Chapter Chapter Three.

Admiral Wilson Lewis McDermott was the head of the secret governmental section for alien research and development, and who was responsible for the back engineering of any other life form crafts or technology that came within their hands. They also held untouchable power and authority, over ranking all other law enforcement departments, and even the secret services.

They had formed an alliance with the Atlantions and been gifted with technology which enabled them to create crafts and weapons of their own, along with intelligence which in itself was power. Simon walked over and greeted McDermott, “Lewis my old friend it has been far too long since we last spoke,” said Simon. Admiral McDermott nodded and took hold of Simons hand and placed another upon his back.

In that instant their minds connected, “Keep calm Lewis we have bad news,” said Simon, trying to give his friend prior warning. As Lewis walked over and sat before the governmental minister, he could feel something was wrong, terribly wrong. “Mr McDermott I am sorry to inform you we have some rather disturbing news,” said Minister Armstrong. She paused giving Lewis time to prepare himself.

Seeing the fear within his eyes, minister Armstrong sighed…,”Lewis we have known each other for some ten years, and I am sorry to inform you it is your daughter…, she has been abducted by the Greys…, and we fear she is compromised, possibly to be later inseminated and used for genetic experimentation.” Minister Armstrong went quiet, it had hurt to be the one to deliver such information, but orders were orders.

Lewis could feel Simons influence calming his mind, he breathed slowly forcing himself to not over react. “Is there no chance of rescue,” he enquired. It was Simon who answered. “Lewis my friend, we all face the same risk in this line of work, even we the Atlantions face capture, agreeably not as much as you humans do, but none the less we are all aware of the risk before we accepted this assignment,” he said. Lewis looked at his friend, “But she is only twelve years…,” but he could not finish his words as emotion took over and tears flowed from his eyes.

Jenny stared at her father as he stood before her with his armed raised, but he was unable to move. Simian walked over and took Jennies hand and released her from the energy field, as he did her tall alien friend walked into the room. “Aztim, please ensure Jennies family is treated well, but they are to have no memory of this incident, or of been in the kitchen and of my identity.” He paused for a few moments, “Implant a false memory, and allow them to think and remember we married in secret, and have moved away to start a family.”

Aztim the alien looked at Simian. “Yes sir, will there be anything else,” Simian thought for a moment. “Yes ensure they do not become stressed we are too close now and Jennie here is a vital part of our project, it would be a tragedy to lose everything now that we are so close.” Aztim nodded and Simian then led Jennie away.

As I studied those memories, I blinked and looked at Simon, “There are more than one of you, and that was my mother I saw in my mind, and with you taking her away, you impregnated her, and I am the result,” I said.

The alien looked at me and smiled, “Yes the memories are unfolding and I was known as Simian in those days, soon your alien side will emmerge, do not fear it, but embrace it, as it is a part of you, and it will start releasing proteins within your body and your system will start to change, it can become painful if you resist,” stated the alien.

I looked at Simon and I could feel within my mind another presence, it was me, yet it was not…, well not the human me which at that point I knew, but another me which had always been within me, keeping me healthy and safe, and a person within the hidden part of my mind, who strangely enough I unconsciously knew intimately. Yet it was not human and still very much a part of me.

At first it was confusing, almost like been two different people sharing the same body. Crazy I know, but that is how it felt, and I wanted for the briefest of moments to run and scream. Only another side of me wanted calm and it won over. Suddenly I became aware of millions of voices, millions of minds and I had incredible access to a trillion plus pieces of knowledge.

My mind became open to the universe, almost like a sponge soaking up water, only for me it was knowledge, and abilities one could only dream of. As the alien side of me merged into my human side, I became a new creation, a new person. I looked human, and as my mind settled, I realised…, I realised for all intensive purpose I was still human…, well in my mind I was.

I had a birth certificate, I was born I believed human, although some would question that, as my creation came about by alien manipulation. Yet it was another human’s sperm that inseminated my mother…, well a human hybrid like me, but a mail. Oh heck it is complicated I will give you that, but for my own sanity, and to my mind I remained human.

Hell if I was a test tube baby would you call me human or a test tube, either process was brought about by scientific manipulation, only I had another consciousness within my mind, but I forced myself for now to not think about that, and the alien side of me seemed to know, and it was aware that such thoughts could bring about instability and halt the amalgamating process, so it calmed my mind and allowed for now, me to think in this way.

I’m unsure just how long it took before the integrating of two minds took, but I awoke back in my home and I was fully conscious of what I was, yet it did not disturb me. What did surprise me was when I switched on my computer laptop and saw the date. I had been away for five days, only according to my friends I later learnt in their minds I had been here but suffering some type of flu, so they kept away, but contacted me daily via email.

As my mind awoke and cleared from its long sleep, I knew instantly Simian or another, had simply taken my place and pretended to be me while my mind was healing and becoming accustomed to another more powerful and conscious presence within. Yet incredibly it was not intrusive, I can only surmise it was like having an identical twin, and whose thoughts we shared, oh heck how else can one describe such a haunting within a person’s mind, and still remain sane.

Only now all the other minds and voices were gone, well unless I opened my mind to them, it was as if I had discovered a shut off valve and closed it off, also I realised as strange as it will sound that there remained a human remnant side of my mind, and separate to that of the entity which now inhabited my mind. It took practise but I soon discovered I could think separately to that of the alien and keep those conscious thoughts to myself.

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