Alpha And Luna

Chapter 24


Ifall to my knees beside my brother. Suddenly a wolf appears out of nowhere and kills my father, who falls to the ground, also dead.

I start crying my eyes out, my brother takes me in his arms, but it's not him I need, it's Kyle.


POS Kyle

She has just witnessed the death of her parents, seen her father’s head torn off and her mother's insides ripped out. She's crying in her brother's arms when I hear her say my name, she wants me, so I run to her and take her in my arms. -Everything’s going to be fine princess, I'm here now, nothing can hurt you, I promise.


I wake up to five pairs of eyes staring at me.

-Are you all right, my darling? my mum asks

-Kyle, where is Kyle?

-He fainted at the same time as you,” says his dad.

-I...I fainted?

“Yes, you did.

-Maeva, what did you see?

Just as I was about to answer, Kyle woke up and was startled to see my parents alive.

-Did you wake up too? I asked.

He nodded.

What's happened?

-We were about to be attacked and we saw you die..." I said at the same time as Kyle.

Our parents are looking at us strangely.

-A vision? asks George.

-Probably, Kyle had them when he was younger.

-And so did Maeva, but when you left our territory several years ago, the visions stopped.

Just like with Kyle, 50 you have a very strong bond between you,” says Kyle's mother.

Iroll my eyes.

-Not that talking to you isn't interesting, but maybe we should start preparing for the attack or something.

“Kyle and Maeva in the cellar, they've come for you, we'll explain why later.

Iglance at Kyle, who nods at me to follow him. I do so after kissing my parents and telling them to be careful. Once in the cellar, Kyle locks the door and bars the doors with metal bars. I go and sit down in a corner, put my head in my lap and start crying as I think back to my vision. Kyle comes and sits next to me and puts an arm around my shoulders. I snuggle up to hir even more.

-I'm scared, Kyle, and if our vision was real...

-Don't worry Maeva, everything's going to be fine, I promise.

Ismile sadly and fall asleep against my soul mate.

-Maeva...Maeva wake up.

I open one eye and then two.


“They've killed them all, now we can go back upstairs, our parents want to talk to us.

Inod, Kyle puts one arm under my neck and the other under my knees.

I can walk Kyle.

~I know you can, Princess, but let yourself go.

Ismile at the nickname he's given me and snuggle into his muscular arms. After climbing the stairs, we enter the living roon and find it a mess. There's blood everywhere and heads ripped from their bodies. My soul mate takes my head and sticks it to his chest so that I can't see the disaster. We get to George's office, but instead of putting me in a chair, he sits me down and puts me on his lap.

What's up? asks Kyle.

~Well, you're both half-witch and half-wolf.

-We already know that,’ says Kyle.

Yes, but when you're together you become a wolf and a witch, you complete each other.

Like all soul mates.

-But you're different, when you're together you're a very powerful weapon and any big alpha would want you. That's why we were attacked.

-And what difference does it make that we're together, I don't understand anything any more,” I say.

~Look at your left hand.

II0ok at my hand and notice half a moon.

-Now stick your hands together.

We do as George asks and a white light shines on our hands.

“You are now linked and your powers are much stronger,” says my mother.

-We're going to leave and in the meantime you're going to have to practise your powers, the pack’s defences are going to be at their strongest. Evan, you're going back to look after our pack and you, Maeva, you're staying here with your soul mate,” continued my father.


“There are no buts, Maeva,” said my dad coldly. Kyle becomes the alpha of the pack in three days and you'll become the Lun; of his pack whether you like it or not!

-Don't I get a say in this?

That's right, you don’t!

Well, 'm going to run away!

I get off Kyle's lap, everyone leaves the room and that's when Kyle slams me against the wall.

-I won't let you get away, you're mine and mine alone!

I push him away and slap him.

-'m not your bitch!

“You're my soul mate, the future Luna of my pack and the future mother of my children, I only want you and only you.

-I don’t want Kyle, 'm only I6, I'm not ready for all this...

You have to, Maeva, otherwise you could die. We have to be together.

I run out of the room and into my brother's arms.

~I'm not ready Evan, I never asked for any of this, why is this happening to me?

I don't know, princess, give him a chance, maybe it could work?

-'m only I6, Evan!

-I know, sweetheart, but you can’t live without him and he can’t live without you...

-I've got to try...

I leave the house and head for one of the cars.

-Promise me you'll take good care of Thea.

-I promise and you promise to come back.

-I can’t promise you that, Evan...

I set off at top speed for the airport. When I got to the airport, I bought a ticket and waited for my flight to arrive. Suddenly, smell grazes my nostrils, but not just any smell, hers.

~she’s here, hurry up and find her!

I get up and go into the bathroom, but just as I'm about to enter, arms come round my waist and lift me up.

-Did you think you could get away from me, sweetheart?

This is it, my time has come.

-0h no, I was just planning a little trip to Australia to take my mind off things.

“You've got to be kidding me.

-I wouldn't dare” I say, looking falsely sorry.

He puts me on his shoulder and whispers in my ear.

-When we get home, I swear you're going to regret what you've just done.

I say again, which makes the big bad wolf laugh.

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