Aidan (Blue Halo Book 5)

Aidan: Chapter 15

Cassie’s face was pale—had been pale since she stepped out of the bathroom. Fuck. She obviously hadn’t gotten the answer she wanted from Olive. Only thirty minutes had passed since then, but Aidan was done. It was time to go.

“I’m getting her out of here,” he said under his breath to his team.

“This place is heavily guarded,” Liam said softly.

“There are also three cars out back,” Blake added. “They’re idling near a door like they’re waiting for someone.”

His gut tightened.

“We need to be smart,” Callum said quietly. “I’ll be at the front door with the limo the second you tell me to be, but we can’t bring unwanted attention to ourselves. There are too many guns and way too many innocent civilians.”

He watched Cassie closely, and when she finally met his gaze, he tilted his head toward the door. It was subtle, and the second she saw it, he looked away. But not before he caught the flash of relief in her eyes. She wanted out as badly as he did. And he sure as hell didn’t want to know what Elijah had planned with those cars. Not before he could get Cassie out.

He moved into the kitchen and set down the tray of drinks. That’s when he heard Cassie’s voice.

“Hi, Elijah.”

His insides went cold. He knew she’d have to talk to him, but damn he hated it.

“Cassie, dear. I haven’t had a chance to speak with you yet. How have you found your birthday celebration?”

There was a small pause. “It’s been lovely, but I was wondering if you had an update on Damien. You mentioned he might be here tonight, but I haven’t seen him.”

Aidan started moving back toward the ballroom.

“Come with me, dear.”

Don’t even think about it, Cass.

“I’d prefer to discuss it here.”

“I’m afraid this conversation needs to take place in private.” His voice lowered. “And it’s safer for everyone.”

Was that a threat?

Aidan walked faster. He entered the ballroom in time to see Cassie moving out of the room with Elijah’s hand on the small of her back, and his brothers trailing not too far behind.

No… Ice raced down Aidan’s spine.

“I want everyone listening to their conversation,” Aidan growled under his breath. “Tyler, I want you as close as possible and at any sign of trouble, get the hell in there and get her out.”

They had a plan for this but hadn’t wanted to use it.

Cassie almost sagged at Aidan’s subtle nod toward the door. She was exhausted, and all she wanted to do was roll into a ball and pass out. But there was still something she hadn’t done yet.

Casually, she moved across the room to Elijah, her heels clicking against the marble floor. The second he looked up, his gaze caught hers, and her stomach did that little sickly flip it always did in his presence.

She straightened. She would not let the man intimidate her. She was almost done with him. Yes, Olive’s decision was a setback, but she’d figure this out. Aidan had said he’d find a way to help her bring him down, and she believed him.

“Hi, Elijah.” She stopped in front of him.

He stepped forward and touched her elbows before pressing a kiss to her cheek. The only thing worse than his hands touching her was his mouth. Argh.

“Cassie, dear. I haven’t had a chance to talk to you yet. How have you found your birthday celebration?”

Exhausting. Over the top. Strange. “It’s been lovely, but I was wondering if you had an update on Damien. You mentioned he might be here tonight, but I haven’t seen him.”

A solemn look came over Elijah’s face. Her stomach dropped.

“Come with me, dear.”

He put his hand on the small of her back, but she hesitated. “I’d prefer to discuss it here.”

“I’m afraid this conversation needs to take place in private.” He leaned closer. “And it’s safer for everyone.”

His gaze stopped on something or someone across the room. She followed it to Mia—and her heart stalled. When his hand pressed harder against her back, the mixture of fear and uncertainty propelled her forward.

He ushered her into a hallway to one side of the ballroom, then into a much smaller room. There was barely any furniture in the space—a chaise and a small side table. That was it.

But there was also a second door. Did it lead outside?

He stepped inside, leaving his brothers at the door, and clicked it shut behind him.

She swallowed the nervous tension and straightened her spine. “Where’s Damien?”

“Did you know your mother gave birth to you inside the compound?”

She paused. Where had that come from? “What?”

“Your mother never told you?”


She knew her mother had joined while she’d been pregnant. She’d been on her own at the time and just about homeless after Cassie’s biological father had left her.

Elijah linked his hands behind his back as he slowly moved across the room. “She came to us, nine months pregnant, begging for shelter. It was raining that night. She was wearing a long white dress that stuck to her body. Her hair was down, and so blonde it was almost white. She looked like an angel.”

He spoke like he was talking about a fond memory, not one of a heavily pregnant woman who was desperate for shelter and probably on the verge of hypothermia.

