
Chapter Assurances

“I was very surprised when my guards told me that I was being summoned by you.” said Asher as I walked into the room. He was seated at the end of the table with another guest whose back was turned towards me.

“Well I wouldn’t use the word summoned, requested your presence seems the more appropriate term.” I replied nonchalantly.

“Aha, I see.” he said as he folded his hands on the table and leaned forward. “I am not surprised to see you without the escort I sent, you were always one of my more skilful servants. I am surprised about the missing princess. I thought you would have had held her firmly within your sight.”

“You know me better than that Your Highness, like you my fancy for women wavers. When they have outlived their usefulness, on to the next one I say.”

“Is that so?” he said as his eyes locked with mine.

“He had coquetries with the princess, this is an absolute outrage! Avandor shall not be pleased about this. Proof that my actions were indeed justified my lord.” said Asher’s guest as he rose from the chair and turned to face me.

“I was not aware Your Highness that you were in need of religious instruction. I assure you that if you seek the grace of the gods, you couldn’t have chosen a more unsuitable advocate to plead your case.” I said as I looked from the bald-headed man and back to the king.

“I am not in need of the grace of the gods Gareth, but Astred has other applications in my service. That and the information he supplied I found most beneficial.”

“I could sense that Avandor was no longer with the Nuwanhe and so they were punished most severely for their unrighteousness.” He said taking a draught from the huge gold goblet and then wiping the dribbles from the corners of his mouth with his sleeve. I noticed that he was sporting a new robe of fine silk, adorned with extravagant gold ornaments around his neck.

“And what will be the price paid for your unrighteousness I wonder?” I saw the king’s lips tilt slightly in a smile and he shook his head slightly amused.

“I am a most pious man who only performs the will of the gods and my rewards will be great both in this life and the next.” He was about to take another swig from his goblet, but then he stopped suddenly dropping the goblet to the floor. His eyes popped out of his head in surprise and pain. He coughed twice and wine mixed with blood slobbered down his face. He turned to look at the king. I could see the questioning look etched in his features. Why? It asked but he would not be alive much longer to receive the response. He fell heavily to the ground plunging the dirk deeper into his back.

“I could hardly make that opportunity pass. The wording was too perfect and the effect spectacular don’t you think?” said Asher as he came around to Astred’s limp body. He flipped him over and then removed the dirk from his back. He then returned to his seat cleaning the knife in a napkin.

“It was. I would have thought one of his edification would have enquired why a hall called Avandor’s gate would be in a palace.” I said totally unsurprised and unremorseful about the priest’s death. It was a fact well known to me that the king often executed those who he met in this room. “It is quite shocking that his usefulness ran out this quickly though.”

“Ah well some people never know how to hold their tongue long enough to spare their lives. He betrayed the secrets of the Nuwanhe so quickly, it would be only a matter of time before he sold me out as well and we could not have that.”

“Maybe so.” I said looking at him silently for a moment.

“You requested my presence Gareth so am I to believe that you have what I want?” he said still polishing his dagger.

“I do.” I said and he stopped working placing the knife down and giving me his full attention.

“You do?” he said unbelievingly.

“Naturally I would not bring it with me at this time. I first have certain—assurances made.” I turned my back to him showing the fetters that bound my wrists.

“Remove his chains and take that one out.” he said instructing the guards that had led me in. They were quick with their movements and I rubbed the soreness out of my wrists and then walked over to the table taking a chair that was not soiled by Astred’s blood. I fingered the edge of the map laid out on the table until the guards had left taking the dead priest’s body with them.

When the door closed he spoke again. “Assurances?”

“You and I share not only blood, but also lust for the power; a side-effect of our birth I suppose.” I paused to see if I had his full attention, which I did so I continued. “At the end of this war you will have under your sovereignty all of Gé Addar, Sebán and if you have your true intentions be stated Leár and Rá Leat as well. My request is then very simple. I only wish to have lordship of the soon to be province of Sebán after proving myself as a most useful vassal in your service once more.”

