All I Wanted

Chapter 6

>>> Burn by Billie Eilish

I shut my eyes tightly waiting for the pain in my cheek but nothing happened, I opened my eyes to see Chase holding the man's hand looking dissapointed.

“sir she was being stubborn” the man says trying to defend himself. Chase let go of the man's hand and tucked his hands into his pocket and I still can't stop myself from admiring his great looks.

“I asked you to bring her to me, that means she’s my guest and you treat her with respect” Chase says.

“But she's just one of the s*x sla...” Chase slaps the man even before he could finish his statements.

“Obey without complain” Chase says as he walks away.

The man’s cheeks became red and his eyes were bloodshot but with anger.

“What are you waiting for?, Go on, carry me” I say to push the man further Knowing he can't do anything and moreover he tried to slap me.

He carried me on his arms as he walked outside the room while Maria was seated there shaking and 'm sure she might have peed in her pants. Poor Woman.

I noticed how the man grip on my skin was getting tough and hurtful like he was trying to squeeze the life out of my skin. “Hey that hurts" I say but he didn’t reply rather his grip was getting stronger and more painful. He noticed the pain I felt as he kept on squeezing my laps.

“Can you not?" I say again but my words fell on deaf ears. The only way out of this is if we can get to Chase on time.

We eventually got to a really huge door which I think must be Chase's room since it is the only room with this type of door. “rll make sure to kill you myself when you eventually mess up, mark my words” He says as he dropped me in front of the door and left.

I made my way into the room and saw chase sitting on a white sofa with a newspaper in his hand.

“You're here" he says as he folded the newspaper neatly and dropped it on the circular glass table before him.

“Isn't it obvious?” I reply and he grinned.

“Easy there with the attitude young lady” he says while smiling. I don't get what appears funny to him.

“Why am I here" I ask

“I thought you were never going to ask” he says

“Answer me” I demand

“You see....'m Chase, A well known person here and im sure you know already that you're in the midst of a mafia gang called Hunters and I appear to be the leader and boss here.”

He stands up from the sofa and walked towards, looking me in the eye while squatting. He appears to be really tall even though I am tall.Posted by

“Guess why we're called Hunters" he continues. “Because we hunt for females just like you” he grins.

At this point my lips were pressed and I coul feel my veins throbbing.

“hat do you intend to do with us” I ask with my fist clenched.

“Oh you're special, I plan on keeping you around but what do I do with the other girls?” He asks rhetorically as he walked in circles around me.” I sell or rent them to horny men” he says.

“Why would you do that?” I ask with my eyes dripping already. I just realized that Maria was saying the truth and there's no way out of here.

“Oh no, honey come on don't cry” he says as he leans and wipe my tears off with his thumb. I slapped his hands.

“Feisty” he says. “Just how I like my woman to be.

My brows raised and different thoughts of what he was going to do to me circled round my brain.

“hat will you do to me?” I ask while sniffing the watery goo dripping from my nostrils.

“Let's see... don't know yet but you'll be useful to me and you'll be my personal hostage. Don't worry you'll get used to the system around here” he says.

“My father will be so worried about me, please don't do this to me, I am the only one he has left please” I beg him and I couldn't believe a day would come that Ill have to beg a man.

“He'll survive” he says. ” Remove your clothes” he adds

“hat do you mean I ask as my brows furrow

“You heard me” he says.

“You can't do this to me” I say as I looked at him straight in his eyes with my hands fisted tightly while crying.

“Obey without complain” he says and I remembered him said it to the man earlier.

I pulled off my gown and stood in front of the devil himself with only a bra and a G-string on. He examined my body but I don't see any sign of [**t in his eyes or maybe he's trying to hide it.

He gestured his hands towards the bed and this time I can't let him seeing me cry anymore. I boldly clay on the bed while facing the ceiling. If he's going to do anything then he should as well get on with it. The only shame here will be that he's taking away my virginity.

Chase walked towards the bed and opened my legs wide opened looking at the spot where I was shot.

“I shot you” he says

“Ym not surprised” I reply as he touched that spot calmly.

“Tell me when it hurts” he says.

He brought out a small bottle filled with oil from his pocket and applied it on that spot. I yelled in pain immediately but he didn't stop rather he kept on applying the oil and massaging the wound with the tip of his fingers. I kept on yelling without noticing that Chase had been staring at me.

“Why is he staring at me?" I ask myself but I couldn't think of an answer as the pain kept on increasing. He applied the oil oagain and as I was about to scream he pressed his lip against mine and kissed me slowly. I couldn't feel the pain anymore as my whole body had sunk into the kiss.

“Kiss me back” he says as his tongue parted my lips open and I kissed him back. Why am I kissing him back? What the hell is wrong with me? I try to find my way out of this but my body won't instead I grabbed a hand full of his hair in my hand and his tongue touched mine. I let out a soft moan and this time Chase was completely on me and I could feel his erection pressed on my stomach.

“sir” there was a knock on the door and we broke away from the position we were in.

“put on your clothes” he says without any emotion. What else was I expecting.

“Come in” he says as soon as he noticed that I had wire my clothe.

“sir Anif has arrived with the girls"

“Tell Anif to see me and take her to one of the spare room” he tells the man as he signals to him to carry me.

“Yes sir” the man says as he lifted me off the ground.

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