
Chapter Back to Indué

I told him the truth barring none of the details from my departure from Indué to Au Valley right up to the time we met. Noräin had remained silent. She pretended to not care as she detangled her hair with her fingers, but when a moment became intense I could see her holding her breath and then releasing it as if she felt my eyes on her. The creature too was silent, peering at me through narrow slits as he hid his eyes from the sun.

“There is enough blame for many people, but I was guided by lies and misunderstandings and all that led to me having a fairly large hand in what is happening.” I said finally.

“Then you think too much of yourself then. You did many bad things, things that I would kill you for at another time. Evander and I grew together like hatch-mates. I will make you atone for his death Gareth of Tel Anir but the time is not now. But others have done much worse. You had a great hand to play in this matter yet still only a small part.” he said looking at the brook. I waited for him to continue yet he said no more. I was not going to force the issue but Noräin was not satisfied with that response.

“He killed Evander who was your friend and led my people to their graves and you don’t think that that is bad enough?” she said.

“Do all human women speak this way in the presence of men?” he said looking from her to me.

“Not this crap again.” she lamented.

“Not all our women, but Noräin was the leader of the Nuwanhe and rightful heir to the throne of Sebán.”

“Then it is the same with all female heads. Elmera mother of Evander’s father was the same way.”

“I didn’t know that.” I said slightly surprised that he mentioned my real grandmother’s name.

“I mean no harm with my words female warrior queen Noräin. But even if Evander still walked among us, this war might have been fought differently but it would have still been fought. Greed and love of blood lies not only in the hearts of the scale-less but those with scales as well.”

“How so?” she said immediately tempered by his tone and words.

“As humans wished to rid our kind from this land, so does our kind wish the same. Handarac the Bufrak of the northern clan was the one who sent the feldünstar to destroy my village letting us think that it was the doing of the humans. This act angered our clan to war. We called for the help of the northern clan, not knowing that it was they who had harmed us. They came across the sea of ice to this land to help in our battle.”

“They killed their own kind?” said Noräin disbelievingly.

“Your pretender king does this often. We look different on the surface but our races are quite similar on the inside.”

“But why would they do that?” I asked.

“The north has become dry. Humans lived in the frozen lands but no more as they hunted them all. Their main source of food and fight was gone. The beasts of the land satisfied them no more and the claws longed for the glory of war. I found out the truth after it was too late and now our land suffers for it.”

“I would say that we must stop your clan from doing this, but that would mean giving the victory to Asher which isn’t a better alternative.” I said.

“If Handarac wins all humans die. If Asher wins all Verdans die and most humans will suffer. There is no balance.” said Noräin summarizing the situation quite direly.

“Is there no way that you can tell those of your clan the truth?”

“There are mainly northern Verdans here. You can tell by the colouring. Those from Au Valley are still there guarding the cities already conquered in the north. The hundred or so that are here fight wholeheartedly with Bufrak Gedric. He may not have started the war but he too wants to see the end of your race. The truth will do nothing to change his thinking.”

“All four kings meet in four days. The Nuwanhe has been disbanded and the common enemy is now gone. What is to be done next is to be decided today.” said Noräin.

“They won’t attack each other until they judge that they have the upper hand.” I said getting up and pacing slowly along the edge of the stream. “Dominic do you know what it is that keeps Handarac waiting?”

“Yes,” he paused seeming to decide whether or not to trust us. He sighed slightly and then continued. “He wants the stones of magic that was given to the humans by the changeling Mern. I am to steal the stones from your king.”

I stopped dead in my tract and came to sit beside him. “Funny you should mention that. Noräin and I were being sent by Asher to find the very same stones.”

“Do you mean that Asher does not possess them?” he said surprised.

“He possesses all but one. Their magic doesn’t work for him as he is not the firstborn son, but if he gets the final one, he will have all the power he needs to destroy your kind. It is probably best that he never finds the green stone.”

“Maybe it is indeed good.” he said contemplatively. He had a faraway look as if thinking on something difficult. “I must get back to camp as my absence will be noted.” he said getting up.

“You are going back?” I asked surprised at his declaration.

“I must, but there is something I will leave with you.” he shifted slightly and took out a small pouch which he unhitched form his waistband. He then walked up to me and handed it to me.

“What is this?” I asked.

“Something that is yours more than mine. I have thought of it using it in many ways but none that have brought my mind rest.”

I unwrapped the pouch emptying the contents in my hand and I was absolutely surprised at what I saw. “This is the fourth stone. How is it that you come to have it?”

“The question of how I came to possess it is of no importance. I have given you the power to redeem yourself son of Elmera’s son, hatch-mate of Evander.” I watched as he went to collect the horse he’d stolen from Mikal that was hitched beside the rivulet. I got up and walked behind him.

“I don’t understand why you would give this to me?” I said standing on the other side of his beast.

“You have contributed to the problem so you must fix your mistakes as I will aim to adjust mine.”

“And if I fail?”

“It is best if you do not.” he said as he readjusted the saddle on the horse’s back and mounted the beast. Without another word he dug his heels into the horse’s flanks causing me to have to back away quickly as the beast spurred into action and galloped towards Indué.

“Since you possess the stone what do we do now?” asked Noräin.

“We go back to Indué.”

“To become prisoners once more? He gave you the chance to actually do something meaningful and you are going to squander it and betray our people again!” she said her earlier ire rekindled. “Although I cannot say that I am surprised.”

“I am not going to betray our people as that would mean that I would mean that I would be betraying you!” I shouted back.

“I… What?” she said sounding upset.

“I have given you plenty reason for you to distrust me but I hope that you will give me the chance to change that.”

“Why should I do that?”

“Because first you don’t really have a choice. Secondly, I going to make Asher pay for what he had done to me. I need the other three gems to defeat him. Thirdly if you don’t give me this opportunity, how else am I to redeem myself in your eyes?”

“So this is about revenge then?”


“I can live with that. But I am warning you, you have one chance to make this right or I shall kill you myself Gareth of Tel Anir.” she conceded stubbornly and although blind, she seemed to be staring directly into my soul.

“I don’t for a second doubt that you would.” I said smiling slightly. This woman was fire and I liked it. “Shall we return to claim our victory Your Majesty?”

“Just get me on the horse.” she said. I lifted her unto the mare and then climbed on. As she placed her arms around my waist my smile widened as it felt like I had already achieved a small victory.

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