“That is a very generous request that you have made for one who has given me nothing in return Gareth.” he said leaning back.

“As a show of good faith I will tell you where the stone could be found just now.”

“Go on,” he prompted.

“Although I would like to credit the death of your man solely to myself I must confess I did have help. I encouraged your man to take us through the camp of the Verdans. As faith would have it Evander had friends among the green ones which led to a daring rescue of me and the princess by one of them. He was thoroughly convinced that I was my brother and in speaking mention of the stones came up.

“Apparently in two days you are to meet with the leaders of their kind, but that was only to be a diversion as thieves among them would be searching the palace for the stones you possessed, taking the power from you. I told him that I was on a somewhat similar mission and then the most remarkable thing happened.” I paused for effect. “He showed me the final stone, emerald green and about the size of a walnut.”

“You took it from him I suppose?” he said feigning non-interest.

“No, I told him it would be safer if he kept it as I wouldn’t want it within your reach and of course he believed me.” I smiled.

“You expect me to believe this tale?”

“It is no tale but the truth.” I said meeting his stare.

“That it seems to be nephew, but I fail to understand the absence of princess Noräin and the deception you used to enter the castle. Two of my guards are dead and a prisoner missing.”

“It was never my intention to harm,” I smiled “but it was a matter of kill or be killed with the guards. The prisoner and the princess are together but I wouldn’t worry about them too much as where do they have to run? The Nuwanhe is obsolete and the safest place to be is within the walls of the city.”

“I will take your word for now Gareth and I will give you lordship of Sebán at the end of the war as you’d requested, but you must first prove your loyalty to me in some way at this moment.” He paused, playing with the tip of the dagger. “Are you ready to do as I ask without question?”

“I am.” I said confidently.

“You are one of the few persons privileged enough to know what this hall means to me. Ensure that the next person who steps through the door does as well.” he said pushing the knife over to me. I took it up suddenly feeling uncertain. The next person was bound to be someone close to me and I couldn’t help but to wonder whether Lord Raegon had gotten Noräin to safety.

“Send the next one in.” he said loudly.

The door opened and as I saw the crimson frock worn by a blonde coming in my heart was drenched with both dread and relief. Though I had revenge planned in so many ways, this was not how I had intended for it to happen. It was only Margaret. I looked at Asher and he took note of my expression. He nodded his head for me to proceed. I folded my fingers around the knife and removed it from sight.

“It is in odd inscription that you have marked outside the door my love, Those who enter share a single fate as here leads the short cut to Avandor’s gate.” she chirped gaily. “I pray my lord tell me what it means. I saw the guards waiting but there was an urgent …” she stopped talking as soon as she had sight of me. “What are you doing here?” she said icily.

“Queen Margaret. You look beautiful a vision amongst all the women of this land.” I stood and bowed to her.

“You seem more like yourself Gareth. What are you doing here?”

“He is a guest of mine.” replied Asher tersely. “’Now don’t be difficult as I am in no mood for your childish displays today. Be received by my guest and then sit.”

She held her hand out for me to lead her to the table. I took it but no time was wasted and no mercy granted. “I forgive you and you must forgive me.” I said as I twisted her arm until her back was against my chest. “But remember sis, I am a scoundrel in many ways but I always keep my promises.” The knife cut through her throat as easily as it did butter. I let her go and she slid slowly to the ground. The small gold crown that was perched on top her head rolled away and stopped at Asher’s feet.

He bent over the side of his chair and took it up. “That was quick and callous even. I am impressed but I hadn’t intended on changing my wife so soon.” he said as he put the crown down.

“Your Highness?” I said both confused and apprehensive.

“She was your sister, or more correctly you were grown together as siblings, but after she betrayed you, her death was hardly difficult. Maybe it was even pleasurable.”

