Alpha J

Chapter Alpha J 19

Chapter 19 Punishment


I see Alastor talking to Theseus and he accepts what looks like a business card from him. Alastor walks towards me as Theseus heads towards the Hotel and I wish I could be a fly on the wall in that suite, I would like to hear what kind of an excuse Damien will come up with.

Some of the Alphas come over to congratulate me on both my wins and they tell me that Damien was a fool when he rejected me. There are others that come over for the same reasons and I spend the next fifteen minutes or so talking to numerous people.

Alastor hands me Theseus‘ business card with the request to call him, “He wants to talk to you and I have a feeling there is a lot he is unaware of. Maybe you should give him the chance to ask you questions and to tell you what he knows whether it is about his Father or his baby Brother.” Alastor


I let his words sink in as Dad wraps an arm around my shoulder and tells me how proud he is of me, “You put on one hell of a show, it wouldn’t surprise me if you will beat a few more Alphas.” Fle says as we pass three Alphas that also broke their alliance with us.

Eos and Rhea laugh out loud as Delia tries to hide her laughter by burying her face in Alastor’s chest, Mom just looks at the Alphas with a smirk on her face as she slightly bows her head at their Lunas. We head back up to our suite as I need a shower before we are going down again for dinner.

Everyone disappears into their bedrooms to get ready for dinner and I tell Ione about Theseus‘ request as I get my outfit for tonight out of the closet, “I think Alastor might be right, I doubt his Father would have told him there is no more alliance or if he did why it was torn up.

Former Alpha Damon was an asshole according to my Father, he always made sure everyone knew how he felt about fated Mates and that males that chose their fated Mate over a chosen Mate were idiots. He really believed that a fated Mate would weaken a male instead of strengthening him.” lone says.

I guess I should give him the benefit of the doubt, from what I have seen he is nothing like his Father and maybe we can discuss a new alliance between our Packs. Maybe we can even discuss their border patrols, because I still don’t understand how those work on their end.

Once I am out of the shower I get dressed, I put my hair in an updo with braids and I put on some mascara and a touch of eyeshadow. Mom and Delia are talking about Theseus‘ request in the living room and both of them agree that I should give him a chance to learn the whole truth.


Damien tries to explain to me why he rejected Amarah, but I quickly catch him on some lies as his story is slightly different from five years ago and I decide to let him dig his own grave. “Theseus, when I met her she was just a meek female, she barely spoke to me.

Unlike Penelope she was more concerned about how she looked to others, I saw her flirting with unmated males all night and I didn’t want to risk going through the pain of betrayal.” He says.

I look from him to Penelope, only to let my eyes drift back to him and I look him dead in the eye as I say, “Amarah doesn’t strike me as a female that is preoccupied with her looks, unlike another female I know. She has been training hard ever since the invitation arrived, unlike a certain male I know.



As to the subject of betrayal I think she would have been on the receiving end instead of you, just like the two of you cheat on one and other.” I say and I see both of them pale. I never knew for sure if they cheated, but their facial expression says it all.

Instead of having to face them both every single day I come up with the best way to punish them both and to resolve an issue that is becoming a problem, “Damien, you better ask Penelope’s Father to accept you into his Pack as I no longer want either of you to be part of mine.

You can come to visit our parents, but only after you get my permission and if you ever decide to come visit without my permission you will be thrown into the dungeons for a week. Am I making myself clear?” I look at both of them and I sigh in relief as they both nod their heads.

“What about Joseph?” Penelope asks and I act as if I misunderstood her question, “Penelope, he is your Son. Of course he will be going with you and Damien I reply, but I know that that is not what she meant by her question and it doesn’t take long before Damien points out that Joseph is the heir to the Pack.

“Damien, I would much rather hand over the Pack to Alastor of White Crescent Pack than have you ruin it by controlling every decision Joseph makes. Hell, I might just hand it over to Amarah for that matter, at least one of them will be a better Alpha than Joseph.” I growl.

Neill and Josh had stepped out of the kitchen the moment Damien had said his first word to me and they had listened to the entire conversation, “Josh, I want you and Neill to take them to Penelope’s Father. Make sure you stay outside their gate and repeat what happened here today.

If he doesn’t accept them into his Pack you call me with the phone on speaker and I will banish them. from my Pack, turning them Rogue. If he does accept them you head back home and have the Omegast pack their belongings, except anything that belongs to Dark Mountain Pack..

Once everything is packed arrange for a moving company to pick everything up and have it delivered. to their new Pack.” My instructions are clear and I know Josh and Neill will follow them to the letter. Apollo had left the room to pack their bags and as he drops them in front of Damien and Penelope it seems he finally understands.

“Theseus, Father will never agree with this. He will demand you bring us back.” Damien says and 1 know I will have a huge fight ahead of me with our Father, but I can handle that. “If Father wants to put up a fight I will give him a choice. Either he accepts my decision or he can join you at your new Pack.” I


Penelope grabs her bag to open it and it only takes her a moment to realize her phone is not in there, “Sorry, Penelope. Your phone belongs to the Pack, just like Damien’s phone.” Midas says and I have to

as I see shock on her face. suppress a smil

The nanny we hired through the Hotel walks in with Joseph and Ajax quickly tells him that they are going to visit his other Grandparents, before Penelope can take advantage of the fact that there is a four year old present. Joseph is jumping up and down, happy to go see his Grandparents.

They don’t need to warn anyone of what just happened in here and have Josh and Neill end up in an ambush.” Midas says through our mind–link. Neill grabs their bags as Josh walks to their own room to get his own bag and that of Neill. “See you in a few days, Alpha.” Josh says before they walk out of the door.

Midas hands me another coffee as Ajax announces he is going to take a shower before dinner and Anello and Midne follow him quickly Yanthne iust finished his third coffee ac Lam cinning an mine



“What are you going to do about Alpha Amarah?” He asks before he puts his mug down.

“I assumed she needed some time to thing about talking to me, so I approached Alastor with the request to ask her to call me to make an appointment. I want to know if there is more we are unaware of and if she can shed some light on our alliance.” I tell him before we both get up to get ready for dinner.

My phone starts ringing as we walk towards our rooms and I see an unknown caller–ID. “This is Alpha Theseus.” I answer the call. “Alpha Amarah, I had not expected you to call me this soon. I hope that is a good thing for me and my request.” I say.

Xanthos‘ brows shoot up as he listens to me, “Yes, tomorrow morning will be fine. Should I ask the reception for a meeting room?” I listen to her response and for a moment I am at a lose for words. “Sure, I’ll be there… Yes, I will bring them along if you would like… Tomorrow at eleven it is. Have nice evening, Alpha Amarah.”

Apollo, Ajax and Midas are staring at me and Xanthos asks me what she said, “She wants us all to meet her in their suite, her Beta, Gamma, Deltas and family will be there as well. She didn’t even ask about Damien, maybe she guessed I wasn’t to pleased with him.” I explain.

We are seated at our table when Amarah walks in with her Mother next to her, Alastor says something to her which makes her turn around and I want to growl at every male that looks at her. I know everyone saw her during her matches in her form fitting outfit, but this is different.

She is wearing a burgundy jumpsuit with flared pants, the top is in the form of a halter top and closes with a button at the nap of her neck. Her back is bare to just above her ass and her tattoos are very visible in this outfit, more so than during her matches

Linus is drooling over the way she looks in my head and I have to turn a little to get comfortable again.

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