Alpha Maximus: The Last Lycan

Alpha Maximus: Chapter 11

I turn and start running back to the car as fast as possible. Shadows whip past me. I slip and fall, rolling a few metres.

As I get myself up off the ground, three wolves appear in front of me. They shift into their human form and approach me. ‘Come, we will safely return you to Alpha Tate.’ The man closest to me says.

‘No, I don’t want to go back there. I want to stay with Alpha Maximus.’ I tell them. ‘Why would you want to run away with a Lycan of all werewolves for? Alpha Tate is your mate,’ the man says.

‘They are both my mates. I rejected Alpha Tate!’ I tell them.

The men look at each other in shock. ‘You rejected Alpha Tate to be with that thing…that monster?’ he asks.

‘Yes! And I would reject Alpha Tate all over again if I could! Now let me pass!’ I shout.

‘You must be crazy. I don’t think you are in the right frame of mind. Come with us to the pack house, and we will get the pack doctor to check you out. Maybe you hit your head or something because you’re not thinking clearly.’ he gestures.

‘No, I told you I am staying with Alpha Maximus.’

‘This she-wolf has lost the plot, boys. Let’s take her to the pack house.’ he says.

He grabs my arm, and out of nowhere, I slap him across the face. I stare at my hand in disbelief at what I have just done. The man rubs his cheek, glaring at me. ‘You’re as feral as that damn Lycan!’ he says. I see how angry he has become and run.

I’m now running back towards Alpha Maximus and Nathan, who are deep in battle fighting off at least a hundred wolves. The three men continue to chase me. I know I won’t be safe running back to Nathan and Alpha Maximus.

Bolting towards the trees, I pray to the Moon Goddess that I can get away from these men.

I knew I couldn’t outrun them unless I shifted, but Storm hadn’t been talking to me, and I already knew she would be too afraid to shift.

Just as I’m about to reach the trees, all three men pounce on me, holding me down. I fall on the snow-covered ground. Two men grab an arm each, escorting me towards the pack house.

I burst into tears and beg, ‘Please, let me go back to Alpha Maximus, please!’

The men completely ignore me as if they are deaf. We are near the pack house. I can see Alpha Maximus and Nathan still fending off the pack, but most are now limping away with injuries.

Nathan isn’t looking too good, either. He is swaying and exhausted. ‘Maximus!’ I scream. He turns to see I’ve been captured. He growls ferociously towards the men holding me.

A wolf lunges at him from behind his shoulder, biting a chunk of flesh. He grabs the wolf by the scruff of his neck and throws him down to the ground. A loud crack and yelp are heard as the wolf now lies lifeless in the snow.

I grab one of the men’s arms that hold me and bite down as hard as I can. A metallic taste fills my mouth. He yells and pushes me down. I get up and run towards Alpha Maximus and Nathan.

Nathan lays in his human form on the ground. He’s hurt bad. I lean over him and place my hands over his chest. I close my eyes and focus, but the odd pack member keeps trying to grab my ankle or arm to pull me away. Alpha Maximus has managed to take out half the pack, but the rest of the werewolves continue to attack him.

Alpha Liam is approaching. He removes his shirt and shifts before racing toward Alpha Maximus. I place my hands on Nathan’s wounds taking in a deep breath as my hair starts to rise and my eyes become a glimmering silver.

Alpha Liam stops dead in his tracks along with his pack members. Alpha Maximus is breathing heavily, races toward me, and stands in a protective stance. Everyone is silent as they watch me curiously. Nathan opens his eyes as his wounds are almost healed. The pack members step in awe and disbelief.

Nathan sits up and wraps his arms around me, pulling me in for a playful hug. ‘Thank you,’ he whispers.

Alpha Maximus growls at Nathan, disapproving of his affectionate hug towards me.

‘Witch!’ Alpha Liam yells. I look up to see Alpha Liam pointing at me. Alpha Maximus sneers and growls at Alpha Liam.

I hide behind Nathan in his wolf form. He snaps and snarls at Alpha Liam.

‘You are both freaks! Abominations! Get off my territory before I get other packs to come and kill you both!’ Alpha Liam shouts. I don’t know why they would call me a witch.

Alpha Maximus lifts me in his arms protectively and roars in anger, still in his Lycan form. I wrap my arms around his neck and cry. It was my first time going to another packhouse, and I’m still unwanted and being called names.

Alpha Maximus backs away cautiously, ensuring no one will attack as we try and leave. He shifts back into his human form and tries to put me in the car, but I hold him tighter. I’m too scared to let go.

He squeezes me close and nuzzles my neck to comfort me. My body instantly explodes with sparks.

‘It’s Okay, Hope. We are safe now.’ he says, stroking my back.

He sits in the car, letting my arms wrap around the back of his neck. I nuzzle my face into his chest.

‘Where do we go from here?’ Nathan asks.

Alpha Maximus sighs, ‘If Silent Howl pack is reacting like this, then we need to expect all the other packs will treat us the same.’

Nathan nods. ‘We can stay in hotels in the human towns along the way. Worst case scenario is for us to shift into our wolves and sleep outside.’

