Alpha Maximus: The Last Lycan

Alpha Maximus: Chapter 28

Hope sits up, touching her face and then the bed.

‘You aren’t dreaming if that’s what you’re wondering?’ I say to her.

She looks into my eyes, ‘There are things I need to tell you,’ she says softly.

‘Hope, I already know,’ I say to her.

She looks confused, ‘No, I don’t think you know this,’ she says.

‘I know your father is Alpha Levi, and your mother is Anna Glint, the witch my parents, tried to hide and save,’ I say to her.

‘How did you know?’ she asks.

I hand Hope the love note and watch as she holds the heart pendant in her other hand.

‘Did your father gift that to your mother?’ I ask.

She nods, ‘Yes, he did,’ she smiles.

‘I’m going to grant you your wish, Hope. We’re going to visit your grandpa, and we are going to free your father.’

Hope’s eyes well up, and she jumps into my arms.

‘Thank you,’ she whispers.

‘You must know that doing this puts you in great danger, Hope, so we must plan this out carefully. You could be sentenced to death just for existing,’ I tell her truthfully.

She nods, ‘I know, but I have to free my father or at least try to free him. When will we go to Dark Moon pack?’

‘We can leave today if you like?’

‘I don’t think I could wait another day knowing my father is being held captive.’

‘We can’t just turn up on his territory unannounced, though. So I will notify him that I will be coming to speak with him about the peace treaty in person. We will bring our warriors with us as a precaution.’

Hope stands up and takes my hand in hers, ‘Before we leave, I want to show you something,’ she says.

She leads me through the castle.

‘I’m so sure it was around here somewhere!’ she says, confused.

‘What are we looking for?’ I ask her.

‘The room where I found my mother’s necklace and the note,’ she says.

A few more minutes pass by as we wander around.

‘Over here!’ Hope shouts.

‘What is it?’ I ask.

She holds my arm and leads me to a dark corner with an opening on the floor. When I look down, it’s dark, but I can see stone steps going down.

I follow Hope down the stairs. She pushes a wall that reveals a room. I follow her in, it’s quite dark, but Hope lights a candle. I look around the room and approach one of the bookshelves.

‘I’ve never knew this part of the castle existed. What is all this stuff?’ I ask her.

‘I think it’s items my mother used for spells,’ she said.

‘I’m surprised you even found this room. It’s so well hidden.’

‘I found it by accident when I became lost, but this is what I wanted to show you she said. She reaches her arm out and pulls the red velvet curtain across.

My jaw drops at the sight, ‘Hope, is that you in the portrait? I don’t understand,’ I say to her.

‘It’s not me, silly. It’s my mother and my father,’ she beams.

‘You look identical to your mother, the same eyes, hair, nose!’ I point out to her.

Hope is still smiling, ‘I was wondering if maybe, we could place this in a better place where I can see it every day?’ she asks.

Without hesitating, I step closer and carefully lift the portrait from the wall. It’s heavy and well painted. The detail is impressive.  Hope blows the candle out, and we leave the room and return up the stairs. We find Kayla standing eerily in the shadows. We were startled to see her there, ‘My dad painted that,’ she says. ‘I think all of our parents knew each other very well and were close friends before they all died,’ she says.

‘It’s strange how fate brought our parents and now us, their children, together,’ I say.

‘Where are you going to put the portrait?’ Kayla asks.

‘I already know the perfect place to hang it. Come, I’ll show you.’ I say to them.

We enter the large dining room and place it above the fireplace, where we can admire it all the time.

‘Thank you,’ Hope says, standing by my side and looping her arm through mine. We admire the portrait of Hope’s parents for a few moments until Nathan approaches.

‘The cars are ready for our departure,’ he informs us.

Sally runs down the stairs with Bella carrying Billy following behind.

‘You can’t seriously take Hope with you! If Alpha Cal or anyone outside this pack finds out Hope is half-witch, she will be hunted down and killed!’ Sally says.

‘Sally, her father is still alive and has been kept in the dungeon all these years. He probably doesn’t even realise that his mate managed to save Hope’s life! We need to free him. As for her grandfather, Hope has every reason to seek revenge for her mother’s death. I will have Nathan, Alex and the warriors with us. I won’t let any harm come to Hope.’ I assure her.

Hope and Sally hug each other, ‘We will be back before you know it,’ Hope assures Sally.

‘You’ll bring Nathan back to me safe and sound, won’t you?’ Sally says as her eyes well up.

‘Of course,’ Hope replies with a smile.

Nathan insists on being our driver, ‘Just don’t swerve the car like every other time we’ve allowed you to drive,’ I warn him.

‘Yes, Alpha,’ Nathan salutes me.

I open the car door for Hope and step in after her.

‘Alpha Cal knows we’ll be arriving sometime tonight. He argued that he would not be signing the peace treaty no matter what I say to him. I told him I would at least like to speak with his son Levi briefly. At first, he said no, but I told him I have a big surprise for both of them that will change their lives forever. Curiosity got the better of him. So he has allowed us passage to enter his territory. The look on his face when he sees you will be priceless,’ I smile.

‘Do you think my father will want to see me?’ Hope asks nervously.

‘Of course, he’ll want to see you! You’re his daughter,’ I say to her.

She nods, ‘I hope so,’ she says with a sad smile.

Hope falls asleep during the second half of the car ride with her head resting on my shoulder.

We’re approaching the Dark Moon territory. I can see his pack warriors ahead on the border. Nathan wounds the window and speaks to one of the guards, who then wave him through. My pack warriors aren’t far behind. I know they won’t be allowed in, so I give them orders to be on standby in case things get ugly. They know to initiate war and fight their way to us if needed. I wake Hope, and she looks out the window to see we have arrived.

We arrive at a large packhouse. I tell Hope to stay hidden behind Nathan and that she would know when to make herself known to her father and grandpa.

Alex walks in beside me while Nathan walks behind me with Hope. Two of Alpha Cal’s pack warriors lead us to a large room where Alpha Cal sits in his intricate detailed chair.

‘Alpha Maximus,’ he grimaces.

‘Alpha Cal,’ I beam. I look around the room, ‘Where’s your son?’ I ask.

Alpha Cal scoffs, ‘I’ll have him brought to us when I’m ready to have him here,’ he growls.

‘Of course,’ I smirk, crossing my arms.

‘Now tell me why you’re here and why I shouldn’t kill you right now?’ he asks angrily.

‘Well, I’m not here for the peace treaty if that’s what you’re thinking. I know there will never be peace between us,’ I say to him.

‘Then why are you here? What is this so-called “life-changing surprise” you speak of?’ he asks.

‘Once your son is here, I will show you,’ I smile.

Alpha Cal yells for the pack warriors to bring Levi up. They drag him into the room with his wrists chained. He looks underweight and haggard, covered in dry and fresh blood.

You can see the emptiness in his eyes. I give him a sympathetic look as he makes eye contact with me.

I’m in shock that Alpha Cal has treated his son this way.

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