“We gave her a room, and a day later, you were born. You came so quickly, we couldn’t even get your mother into a car. We called the paramedics, but you were born before they could get there.” A slow smile spread across his face. “I knew then that you were a gift from God, and you were meant for great things.”

Unease began to fester inside her belly. What the hell was he talking about?

Some of the joy left his face. “Then on your tenth birthday, your mother took you.” He shook his head. For a moment, he seemed to be caught up in another memory, this one less pleasant. Then he recovered. “Snuck you away in the middle of the night. Tried to hide you from me.”

Tried? “Where’s Damien, Elijah?”

Another small smile stretched his lips. The man moved across the room toward her. “Did your mother tell you about my dream?”

“No.” Not what the dream was about, at least. She wished she had. Was it the same dream Mia had mentioned tonight? Surely.

He stopped less than a foot away from her and raised a hand. She took a big step back. Nope. She may have to pretend she was all in with these people but letting him touch her face… There was a line, and that was crossing it.

He erased the space she’d created. “God came to me. Showed me just how special you are. When Mia returned, I was hoping you’d follow. And I was so glad when you did.”

“She’s the only family I have left,” Cassie said quietly.

She took another step back and hit the wall behind her.

“I have big plans for you, Cassie.”

Her heart thumped against her ribs. “What plans?”

He reached for her necklace and lifted it, inspecting the piece. When had that slipped outside her dress? He dropped the pendant and looked at her. “Come. Walk outside with me.” He indicated the back door with a nod.

Ah, that was a big fat no. And not just because Aidan would murder her if she followed him.

“I’m not feeling great. I’m going home now.”

She tried to step to the side, but his hand hit the wall beside her head, blocking her way. “I insist, Cassie.”

A rapid chill swept over her skin. Aidan and his guys would be hearing this, but would they be able to get in? Well, of course they could get in, but without causing a scene? This place was crawling with security.


“Don’t fight me on this, Cassie.” His fingers wrapped around her forearm so tightly, pain shot up her arm. He gave her a hard tug toward the outer door.

That’s when the interior door flew open. Her next breath caught in her throat.


Anger contorted Elijah’s face. “Who the hell are you? And where are my brothers? They’re supposed to be on the door.”

“I’m working the function, sir. There’s an issue with some of your guests.”

“So why are you in here?”

Tyler moved further into the room. His eyes narrowed when he briefly glanced at the hand on her arm. “I was sent because I was told you’re in charge. You’re needed.”

A loud scream sounded from the ballroom. Cassie frowned. What the heck was going on?

Elijah released her, and the relief was like a huge weight lifted from her chest. He quickly skirted around Tyler and left the room. Almost immediately, Tyler crossed the distance and pressed a hand to her back. He did it in exactly the same way Elijah had, but where Elijah’s touch made her skin crawl, Tyler’s was warm and reassuring.

They left the room and beelined for the front entrance. She tried to see what was going on in the ballroom, but Tyler blocked the view with his body.

Did she smell smoke?

The second they stepped outside, a cold breeze brushed over her skin. Tyler’s arm wrapped around her shoulder, heating her.

“What happened in there?” she asked quietly.

“There was a little issue with the Baked Alaska. The flames caught on a tablecloth, and a couple guards got too close.”

She shot a look behind her, even though she couldn’t see inside the building anymore. “Baked Alaska?”

“It was a last-minute addition to the menu.”

A car suddenly pulled up in front of them, only this time, it wasn’t Callum in the driver’s seat. It was Aidan. And he looked pissed. His face was set into angry lines, and when he got out and took her into his arms, his muscles were vibrating.

“Thanks, Ty. I’ve got it from here.” He opened the passenger door, but when he tried to tug her in, she pulled back.

“I can’t leave Mia here.”

“We have her. She’s in the limousine.”

Cassie’s eyes widened. “You do?”

“We weren’t going to leave her with Elijah. The man’s a killer.”

She blew out a long breath. Snatching Mia from the party was not going to go well. Despite that, she was grateful her sister was safe. She slipped inside the car. “Where are we going?” she asked when he was behind the wheel.

“To a hotel a bit out of town. Then tomorrow, you’re coming to Cradle Mountain with me.” He tore off his wig and fake mustache. His gaze zipped to her before shooting back to the road. “Did he touch you?”

She frowned. “What?”

“Did he touch you?”

She hesitated.

His jaw clicked. “Where?”

“It was nothing. He just grabbed my arm.”

He took his eyes off the road again and scanned her arms. Even though it was dark, she knew he could see everything. With one hand, he tugged up the material of her sleeve. His gaze narrowed when he saw the part of her arm that Elijah had grabbed. He grazed her skin lightly. Yeah, it was red and already bruising.

