Aiden Finnegan the Alchemist in Delcord Novel Full Episode

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 Fine, I’ll Do It! 

When Aiden returned home, he saw Angelina and Linda on the couch, but the latter was watching TV while the former looked a little worried. 

Is she worried about met he wondered as a small smile appeared on his l*ps. 

Right after he walked through the doors, relief washed over Angelina’s worried-looking face, but Linda sprang to her feet, berating. Just look at what you’ve done! You caused such a mess just because you bought a piece of junk!” 

“Mom, stop it!” Angelina interjected with a frown, but it disappeared when she turned to Aiden. “What happened after you went to the Thatchers?” she asked calmly. 

1 cured Old Mr. Thatcher!” Aiden replied. 

Angelina immediately became angry. “Did you swindle others again?” 

“Swindle? Is that all I’m capable of in your eyes?” he asked flatly. 

When Linda saw that Angelina was mad, she immediately swooped in and said disdainfully, “What disease can a useless bum like you cure? Didn’t you just go there to swindle them and make off with their money? But I’m telling you, you’re the one who wanted to go by yourself. So, don’t throw us under the bus with you if they come seeking us later!” 

“Aren’t you the one who threw the vase?” Aiden swiveled his head and sneered, “If you hadn’t thrown out the vase, why would I end up going to the Thatchers?” 

“How dare you talk back at me, you useless trash!” When he mentioned that she was the one who started all this, embarrassment washed over her, and she huffed, “What have you done since you moved in three years ago? I have absolutely no idea what’s on your mind, and I would have just disappeared from here if I were you! I really wonder what you told Ronald back then that he allowed you to marry Angelina, and now, my daughter is suffering because of you!” 

Within seconds she had hurled a bunch of insults at him. 

“Is that why you tried time and time again to have us divorced?” he sneered. “I can’t believe that a mother wants her daughter to divorce so badly!” 

“That’s enough! Stop arguing, both of you!” Angelina said sharply, and not another peep came from them. 

“What are you holding in your hand?” she asked, seeing the medical license in his hand. 

However, he didn’t answer her and merely retorted, “How does this concern you? Am I not just a useless bum in your eyes?” 

Then, he ignored the women and went upstairs without another word. Angelina furrowed her brows tightly as she couldn’t remember him speaking in this manner to her before, and Linda took the opportunity to snarl, “I told you that a useless bum would stay a useless bum! Do you expect him to make a name for himself one day? Dream on! I don’t know how he could still remain in this house so shamelessly!” 


Chapter 15 Fine, I’ll Do It! 

In front of his bedroom door, Aiden heard every word she said, and a fire of fury ignited in his heart. s In the last three years, his own mother-in-law had never liked him. Not only did she always blame and scold him for things he didn’t do, but she also kept devising ways to have Angelina divorce him. 

Meanwhile, Angelina was snapped out of her daze by Linda’s words. 

“Mom, you’re the one who started everything by going into his room without permission and even throwing away his stuff! We’re lucky that everything is okay now because he settled the matter. But you. could at least show a modicum of gratefulness!” she pointed out with displeasure. 

“Grateful? Why should I be grateful to him? If he hadn’t bought that junk, none of this would have happened!” Linda snapped. 

Angelina didn’t want to continue arguing with Linda anymore; she had asked for a day’s leave because of this, and it would leave another hold on her for Kevin as the company was swamped. 

While she was thinking about this, her cell phone started ringing, and it turned out to be a call from the company asking her to attend a meeting. 

She took a glance at the tightly shut door and shook her head before turning around to leave for work 

At the company conference room, she saw that it was already filled with people and wondered, What the hell was going on? 

When everyone had gathered. Mason cleared his throat and began, “I requested everyone’s presence here today because of the contract with Avirax Medicare. As you all know, we’re a company that distributes beauty products and herbs. If we succeed in signing a contract with Avirax to be their supplier, we’ll definitely make it to the top ten biggest companies in Keyland in the next three years! Ill promote anyone courageous enough to take this project and strike the deal to the head of a new department!” 

“A new department? When did we establish a new department?” 

“Setting up a head of a department independently?” 

The people in the room started a round of discussion, and Mason rapped on the table at that, saying coldly, “Quiet!” 

When they noticed that he was about to blow his top, they stopped talking and sneaked cautious glances at him, waiting for him to continue. 

“If anyone manages to sign a contract with Avirax, the company will set up a department specially to deal with them. That is the reason behind the open head of department position,” Mason explained. 

Everyone went silent when they heard the details. Even though the terms were desirable, they knew it wasn’t easy to strike a deal with Avirax. 

Their competitor, the Selter Family, was better than them regarding overall abilities. Besides, the Chapman Family even had their own herb manufacturing plant in the mountains. So, what could the Gray Family put on the table in order to even the playing field? What did they possess that could put them down as a worthy competitor? 

“What? None of you are willing to step up for our future with Avirax Medicare?” Mason asked, his eyes 


14:32 Mon, 29 Janu 

Chapter 15 Fine, I’ll Do It! 

scanning the faces of his employees with a frown. 

