All it Takes is Love

Chapter 13

Lynn watched as Byron shifted into his wolf and attacked Alpha Raymond.

Then she glanced over at Chester to find him staring lustfully at her. When he noticed her looking in his direction, he smirked and mouthed, ‘you will be mine.’

She turned away and ignored him.

Byron and Alpha Raymond were biting and clawing at each other. Their snarls and growls filled the air.

Lynn noticed as she watched the fight that Byron only bleed a little bit. On the other hand, Raymond was already bleeding heavily.

“I’ve never seen my son fight until today,” the Alpha whispered.

Lynn turned to see the awe on the Alpha’s face as he watched Byron dominate the older Alpha Raymond.

“He’s never had a reason to fight before,” Landon quietly mentioned with a glance at Lynn.

Lynn turned back to the fight. Alpha Raymond was now trying to get Byron to circle around, but Byron was just standing there. She frowned and whispered, “What is he doing? He’s just standing there.”

“Raymond is losing, and he knows it. So, he’s trying to get Byron in the position of having his back to their Pack. If he can do that, then they can attack him from behind,” the Alpha explained.

Lynn gasp with horror. “But… but that’s not right.”

“No, it isn’t, but I’d expect nothing less from Alpha Raymond,” the Alpha said with a snort of disgust.

Raymond seemingly became tired of Byron just standing there and lunged.

Byron lunged back with a snarl, and the fight was back on. Soon blood and fur were once more flying as claws dug deep and teeth snapped. Byron fought like a wild animal while Alpha Raymond just tried to stay standing from blood loss. Then, with one last snarl, Byron bit down into Alpha Raymond’s neck and twisted.

Lynn cringed and glanced away.

Raymond fell sideways, dead at Byron’s feet.

Byron shifted and snarled at Chester. “Now it’s your turn.”

Chester laughed. “Oh, you feel like a big man, now, don’t you? But he was an old man. I won’t go down so easily,” Chester said with a laugh. “Who are you anyway? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you at the Alpha-heir meetings.”

“I am Byron Rhodes, son of Byron Rhodes Sr., Alpha of the Moonscape Pack,” Byron announced with his chest out in pride.

Chester looked puzzled.

“I thought there was no heir to the Moonscape Pack,” Chester said before he shook his head and smirked. “It makes no difference. Today you will die at my hand, and the girl will be mine!”

Then Chester made a fatal mistake. Turning his head, he spoke to Lynn, saying, “After I get rid of this annoyance, Lynn, I’m going to take you home and show you what a real man is.” Then he grabbed his crotch as he made a kissing motion.

Byron’s growl ripped through the air, causing everyone to jump. “She is mine!

Then Byron shifted, as did Chester, but before Chester could even move, Byron was on him. Byron’s strong jaws snapped down on Chester’s neck, almost twisting his head off before stepping back and shifting once more. He turned to the five men from the Simmion Pack and growled, asking, “Anyone else think they can take my mate from me?”

The Simmion Pack warriors just stood there as if they didn’t know quite what to say.

Byron quickly pulled on a pair of shorts that his father handed him before moving closer to the men. He stopped in front of them one by one. He seemed to be doing something as he looked at them, giving the nod as he moved to the next. When he had looked at all of them, he moved back to the third one in line.

Lynn saw him tilt his head.

“You have a problem with me, don’t you?” Byron asked. “You are as corrupted with evil as your Alpha and his son were. I will not accept that because today begins a new era for the Simmion Pack.”

The man snarled. “Our pack was doing just fine!”

“But you could have been doing better,” Bryon snarled back. Then, quick as a snake striking, he reached out and grabbed the man by his neck. Byron twisted the man’s neck before letting him fall dead at his feet.

Byron stepped back and gazed down the row of four that were left. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slow, he said, “Evil doings and corruption will no longer be part of the Simmion Pack. You will become a peaceful pack, a family, just as they were in the day when Wayne Johns was Alpha. Do any of the rest of you have a problem with that?”

The warriors all shook their heads.

“Good.” Byron turned and held out his arms to Lynn, and she ran to him. He ran his nose down her neck, breathing deeply.

“I’m proud of you,” Lynn whispered, kissing his neck.

“I did as you said I should. I let my wolf take the lead, in battle, and just now. He knew that man would have been trouble and said he had to be destroyed. I just hope I don’t have to kill too many more when we reach the Simmion Pack lands. It causes me to feel almost at war within myself.”

Lynn pulled back and cupped his cheeks as she told him, “You will do what you need to do for the good of the Pack, Byron.”

Byron heaved a heavy sigh as he looked around. “And to think before today, all I did was tell my dad when I felt someone was corrupted, and he always dealt with the justice side of it. Now here I am, in the span of an hour, I’ve killed three people.”

His father and Landon walked over, and as his father hugged Byron, he said, “Son, you acted as a true Alpha would today. You made this old man proud.”

“Congrats on your first fight bro, it was a good one,” Landon said as he stuck out his hand.

“Wait!” An incredulous voice suddenly yelled from behind them. “Did he just say, first fight?”

Almost as one, they turned to gaze at the men behind them. They now looked a bit fearful.

“Yes, you heard right. I’ve never had to fight before,” Byron answered.

“But… but you’re Alpha! Alpha’s fight, that’s what they do,” the first man argued.

“They fight, and they kill without reason except that they want to,” the third man in line chimed in.

“They train to fight and kill practically from birth!” the second man in line added.

Byron’s dad stepped up and explained, “If a man is a good Alpha, then he has no reason to abuse and mistreat his Pack. Sometimes he will be judge, jury, and sadly, executioner, but that won’t often be if the Pack is run right. Today you have a new Alpha, and he will run your Pack as it should have been run all alone. If you treat him fairly, then he’ll treat you fairly.”

“Alpha,” Byron suddenly whispered, his face paling.

His dad turned to him. “Yes, son, you killed the previous Alpha and his heir. That makes you the new Alpha of the Simmion Pack.”

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