Alpha Maximus brushes a strand of my hair from my face. ‘Speaking of wolves. Hope, you didn’t shift when you tried to escape from the men. Surely you knew they would capture you in human form?’

I release my arms around his neck and stare at him with sadness and shame.

‘What is it, Hope? You can tell me.’ he says gently.

‘I’ve never shifted before.’ I tell him.

The car suddenly swerves, and Alpha Maximus wraps his arms around me to protect me. Nathan brings the car to a stop and turns around.

‘Did you just say you’ve never shifted?’ he asks.

I nod my head and keep my eyes down.

‘Nathan! You need to stop swerving the car like that!’ Alpha Maximus growls.

Alpha Maximus gently places a finger under my chin and tilts my head. ‘Why haven’t you been able to shift yet, Hope?’ he asks.

‘Storm doesn’t speak to me very often. Sometimes, I don’t hear from her for months. She is too scared to come out after how I’ve been treated.’ I tell him.

Nathan and Alpha Maximus briefly glance at each other in shock.

Alpha Maximus playfully taps me on the nose. ‘Well, you let Storm know when you hear from her next that we love her so much and cannot wait to meet her. Chaos will also literally kill anyone that looks at her funny.’ He says, cupping my cheek.

‘Thank you.’ I reply, hugging him.

‘Hope, I know you have been through a lot, but there is still so much I don’t know about you. I have a question I was wondering if you could answer for me if you could?’ he says.

‘Back in the cell, why did Alpha Tate say that you were his mate and Alpha Liam also stated you are Alpha Tate’s mate when you are my mate?’ he asks.

‘When I turned eighteen, I could smell him…my mate. I followed the scent, leading me to Alpha Tate’s room. When we made eye contact, we knew straight away we were mates. He was furious and rejected me.

It wasn’t until he was badly injured I healed him. He wasn’t aware of my ability until then, and neither was I. That’s when he wanted me back as his mate, not because he wanted me for me but because he wanted to use me and control my ability.

I rejected him, and I tried to escape but failed. He planned from the start to kill you. He wanted me to heal him and the others until you were dead. I refused, so he kept me in the cell for weeks, then you arrived and well, you know the rest from there.’ I tell him.

‘So, I must be your second chance, mate?’ Alpha Maximus says.

‘Or her second mate in general,’ Nathan points out. ‘It’s very rare, but some people are known to have two mates who would have to share you or, yes, a second chance mate… take your pick.’ he says, shrugging his shoulders.

‘Well, you did the right thing rejecting him, Hope. I don’t think I’d ever be capable of sharing you. Every night, I dreamt of the moment I would finally meet you. I kept on imagining and wondering what you’d look like. I’ve been yearning for you for so long,’ he tells me, nuzzling my neck. I blush.

We arrive at an authentic first-class hotel. It’s very fancy and elegant. We enter through the front doors. I’m in awe of seeing such a beautiful lobby. I’ve never been to a hotel before. There’s a large chandelier hanging from the high ceiling. Real flowers are in each vase. There are several sofas with well-dressed people sitting and talking to each other. They become silent and gawk at us, probably because we look dirty and ruffled up with torn clothes.

Nevertheless, Alpha Maximus ignore the stares, takes my hand and guides me to the reception desk. We both have the biggest grins on our faces.

‘May I help you?’ the lady at the desk asks, staring us up and down. She looks at us unimpressed with our state, and one might think we cannot afford the room.

Alpha Maximus clears his throat. ‘Your finest room, please! And a room for the gentleman behind me as well.’

The lady pushes her glasses up, tilting her head to glance at Nathan behind us.

Nathan steps forward, also worn and ragged, pulls his wallet out and places a wad of one hundred dollar notes down in front of the receptionist.

Her face brightens with a smile.’Oh, in this case, here is your key, your room number is eighty-three, and the other key is for the room next door, number eighty-four,’ she says, grabbing the wad of notes.

We make our way up the grand stairs to our room. The staircase is huge and romantic, with an intricate design. Alpha Maximus unlocks and opens the door of our room. I’m suddenly nervous because I’ll be sharing a room with my mate tonight. I walk into the room to see a couch and a TV. I walk through the next door to a room with a large bed with red coverings. The bedside tables have tall gold-and-crystal style lamps. The headboard is fancy with intricate hand-carved designs. Our room is a suite that already has its own living room space, bedroom space, an office space with tables, and a bookshelf with books. The curtains are floor-to-ceiling length with beautiful gold print designs.

There’s another door that leads to the bathroom. It has a large bathtub and a shower with a twin basin.

‘Will this be suitable for the night?’ Alpha Maximus asks me.

‘It’s better than the cell or the attic I have been sleeping in.’ I reply.

Alpha Maximus stiffens, ‘You mean your room was that cold and dirty attic?’ he asks.

I nod.

He walks over and pulls me close. ‘I’m sorry for what they did to you.’ he says.

‘I’m here with you now. That’s all that matters.’ I tell him happily.

‘You know, I’m lucky to have you. I worried my mate would never be happy to have me.’ he says.

‘You are the kindest and sweetest man I have ever met, and I wouldn’t want anyone else but you.’ I say to him.

He cups my face, ‘Thank you, Hope. Those words mean so much to me.’ He says.

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