“Slightly,” I said without emotion. Despite my sworn vendetta against Margaret I didn’t want to kill her. Her death meant that I had singlehandedly ended the line of one of Gé Addar’s oldest houses—one which had showed me the greatest kindnesses. A strange feeling welled up inside of me—I couldn’t describe it completely—it wasn’t sadness—was it remorse? I wasn’t sure. I brushed the unpleasant thoughts aside as Asher prattled on.

“Her coming here was unfortunate; patience was not a virtue of hers. So it seems you just have to prove yourself twice today.” he said looking from and back to the door. “Send in the prisoner.” he said loudly.

The door creaked open and then was slammed shut. The next woman moved in trapped between two guards. She was then shoved roughly to the ground. Her black hair swept the floor as she fell.

“It seemed you were right Gareth. They had nowhere else to hide but within the city.” My heart sank immediately as true to form, Noräin was before me. “Now it is time to prove your loyalty, show me how little she does mean to you.”

My hands shook and slowly I moved towards her with dread shaking every part of my being. I took her up from the ground and I studied her face carefully. It seemed that she had put up a fight as she had several developing bruises along her cheeks. Her face was still defiant and filled with fire, my warrior princess. I imagined her lying dead before me, devoid of all that made her who she was and I knew that it wouldn’t be within my power to do that to her.

I was confused for many days about what it was about Noräin that drew me in. But at this very moment all my confusion melted and everything was crystal clear. As impossible as it was, I had fallen for the blind princess.

“Any day now.” said Asher becoming impatient.

I pulled her closer to me and slipped the dirk in her hands. “Kill me.” I whispered roughly.

“What?” she said softly and the defiance melted away into a look of tenderness.

“Do it.” I urged as I pointed the tip of the blade to my side. “Do it.” I said again.

“No,” she said shaking her head.

“You must.”

“No!” she said more forcefully.

“By Avandor’s gates woman do it!” I shouted and then was silent as I felt the blade cut through my skin and lodged itself in my side. The pain seared throughout my abdomen and blood began to soak through my clothes but it didn’t matter to me as she had her arms around me. “I have loved you like I have loved no other Noräin.” I whispered into her ear.

“What did you make me do Gareth?” she brushed the hair away from my forehead and placed a small kiss there which warmed my heart more than any other I’d ever received.

“Go, run.” I urged her.

“I am disappointed Gareth.” said Asher. “And as endearing as your action was, it served no purpose as now you both will die”

There was the sound of a war gong in the distance which drew Asher to a sudden stop. The sound of the horns became louder and started to spread throughout the city.

“What in Avandor’s name is going on!” roared Asher. The door suddenly burst open and in rushed two of his guards.

“The Verdans Your Highness.” started one of them. “The Verdans are attacking the city!”

“Damn lizards!” he bellowed. “Get everyone ready!” he ordered. He then turned to me and Noräin. “It seems I will have to deal with you at a later time.” He said as he stepped around us and exited the room closing the door securely behind him.

“Gareth, get up.” she prodded me. Slowly I inched up but the pain was almost too much with the knife still lodged in my side. I pulled it out slowly but that made the blood pour out even faster.

“I might not make it but you will have to get out of here. The door is locked so the window will be your way out.”

“Aren’t we too high up?”

“Only two floors,” I whinged as I stood and shuffled over to the window. I pulled the curtain down and then moved back over to the knife. I cut along the fabric lengthwise and then knotted the ends together. “This should be long enough to let you down.” I said as I tied one end around the wall, separating the windows and flung the other end outside. “Noräin come.” I said as I gave her the curtain in her hand. “You must climb down and escape.”

“I am not leaving without you.” she said stubbornly.

“Like it or not princess I’ll be leaving you whether or not I climb out this window.”

“Through the window it is then.” she said as she held on to my waist. “You are bleeding a lot. I will have to band you up until we get help. Take off your shirt.” she commanded.

“I thought I would never hear you say that to me.” I said lightly but acquiesced to her demand.

