Alpha Maximus:The last lycan

Chapter 32

Exiting the school gates, I see my older twin brothers, Theo and Leo, waiting for me. They appear bored but straighten up and smile as a group of she-wolves giggle and walk by.

“l wish you would both stop waiting for me after school. I'm almost eighteen, but you make me feel as though I'm nine," I growl.

“Well, you do have the mentality of a nine-year-old,’ Leo says.

Theo elbows him in the gut, “What Leo is trying to say is, you know we don't have a choice. It's mum and dad you need to convince, not us,’

I sigh, “Fine, but I bet I'll beat you home again,’ I reply, breaking into a run.

We run through the dense woods. Finally, I'm almost home, beating Theo and Leo from school.

“l won, again,’ I say proudly with hands on my hips.

“You cheated, Lyla,’ Theo says.

“How did I cheat? You saw me running in front of you the whole time?" I argue.

“You probably used magic,’ Leo replies.

“You both know I wasn't gifted with magic like mum and grandma, so stop being sad losers and admit a girl defeated you,"

Never," they say in unison.

We enter our home, which happens to be a medieval castle and notice we have guests.

“Alpha Maximus, don't tell me this is your daughter Lylah?* The unfamiliar Alpha says.

I can tell he's an Alpha based on his powerful aura, but it's not as strong as my father's or my brothers’.

“Yes, it is Lylah. I suppose it's been many years since you've come to visit us, Alpha Greg,

“Well, with the recent events happening on the human border. I had to visit to see what we can do about it,

My dad pulls a glum face.

“What happened?’ Theo asks.

“Over the last week, human bodies have been found dismembered and drained of blood. There were reports of wolves seen not far from the scene. The humans think a pack of wild wolves killed them, but we're still investigating it. We aren't certain wolves are what killed those people, though, as wild wolves never roam near human land. Also, they hunt wildlife, not people. The photos Greg had shown me reveal they all had two fang marks on their napes and were drained of blood before they were dismembered. It looks as though... vampires may have been the cause,

We all stiffen and stare at one another with worry.

I step towards my dad, “But vampires have always kept to themselves. Even we have never met one,

“And I hope we never meet one. They are hostile towards everyone, werewolves included. They are deadly creatures, and they need to remain in their territories. Hopefully, there won't be a repeat of this incident again,’

“What if it does happen again?" I ask.

“Whether it is or isn't vampires if it happens again, we will have to hunt whatever it is down ourselves before they get any closer to our territory or further into the human territories,"

“We will go with you, Dad,’ Leo says.

“l want to help too," I say.

Theo and Leo laugh while my dad gives me a look of pity.

“Why are you laughing? It's not funny," I yell.

“Because you haven't even learnt to use magic yet,’ Theo says,

“And you haven't even shifted either,’ Leo adds

“That's not my fault! I've been training every day, and you both know it," I growl.

“We'd have better luck bringing a human girl along,’ Leo laughs.

“Argh!" I race towards him, jump high in the air, and extend my leg, kicking him square in the jaw. As my foot makes contact, you can hear the bone break. I roll when I land, keep one knee on the ground and swing my other foot under Theo this time, knocking him over. As I pounce on his chest, I pull a small blade from my boot and hold it against his neck. He holds his hands up in defeat.

“Lylah!" I hear my mother growl. 'What have I told you about fighting your brothers?"

“Mum, they started it!"

“She's right. They did start it,’ my dad says.

“Don't encourage her behaviour, Maximus. She should be practising magic in the spell room, like the good little witch I know she is. Not getting into fist fights with her brothers,’

“I'll be eighteen soon, mum. I'm not little anymore, and while I'm at it, stop having Theo and Leo walk me home from school. I can look after myself; besides, it's darn embarrassing.’ I say, deeply annoyed. She looks away.

I withdraw my knife from Theo's throat and place the knife back in my boot. When I look up, my mother stands before me and holds her hand out for the blade. Sighing, I place the knife in her hand. Then, our attention turns to Leo as he cracks his broken jaw back in place.

“That's some great fighting talent you have there, Lylah. Have you considered becoming a warrior?" Alpha Greg asks.

“Fighting is the only thing I'm good at. I can't even cast a simple spell,’ I mumble, “It's the only skill I have to help protect everyone,

“You don't need to protect us,’ Theo says.

“Then what good am I to any of you then?"

“You're our sister. We love you just the way you are, regardless of your lack of abilities. Besides, Micah doesn't seem to mind. I think he secretly enjoys your lunchtime fighting sessions,’ Leo says, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

My cheeks redden, "Have you two bogus brains been spying on me too?" I growl, glaring between Theo and Leo.

“It's obvious to the whole school you two are crushing on each other badly,’ she smiles.

“And who told you that?" I growl.

Amara, Sally and Nathans's daughter, who is also my age, skips into the room gingerly, humming with a bright smile as if she was skipping through a field of daisies. She halts when all eyes land on her.

She holds her hands up, 'Il didn't mean to break it, I swear. I'll replace it, I promise,’ she says.

“What did you break this time, Amara?* My father asks.

“Oh, um, is this about something else?" She says nervously, fiddling with her fingers.

“Why did you tell my brothers that Micah and I are crushing on each other badly at school?" I ask her.

“Oh, well, because you do,’ she shrugs.

“I do not,

“Yes, you do. Everyone sees how you look at each other and how you flutter your eyes at Micah like this," she says and exaggerates the action of eye fluttering.

My brothers burst into laughter.

“Amara!’ I say and chase after her.

“I shall better be going now, Alpha Maximus. I will keep you informed if there are any changes in the case,’

“Thank you, Alpha Greg. I will talk to you later then,” my dad says and walks him out the door.

Beth enters the room while holding a freshly cooked apple pie.

'So, who's hungry?' She smiles.

We all stop what we are doing and race to the dining table

“Apple pie, my favourite!" My dad says, rubbing his hands together.

Beth potters around, serving a slice onto a plate for everyone.

“Lylah, you will have to tell me what kind of cake you want me to bake for your eighteenth?’ She says.

“Sure, just chocolate will be fine," I smile.

“Very well then, chocolate it is,"

There is a knock at the door. I jump out of my seat with excitement and run to answer it. I already know who it is.

Micah smiles, his sable brown eyes twinkling as we exchange glances.?l want to reach my hand out and caress his face. His dense blonde hair shines in the sunlight. His shirt is tight and shows off his fit physique. His eyes lower, and he stares at my lips. My smile widens, and we remain silent, admiring each other until my dad clears his throat behind me.

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