She cupped his cheek and kept her voice soft. “I’m okay. In fact, I was a step away from nailing the man in the balls.”

Well, she was pretty sure she had been.

The smallest hint of a smile appeared on his lips. “Were you now?”

“Yeah. Go for their soft areas. You taught me that.”

A smile was teasing her lips when Aidan touched something on his ear and frowned.

Her heart thumped. “What is it?”

“Mia’s freaking out.”

Of course she was. Strangers had snatched her away from people she considered family. Cassie opened her mouth to tell Aidan to take her to her sister when he suddenly pulled off into an alley. She saw the limousine stopping in front of them, having pulled in from the opposite end. The back door opened, and her sister all but fell out. She held her hands up, warding off Callum when he got out after her.

The car had barely stopped when Cassie leapt out. She heard Aidan’s curse but ignored it, running over to her sister. The second Mia saw her, she dodged forward, frantically clutching Cassie.

“Oh God, Cassie, they took you too? They grabbed me from the ball and forced me into the limo! Are these the guys who kidnapped you?”

“Mia—I need you to calm down.”

She frowned. “Calm down? Do you understand what’s happening? We’ve been kidnapped!”

When Aidan’s door snapped shut, Mia’s gaze flew toward the sound. She paused before she tilted her head. “Wait…is that…?”

Her gasp cut through the quiet night air.

Cassie grabbed her sister’s hands and waited until the woman looked at her. “I need to tell you some stuff—big stuff—but I need you to stay calm.” She paused. “Elijah isn’t the man you think he is.”

Mia went very still, and her voice went oddly flat. “What are you talking about?”

“You know those mysterious deaths that keep happening to people in the organization? Those deaths aren’t accidents, Mia. Elijah orchestrated each and every one of them because the members had life insurance policies—and he’s the designated beneficiary of those policies.”

Mia shook her head slowly. “No. I mean, yes, he’s the beneficiary, but that’s because he puts the money back into the church like his members want.”

“You knew about the policies?”

“Of course!”

Oh, Mia. She swallowed, taking a small step closer. “Mia, those deaths were not accidental.”

She snatched her hands from Cassie’s hold. “No. Don’t do that. Don’t stain Elijah’s image. He’s a good man. He’s our leader—”

“He’s a murderer.”

Mia flinched. “Stop it, Cassie.”

“There’s more. He puts sedatives in the drinks at our gatherings, then he sexually assaults the female members.”


“He’s done it to so many women. He’s a dangerous, terrible person, and he needs to be locked up.”

“Stop!” Mia’s voice was almost a shout.

“Has he touched you, Mia?”

She looked disgusted. “No! Of course he hasn’t. He wouldn’t do that.”

Oh, he would. “We’re leaving him. You and me. Tonight. Aidan and his team are getting us out of here.”

“You did this?” Mia looked around at Aidan, then Callum, then back to Cassie. “You organized for me to be kidnapped?”

“We’ll be protected.”

“Protected from what?”

“From Elijah!” Was the woman not listening? “From what he’s done. From what he continues to do.”

Mia took two deep breaths, shaking her head, obviously struggling with everything Cassie had told her. But she’d known she would. It was a lot. And Mia had gotten in so deep. She lived and breathed the organization.

“Cassie. You need to take me back right now. I’m going to keep everything you’ve said to me tonight between us, because you’re my sister and I love you, and I hope that you’ll come back too. But you need to stop.”

Had the woman heard the part about Elijah murdering innocent people? Drugging and raping women? “I’m not going to stop, Mia. I’m going to get that asshole sent to prison!”

Behind Mia, Callum touched his earpiece.

Aidan cursed, and when she turned her head, he was doing the same thing. He moved behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist. “They’re on their way. We have to go.”

Her insides chilled. “Who?”

“Several of Elijah’s men, including the guy who was outside your house.”

“Sampson,” Mia breathed.

Hope lit her sister’s eyes…and the hope in her belly dropped like a weight. Still, she stepped forward and tried one last time. “Come with us, Mia. Please. Choose me. Choose to trust what I’m telling you. You’re not safe there.”

Mia took a step back.

Cassie’s heart cracked right through the center.

She wasn’t going to come. The impact of that certainty was like being hit by a boulder.

“I can’t,” Mia whispered.

Broken. Those words made her feel broken. She spoke quietly, even though she wanted to scream. After everything Cassie had told her, she was choosing to stay? “But why—”

“Because he’s my father, Cassie.”

Her entire world ground to a halt.

No, she couldn’t… She didn’t mean…?

“Elijah is my biological father. I won’t leave him,” Mia continued quietly. “He’s the only parent I have left.”

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