Added into Daddy’s Life

Chapter 23

Michael's P.O.V.

What did she mean? I watched her as she watched me. How could she ask me that? She thought I was gonna drown her?

"Daddy....come on I have to get clean."

I didn't even know what to say. I watched as she stepped into the tub and sat quietly as she played with the rubber ducks. Did she seriously just forget that she zoned out for five minutes? Before I could even speak my phone rang. Mya looked up at me and frowned. "I'll be right back baby ok?" She nodded and puckered her lips. "Kissy daddy." I smiled and quickly pecked her lips. "Hoffstetter" I said answering the phone without looking at the caller ID. "Michael it's Nathan." My eyes widened. I haven't seen Nathan since I picked Mya up from the auction house. I spoke scratching the back of my head. "Hey Nathan what's up?"

"Well I'm calling because you had Mya for about two and a half weeks now and its time for inspection."

I was confused, "what do you mean inspection?" He cleared his throat, "we have a new policy here now that says; after two weeks of having your little, we have to come by to see how things are going between the dom and the little. We-" I cut him off. "Will you be doing the inspection or will someone else do it?" He hesitated and then stuttered a little. "Uh I will be doing it." My breath caught in my throat. "Are you kidding me? You of all have about twenty three staff there and you're doing it? You didn't even treat the little right yourself so how the hell are you gonna do it?" He didn't answer. "I'll be there in exactly a half hour so have Mya ready and make sure everything is in check." With that he hung up.

I shook my head and took a deep breathe trying to calm my nerves. I didn't want Mya seeing me like this. I clenched and unclenched my fists and took one last deep breath. "Daddy you back!!" Mya cheered as I walked back into the bathroom. I chuckled pecking her lips. "Of course princess, I wouldn't leave you."


I grabbed her rag since it was easier on her skin but she shook her head. "No daddy I want the puffy" she said pointing to her loofah. I shook my head, "not right now baby because your skin is really sensitive?


I nodded, "exactly. So how about this...lets bathe with the rag right now and then tonight after dinner we use the puffy, ok?" To my surprise she nodded, "Ok daddy." I smiled and pecked her lips.

I grabbed her wild berry body wash and applied it to her rag. She jumped when I pressed the rag against her skin. I gently rubbed her chest and back first since that was where she had the most cuts and


"Stand up princess."

She grabbed my hand for support and slowly stood. I scrubbed her arms and her legs making sure to get the soap everywhere. Once I was done I grabbed the shampoo and applied a generous amount. "Daddy I wanna sit" I nodded "go ahead honey." I added a little bit of water and slowly messaged her scalp. She sighed at the soothing contact. I chuckled quietly as I watched her eyes flutter close. I rinsed out the shampoo and grabbed the conditioner from the shelf. I poured it in her hair and repeated the messaging actions.

I drained the water from the tub and grabbed Mya's hand. "Stand up again baby." I turned on the shower head and rinsed the soap from her body. I made sure to do a double rinse for her hair to get all the conditioner out.

I lifted her petite frame out of the towel and wrapped her in her green frog towel. She whined and leaned into my chest. "You tired baby?" I asked kissing her wet hair. She nodded yawning.

"Ok just hold on one second." I grabbed the medicated ointment and applied a large amount to her cuts. She flinched but didn't say anything. I put the jumbo band aid on top and kissed it.

I reached for the diaper on the counter but Mya started crying. "No daddy I no want diaper." I shook my head, "It's ok baby trust me." She nodded. I quickly sprinkled powder on her and then put the diaper on. I quickly applied lotion to her body and put her in a grey dress with a bunny on it. Once I was done she popped her pacifier in her mouth and ran downstairs to be with Aladdin.

We were sitting on the couch watching princess and the frog when the doorbell rang. "Daddy.." Mya cried, jumping at the sudden noise.

"It's ok princess daddy will be right back."

She shook her head and picked at her band aid. Without even thinking I quickly placed her to rest on my hip and went to open the door.

"Michael" Nathan said holding a clipboard. I nodded moving aside so he could come in. I wasn't too keen on the idea of Nathan doing the inspection but there was nothing I could do about it.

I guided him to the living room and we both sat on the couch. I handed Mya her bottle and rocked her back and forth gently. "Ok" Nathan said clicking his pen. "Let's get down to business." He scribbled something on his paper and then spoke again. "Is everything going well so far?" I nodded. "Everything is perfect. She's great." He nodded as he wrote again. "How has she been acting?" I froze not knowing what to say. I wasn't sure if I should bring up her fits and panic attacks. I decided to skip it. "She's honestly perfect she doesn't cause any problems and I really love her." He wrote some more. "Have you been giving her the asthma pump?" I nodded, "of course."

We went back and forth-him asking me questions and me answering them the best way I could. It took about a half an hour in total. When he was finished writing he looked up at them then at a sleepy Mya. My eyebrows knitted together when his eyes slightly darkened. "There's just one more thing and then were done."

"What is it?"

He cleared his throat. "I need to check her body for bruises." I hesitated, "she had to take her clothes off?" He nodded. What is this? I didn't say anything. I carefully laid Mya on the couch just as her eyes fluttered closed. Nathan stood next to me. "Michael you have to be out of the room." I looked at him shocked. Is he serious? He didn't make eye contact with me but I spoke up. "Is all this really necessary?" He nodded, "I'm just doing my job." I sighed and walked into the kitchen.

I wasn't sure what to think but I peeked my head in the living room just to monitor what he was doing. I watched as he slowly pulled Mya's dress above her head and threw it on the floor. His eyes raked up and down her body but he didn't move. He got on his knees and ran his fingers lightly over her chest. Mya stirred in her sleep but didn't wake up. He grunted and stuck is hand in her diaper and rubbed slowly. He pulled his hand out and swiped it across his nose as if he was smelling it. That's when I had to intervene.

"What the hell are you doing?!?!" I yelled causing him to flinch and jump up startled. Mya woke up from my loud voice and started crying. I couldn't even hear her that well...all I saw was red. I yanked Nathan by the collar and cocked my fist back. His eyes filled with terror. I cocked my hand back and punched with all my might. Nathan let out a loud shriek as I heard a very familiar crack signaling I broke his nose. I couldn't stop there I continued to punch him and kick him until majority of his face was purple and bloody.

"Get the f!ck out of my house!!!"

A/N: Hey guys....what a crazy chapter!!! The next chapter will pick up with the next day.

Do you agree with the way Michael handled that situation?

What would you have done?

In the last chapter, what do you think Mya meant when she said 'the ants'?

What made her previous master so cruel?

Thoughts so far?

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