Chapter Chapter Twelve.

He even knew from within his own alliance with other alien races, that some were not fully trustworthy, and the Atlantions had suspected selected operatives were passing intelligence to other human factions, only they were using methods and technology as yet undetected by them, but he knew now he had secured Jennie within the PMs Office to liaise with him, his kind and their partners, that it should soon become clear just what was happening and who were passing on intelligence.

Jennie had started to settle within her new position and had become privy to high levels of intelligence, all of which the alien side of her nature, instantly passed to Simon or those within Atlantion command. That said there were also meetings taking place from within her mind that none but Jennie and Sandra knew about, and of course who so ever Sandra reported to. They kept Jennie near at all times and strengthened her mind, so in time it no longer became a conscious effort to carry out unsupervised conversations within her mind.

Jennie still saw Chris, and during their times together, the alien side of her had strict instruction from Simon, that it was to allow her freedom and no intrusion into her private life, she was a valuable asset and needed to be nurtured and to keep stress to a minimum. It was such a strange set up as Jennie was to all intense and purpose human, only the Atlantions had over the years learnt in how to impregnate an actual conscious separate mind within humans, and that mind was 100% Atlantion.

As incredible as it sounds, the Atlantions and humans were not that incompatible as their genetic structure was almost identical, there was a very minor DNA difference in that the Atlantions held two extra genetic chromosome markers, and the mitochondrial DNA and some of the proteins were different, but over five generations of genetic manipulation had eventually created Jennie, and the Atlantions finally learnt how to impregnate a true hybrid human, so it evolved with two minds, one human and the other alien, or Atlantion.

Chris had made Jennie a surprise meal, with candles and wine, low lighting and her favourite music. Jennie had had a difficult day at work and had been stressed by the events of so many different minds within her head, she needed to relax and had not suspected the surprise. Upon entering her home, she was surprised to find the lights set low and the music playing. “Oh my, what is this,” enquired Jennie, as she then saw the candles and could smell the food cooking.

Chris greeted Jennie, “I thought you could do with a rest and you deserve this surprise, your promotion was earned by hard work, but I feel it might well be just that bit stressful at times, so I thought I would lighten your load…, and…, well give you a surprise.” said Chris. He then pulled his hand from behind his back and presented her with a rose. Jennie was stunned by such a romantic gesture and they embraced and kissed.

After the meal they listened to romantic music and drank more wine, before both Jennie and Chris realised it they were undressing each other and wanting to make love. Chris had pulled Jennie upon his lap and she had taken off his shirt, and together they started exploring each other’s bodies.

As Chris undid Jennies blouse and removed her bra she stood up and started to undo her jeans, and watched Chris as her blouse started to fall from her shoulders. Chris reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring, “Jennie will you marry me,” asked Chris.

The Queen of the Borgets was still trying to obtain the Atlantions disrupter technology, she had never come up against such an advanced and devastating technological race, and this disturbed her, as it endangered her and her creations and this could not be tolerated; yet the technology kept defeating her and her highest collective minds could not overcome the knowledge required to create weapons of such sheer devastation.

Five times she had tried to infiltrate The Others space, and even using the most advanced of her interstellar crafts, yet all were detected and totally destroyed. The only real intelligence she gathered that could possibly be of use, was that there was another race of aliens, in whom were protecting planet earth, and if she could, then the queen intended to manipulate that situation, and see if she could turn it to her advantage.

However, she needed to either draw the humans or the supporting alien race to her, or somehow find a way of bypassing The Others, and securing one of her operatives upon earth or one of their ships, then the nanorobotics could be left to carry out infiltration, and in time she would be able to take full control and gain all the intelligence and knowledge she required to make an invasion successful.

It was the Greys from still within the un-located earth base at Mexico, who responded to their new leader’s request, although they had not undergone the transformation, as they were living and working underground within an old ancient sub terrain city, established over two thousand years earlier. They had been periodically updating the facility, and equipping it as a long term research base. Also since their South Polar Region base became destroyed, this facility within Mexico had become their foremost important land base.

People were abducted from all over the world and initially tested if been suitable subjects aboard the much smaller stealth ships they had created especially for operating at night over land. Once a subject was found to be suitable, they were stored until they abducted their designated numbers and then took them to the Mexico facility and had them beamed inside for medical experimentation, and with all female subjects for insemination.

Their leaders had responded to the Queens call, and had volunteered to try and obtain a member of the Alien war council who could become compromised and used to infiltrate their way in, and compromise the computer systems.

They had tried all methods of hacking but with no success, however the Alien Control Centre operated a system free of the World Wide Web, and with all its communications using a system adapted by the Atlantions, which operated at a quantum level, and using a technology light years in advance of anything the earths ordinary population was using.

As such the Greys had been unable to discover their method of communications or of sharing data, and had to date failed. However they were aware of a contact, and one in which had compromised an operative’s daughter, and they intended to try and exploit this situation and turn it to their advantage.

Simon and his immediate team were aware of the reasons behind the sacrificing of the child, as Admiral McDermott had been reluctant to strike out at those aliens which were known to be upon earth, if he felt it endangered others. His superiors needed to motivate him and gave him chance after chance, until in the end they took action of their own and authorised the information leak.

It seemed a drastic action, however in their eyes humans were been abducted every day, and unless immediate action was taken, the loss of one solitary life to bring about a response was better in their eyes than a constant loss of many lives.

Admiral McDermott had not realised it, but his previous inaction brought about the loss of his daughter, and because of the nature of his position and the (Ultra High Security), it was not easy to find a suitable replacement which the Atlantions would accept and work with.

Basically it had been Simon who became aware of what was about to transpire and had refused to allow the earths security to change McDermott for another operative, as such the only other option open to them was to motivate him, and they rather drastically decided to have his twelve year old daughter abducted. Simon was against this, but unable to prevent their actions, however he ensured he placed upon record his concerns, as he just knew this was a dangerous act and was going to have serious consequences.

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