When Kevin caught his father looking in his direction, he quickly looked the other way and thought, Only an idiot will sign up for such a tough job! 

When nob*dy dared to answer Mason, he let out a sigh of disappointment. 

“Let Angelina go. She’s the manager of the planning department, anyway,” Kevin muttered. 


When Angelina heard his suggestion, she felt her anger at him flare up as she maintained her composure. Il’henever there’s something to gain, hell fight tooth and nail to get it, but he’ll toss it at me whenever there’s a difficult situation, 

Before she could say anything, the others started to agree with him, 

“He’s right. How could we forget about her? As the manager of the planning department, she should be the one to take up this task!” 

“She’s competent in sales, and I believe she can sign the contract with Avirax!” 

As Mason listened to their remarks, he turned his attention to Angelina and asked, “Angelina, are you confident that you could sign a contract with Avirax?” 

She rose to her feet as she answered, “Sir, I didn’t say that I can strike that deal… because—” 

“If you can’t even do something simple like that, why are you hogging the planning department manager position? Hmph!” Kevin sneered before she could finish her sentence. 

“Kevin, don’t just talk empty because it doesn’t concern you. Why don’t you go, then?” Angelina argued, staring at him. “Everyone knows how difficult it is to strike a deal with them. It’s impossible for me to feel confident about this!” 

“We haven’t even arrived at a consensus but look at how impatient you are!” Kevin mocked. 

“We’re just kidding. Why did you take it so seriously?” 

“Angelina is a manager, mind you. So, why would she try to strike a deal with such a difficult client?” 

“Thankfully, the late Old Mr. Gray didn’t hand the president position to her!” 

After that, the people who usually hung out with Kevin started jeering at her from the side. 

“You guys…” Angelina uttered, blood rushing to her face. 

“Okay, I’m leaving this to you. It’s indeed a little tough,” Mason said, waving his hand and dismissing her protests. “I thought that you probably have outstanding capabilities since the previous master favored you. Unfortunately, it seems I have overestimated you.” 

At the mention of Ronald, tears welled up in Angelina’s eyes. When Ronald was alive, they didn’t even dare to treat her this way. Therefore, she became utterly infuriated by their provocation and snapped impulsively, “Fine. I’ll do it” 


14:32 Mon, 29 Jan) 

Aiden Finnegan, the Alchemist in Delcord 

Chapter 16 Anyone with An Accomplishment. 

“Splendid! Your grandfather is as perceptive as ever! Angelina, I shall grant you a week’s time! Mason immediately struck when the iron was hot. 

In all honesty, he actually had high regard for Angelina. Before he came to the meeting, he thought that she would be best to take charge of this operation. Though, given how Angelina herself didn’t stand out, he thought it would be inappropriate to force her. After all, he had been oppressing her for the sake of his own son. 

With that in mind, Mason heaved a sigh in his heart. If only my son possessed half of Angelina’s capabilities, wouldn’t have to push her to such lengths! 

When Angelina directed the company, the company’s management was perfect, and she even signed numerous contracts that were highly beneficial to Gray Enterprise’s growth. Otherwise, Mason wouldn’t have bothered the Grays in order to pave the way for his son to eventually take over as the leader of the family, 

After Angelina departed from the company, she sat in her car, filled with frustrations. 

Ever since her grandfather passed away, Eric partnered up with other shareholders and decided—after Aiden entered the Gray Family as the son-in-law-that the business of the Gray Family should not be controlled by any outsiders. As such, she was demoted from her former position as the president, while her father was assigned overseas. Hence, her family’s position began to decline. In addition, she was the one who signed all the contracts for the company, yet they never returned her meritorious deeds. Instead, her contributions were credited to Kevin, the Project General Manager. 

When she pondered about how she was single-handedly raising her family, as well as her mother, who would only gamble her time away, and Aiden, whom she frantically wished wouldn’t bring her any more trouble, let alone lending her a hand. Soon, she grew more perturbed and started weeping in her car. Then, when she recalled how she was bullied in the meeting room, she grew even more depressed. 

All of a sudden, Angelica, who was leaning against the steering wheel, heard a knock. Intuitively, she raised her head, only to see a friend from university, Ray Crispin. 

At once, she wiped off her tears and rolled down the window. 

“Angelina? Why are you here alone? Where’s your husband?” Ray asked. 

Angelina forced a grin in response and answered, “I had a meeting at the company. So, I’m a bit tired and decided to rest for a bit.” 

“Don’t lie to me. I literally saw you cry earlier! What’s wrong? Did Aiden bully you?” Ray questioned huffily. 

“No. It’s nothing like that! It’s about the company. Anyway, why are you here?” Angelina attempted to shift the topic. 

“The company instructed me to visit Avirax Medicare to discuss our upcoming project. I was just finished and heading home, but I saw your car. As Ray explained, he casually pulled Angelina’s car door open and hopped on the passenger seat, 


14:32 Mon, 29 Jan 

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