this right now. Can we please just leave it be?”
To my surprise, Raina’s expression softened, her hostility giving way to a flicker
of something akin. to understanding. “Fine,” she muttered grudgingly, her voice
tinged with a hint of regret. “But don't think this is over, Donnie. We still have
unfinished business.”
With that ominous warning hanging in the air between us, Raina turned on her
heel and stalked off into the night, leaving me alone with my thoughts and the
weight of unspoken tensions that lingered like a storm on the horizon.
As I watched her retreating figure disappear into the darkness, I couldn’t help but
wonder what the future held in store for us all. But for now, all I could do was
steel myself for the challenges that lay ahead and pray that I had the strength to
face them head-on.
As Raina confronted me about replying in Carlyle’s stead the previous night, her
accusations cut through the air like a sharpened blade, each word a stinging
reminder of the tension that simmered between us. I felt a surge of
defensiveness rise within me, but deep down, I knew that running from the truth
would only prolong the inevitable confrontation.
“L... 1 did reply for Carlyle,” I admitted reluctantly, my voice tinged with regret.
“But it wasn’t because I was trying to do anything but because I wanted to put
you in your place.”
Raina’s eyes flashed with anger, her expression twisted with scorn. “my place?”
she scoffed incredulously. “By pretending to be someone you're not? By
meddling in matters that don’t concern you?”
I bristled at her accusations, the sting of her words fueling the fire of my
indignation. “I may not
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Chapter 79
hold the title of Luna yet, but I am Carlyle’s mate,” I declared defiantly, my voice
ringing with conviction. “And as such, I have every right to speak on his behalf
when necessary.”
Raina’s jaw clenched, her fists balling at her sides as she struggled to contain
her rising anger. “You may have fooled Carlyle with your lies and deception,” she
spat, her voice dripping with venom, “but
you don't fool me. You'll never be worthy of the title of Luna.”
Her words struck a nerve, igniting a fierce determination within me to prove her
wrong. “You don't get to decide who is worthy and who isn't, I retorted, my voice
trembling with righteous indignation. “I may not be perfect, but I refuse to let
anyone belittle me or diminish my worth.”
With that, I stood my ground, refusing to back down in the face of Raina’s
hostility. As the tension crackled between us like lightning on the horizon, I felt a
sense of empowerment wash over me, a newfound resolve to embrace my
identity as Carlyle’s mate and stand tall in the face of adversity.
In that moment, I realized that if I was going to fulfill my destiny as Luna, I
couldn't afford to be a coward. I had to embrace my strength, my courage, and
my identity with unwavering conviction, no matter the obstacles that lay in my
path. And as I faced Raina head-on, I knew that I was ready. to meet whatever
challenges the future may bring with courage, grace, and unyielding
As Raina’s anger boiled over, the tension between us escalated into a physical
altercation. Before I could react, she lunged toward me with a ferocity that took
me by surprise, her fists swinging wildly as she sought to land a blow.
Instinct kicked in, and I reacted without hesitation, moving swiftly to protect
Mason from harm. I shielded him with my body, my heart pounding with fear and
adrenaline as I struggled to keep him safe from the chaos unfolding around us.
“Stay back, Mason,” I urged him, my voice trembling with urgency. “Everything's
going to be okay. Just stay behind me.”
As Raina continued her assault, her rage unabated, I knew that I couldn't afford
to let fear paralyze me. With Mason's safety as my top priority, I focused on
defending him from harm, using every ounce of strength and determination at my
But as the seconds stretched into eternity and Raina showed no signs of
relenting, I realized that I couldnt stand idly by and let her attack go unanswered.
With a steely resolve, I made a split-second decision to fight back, to stand up
for myself and protect those I loved from harm.
Summoning every ounce of courage within me, I pushed back against Raina’s
onslaught, meeting her blows with a fierce determination of my own. Despite the
chaos and confusion swirling around. us, I remained focused on one thing and
one thing only: keeping Mason safe from harm.
As our struggle raged on, the sounds of our grunts and shouts echoing through
the night, I felt a sense of empowerment wash over me. In that moment, I knew
that I was capable of more than I had ever imagined, that I possessed a strength
and resilience that ran deeper than I could have ever
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And as I fought to protect Mason
from harm, I vowed to never back
down in the face of adversity, to
always stand up for what was right
and just, no matter the obstacles that
lay in my path. For in that moment, I
realized that true strength wasn't just
about physical prowess, but about
the courage The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Chapter 79
to stand up for what you believe in, no matter the cost.
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As Carlyle's presence loomed over
the chaotic scene, a sense of relief
washed over me like a wave crashing
against the shore. Despite the turmoil
that surrounded us, his arrival
brought with it a glimmer of hope, a
beacon of stability in the midst of
chaos. The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
“Carlyle,” I exclaimed, my voice tinged with relief as I turned to face him. “Thank
the stars you're here.”
Carlyle’s expression hardened as he surveyed the scene before him, his eyes
narrowing with. concern. “What's going on here?” he demanded, his voice firm
and commanding.
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I hesitated, unsure of how to explain
the situation without further
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escalating the tension. “It's... it's
& » ; 3 :
Raina,” I replied hesitantly, gesturing
toward the source of the commotion.
“ "
She... she attacked me.” The content
is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
Carlyle’s jaw clenched, his fists balling at his sides as he struggled to contain his
anger. “Attacked you?” he repeated incredulously, his voice tinged with disbelief.

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