“You’re bleeding to death and you still have jokes.” I saw her cutting around the hem of her dress. “Place your shirt over the wound and help me to tie this bandage to hold it in place.”

“You are wasting time on me you should just go.”

“For once just shut up and do as you are told Gareth. No one is dying in here today.” she said helping to prop me up and after I had wrapped the cloth around my abdomen she tied the ends securely. We stood together and moved to the window. “You first.” she said handing me the curtain. “You can catch me if I was to fall or at least lend your body as a soft cushion.” she said as I was about to protest.

“Very well.” I said and slowly I lowered myself out the window. Each step was torture but I was relieved when I was on the ground. Her decent was faster albeit less controlled. It was already dark but looking towards the port I could see an orange glow coming from the sea. “The city is going crazy. There are soldiers everywhere and there seems to be a huge fire on the docks.”

“I can smell the smoke in the air, signalling an even greater need for us to get out of this city quickly. Do you know where the stables are?” she asked.

“Yes, but it will be crowded.”

“There is someone waiting for us there you don’t worry about that.”

“Why am I beginning to get the impression that you weren’t caught but you gave yourself in?”

“I said that I wasn’t going to leave you behind and I meant it. Now come on we don’t know how much longer our ride can wait.” I placed my arm around her shoulders and while I acted as her eyes she became my strength.

“I see Lord Raegon he is coming around with two horses.” I said as he’d spotted us and was moving this way.

She pulled to a stop and turned to face me. “Raegon still thinks you are Evander and when we leave here we are going to ensure that everyone else thinks the same. Understand?”

“Is that wise?” I asked.

“It isn’t a matter of wisdom but of your safety.” She said.

“Why is my safety suddenly so important to you?”

“Because whether I like it or not you are important to the cause of the Nuwanhe. Nothing else.” She said coolly.

“Evander, Noräin we must hurry the gates will not be open for much longer.” said Raegon.

“Help Noräin up as I can’t lift her.” he seemed to notice my side for the first time. “It is as bad is it looks but that doesn’t matter we need to leave.” He boosted Noräin on the beast and then I climbed on behind.

I wrapped one hand around her waist for stability and held the reigns with the other. Together we galloped behind Raegon.

No one seemed to take note of our passing as everyone else in the city was busy scurrying for safety.

“The gates, they are closing!” shouted Lord Raegon. I watched as the ramparts were already half-way down. He kicked his horse faster and I did the same.

“This is going to be close.” I said. Just a few seconds more and we would be trapped in here. I hit the horse hard and it shot forward. “Noräin duck.” I said as I pushed her flat.

The tip of the rampart scrapped away the scabs that had formed on my back sending new jets of pain up my spine. They were only skin wounds, I hoped as I didn’t know how much more blood I could lose and live.

I sat up and looked behind us as the lattice gates sunk into the ground. I coaxed Noräin upright and we caught up with Lord Raegon.

“That was close.” he said.

“Let us never do anything like that again.” I agreed.

The blood loss and exhaustion was beginning to wear on my brain but I urged myself forward regardless.

Everything was muddled. I recalled reaching the camp with Raegon and Noräin, but the events following I was unsure of. I sat up and the sharp jab in my belly reminded me that I was injured however; it was not as bad as I thought it would be.

I looked around the tent. I noticed small collections of bottles and trinkets and that the floor was lined with a carpet and cushions. There was a small teapot in one corner soundlessly issuing smoke. I was in Andreas’ or Noräin’s tent as this finery I couldn’t place anywhere else.

I stood up and went outside. The suns were blazingly hot and vegetation was limited to broom weed for as far as I could see. The earth was hard and red which gave the place an orange glow. I stepped outside barefooted and had to retreat inside as the ground was scorching hot.

A figure came around the corner. It was Andreas. He seemed to be surprised to see me up.

“What are you doing out? You were whipped within inches of your life, stabbed and lost a lot of blood while getting here; you should still be in bed.” he scolded.

“I should be, but I feel fine.” I felt fine, better than that. I felt stronger. There was a slight feeling however that was something else was amiss.

“You do look fine, pray thee that.” he said studying me after a while.

“Where is Noräin...I mean the princess?”

“She is in her tent.” he said pointing to the structure just a few feet down from where I stood. I was about to move off when he stopped me. “You should probably put some shoes on first. The ground is almost impossible to walk on during the day here in the desert.”

“The desert?”

“We are just on the fringes of the Sigh.”

“Oh,” I looked around unsure where I was to get shoes from.

“I left an extra pair of shoes by the cot,”

“Thank you,” I said and went to get them. They were only moccasins but the padded leather soles would be enough to shield me from the heat. My feet were snug in them and I went back outside.

“Evander,” he said stopping me.


“Thank you for saving my daughter. She told me what you did.”

“Did she?”

He smiled. “Yes.” he said but didn’t elaborate. I didn’t push him further either.

“It was my duty.”

“Not duty my son, this is now becoming a habit. Twice now you have saved her.” I nodded my head and gave him a brief smile. “You should tell her how you feel.” he said after I was about to walk away.

“How I feel?”

“Yes,” he said raising his brows. “Or do you even know what you feel? Must I tell you that as well?” he joked.

“I do know and I think she knows as well.” I frowned slightly as I remembered that I had told her that I loved her out right just because I thought I was going to die. She did kiss me, but what she said afterwards negated all that. Our next meeting was going to be awkward to say the least. “But it isn’t important what I say or feel. It is up to her now I suppose.”

“Well I’ll leave you two to figure that part out.” he chuckled and then went inside.

As I approached her tent I became nervous as I was not sure how I would be received. I was terrified at the thought of her rejecting me though it would be wholly justified. But I needed to ask her something so I just had to get over it.

“Who is that lurking at my door?” said her voice from inside.

“It’s Evander princess and I wasn’t exactly lurking. I was about to ask permission to enter. May I?”

“You were lurking. You may enter.” I found her sitting down doing a piece of embroidery of all things. She placed the frame down and indicated for me to sit at the cushion before her. “I was not expecting you to be well this quickly. It has only been a day since we arrived.”

“I was not expecting to be this well either.” she smiled slightly. “That was why I am here. I have something to ask you.” Her smile wavered. “When we were in the dungeon and my hand rested over your chest…”

“My chest! You pushed your fingers down my bodice!” she whispered.

“No! I wouldn’t do that.” I stammered.

“You wouldn’t?” she cocked an eyebrow up.

“I would, but that was hardly the time and place.” I said correcting myself as I knew that the action was not beyond my doing and fit in with my personality perfectly. “That was not my finger that you felt, I had slipped the gem in your bodice for safe keeping.” I explained.

“I wondered why it was still so uncomfortable even after you left. I thought it was lingering unease from your assault.”

“If I was to assault you in that manner princess any lingering feeling would be far from uneasy. I can assure you of that.” I said smugly as a faint blush coloured her face. I became serious again. “What I wanted to know is whether you still have the gem?”

“No I don’t. Nothing fell from my dress after I removed it.”

“Nothing at all?”


“This isn’t good.” I said mostly to myself. “Do you recall at any point when the unease wore off?”

She was silent for a moment her face contorted in concentration. “It did,” she started slowly. “It was right after the guards had pushed me to the ground. That means it must have rolled out in the castle. Asher may chance up on it.” she said with horror colouring her voice.

“I am afraid it is much worse than that. He has already found it. He has all four gems.” I said as I passed my hand through my hair and letting it fall back on my shoulders.

“But how could you know this for certain?”

“I am sure. I am not supposed to be this well after all that I’d been through.”

“Yes,” she said not getting my point.

“We are both the second born sons. The power of the gems will be shared equally between us. Strength, the strength gem. That is how I know.”

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