A Wish

Chapter The Lives at Stake

“Tsk!” Lisa hissed. There was no end to the paths and ways to take. The fact that Stein kept coughing out blood every now and that wasn’t even the least bit helpful. She walked beside Stein to assist in leading the way while Luke is there to find routes that may or may not help in finding the girl.

They stopped on their tracks then it was Luke’s cue to look inside each tunnel that may lead to somewhere if it even exists. He dashed to the middle then punched its walls. It was like a radar to him. He just had to pick up the feedback to know whether there is a dead end or not. Not a few seconds later that Luke emerged from the tunnels then pointed at the right path.

They started to move once more.

Lisa was tired as hell since it wasn’t so likea her to walk for hours and hours—if that’d even made sense. She was used to taking a few walks then relied on high speed with her wings. That was why she was so tired. Luke, however, was feeling fatigued because his magic was slowly being drained by Stein. He didn’t feel it the first time, but now that Stein’s strength in engulfing magic increased, he can feel it being sucked out of his body. What’s more was that he was making heavy punches at the wall in hopes of finding the correct path that leads to the girl.

Stein was helpful in his own way because all magical threats were being sucked in to be his source of energy. There were bats a little while ago but all of them vanished upon contact with Stein. That was to say that Stein was practically being their shield against other things.

It was a silent time.

No one bothered to speak up since they were all fatigued to the highest level. Lisa was growing grumpy and whiney as the journey went on. Luke’s punch radar was gradually getting weaker since it was taking a toll on his body. Stein was drifting between conscious and unconscious.

“This is the only thing that I both regret and not regret.” Lisa started. She looked around the cave’s features. It was similar to the cave she has in the sky. Unfortunately, it was just similar in features and not layout. She huffed and paused for a while, “I’m regretting the walk part, you?”

Luke shrugged, “I regret...” He murmured then just sighed in dismay, “Can’t think of anything...”


Luke gave a tired chuckle, “Well sorry about that.” He said.

Luke suddenly stopped on his tracks.


“Shh.” He said as he went for an attacking stance. He produced a combat knife out of thin air, “We have company...” He pressed himself against the walls and signalled for Lisa and Stein to stay beside him. His eyes became sharp like a prey waiting for his predator. The pressure around him suddenly felt cold as it seeked for bloodlust.

Lisa had to double take at the person before her. Was this person really Luke? Was he capable of doing this? A part of her kept asking questions while another part of her had her eyes glued to the transformation of a person.

Just as Luke was about to attack, the person being attacked appeared before them.

The person in question raised his hands in defeat, “I am sorry for snooping around..!” He sloppily said. He had a lot of scars on the body and he held a sorry smile, “I was wandering and I found myself here..!” He added.

In a blink of an eye, Luke’s dangerous aura faded as though nothing had happened. He dropped the knife and it disappeared the instant, “Well!” He said as he inhaled a heap, “It seems like we’ve got a new member... I guess...” He looked at Lisa in hopes of some sort of approval.

Lisa just hopelessly nodded in agreement since there was practically no reason why not... except, “If he can help us.”

Luke glanced at the scarred man, “You heard her.”

The scarred man coughed into his fist, “Well! I can help guide through this cave! I’m an underground elf!” He chirped.

“Charming.” Lisa sarcastically said, “What do you call yourself?”

“Oh! I see!” The scarred man said in surprise, “My name is Gi!” He said as he pulled out a blank piece of paper, “And I can help give the layout of this cave!” He placed the piece of paper on the ground then concentrated his strength at his hands. Blood slowly seeped out of his hand then created outlines.

Lisa and Luke continued to watch the layout of this complicated cave unravel before them. Lisa gave out an impressed whistle then smirked, “That’s one handy skill you have there.” She complimented.

Gi’s eye color shifted from yellow to green, “Thank so much!” He said as he refolded the paper. He let out a crazy toothy grin, “We go that way!!” He shouted as he ran to the central path.

The two of them didn’t have the time to retort nor ask why Gi knows where he was going even though he wasn’t supposed to know that they were searching for a girl. Lisa made eye contact with Luke who shrugged cluelessly.

“Don’t get too close to the elf...” Stein muttered.

“Are you good?” Lisa asked as she went to his side.

“Managed to doze off while taking the paths...” Stein weakly said.

At the very least, Stein’s condition was good enough to prevent magic sucking. While it his condition was stable, it doesn’t exactly mean that he was back to his normal body quota. He was still weak and on the verge.

Luke dashed to Stein’s side as well, “You said something about the elf?”

Stein weakly nodded, “He’s deranged... Proceed with caution.” He added.

Luke and Lisa exchanged glances, “How can you be so sure..?” Luke asked.

Stein just shook his head, “I’m not so sure but that’s what I perceive.” He coughed out blood once more as he fell on his knees. He clutched his neck as though he was suffocating from something then coughed out more blood.

The wings that supported Stein faded away as it was already weak and deprived of magic.

Lisa wanted to help Stein but his body was starting to act again. The moment Stein touched the ground, it started to evaporate to his touch.

As if in cue, Gi showed up again, “COME ON!! YOU GUYS ARE BEING SO SLOW!!!” He shouted.

Luke had to cover his ears since they were still sensitive from the previous screech said to be coming from the little miss. He took a deep breath as he helped Stein heave up back on his feet. He felt his skin being burned off upon contact but it wasn’t the time to complain since it was a little thing compared to Lisa’s experience with it.

He ushered Stein to the place Gi was taking them.

Lisa stayed at their back so that she can fend off anything that may assault from the back. She unconsciously revealed her tail due to her protective nature. Luke managed to catch a glimpse of it before they finally got to follow Gi.

“Stay on your guards...” Stein managed to say before he was knocked unconscious again.

For some strike of good luck, Stein was able to keep the sucking of magic to a minimum. Luke was able to breath for a good while as they followed the underground elf, “What do you look like when you do a complete transformation?”

Lisa let out an unamused hum, “... Like how a succubus would look like I guess...” She lazily said, her eyes adjusting to the gradually darkening place, “And you got curious because..?”

Luke wanted to look at Lisa but failed to do so, “I saw a tail extend a split second ago. I was wondering if it belonged to you.” He said, heaving up Stein to readjust his place, “It looked heavy and unique... I had to wonder.”

Lisa was thankful the Luke was walking ahead because if not, he’d be able to see a shy smile lingering in her features, “It’s mine. The tail is mine. You’re the first to give out a compliment.”

Luke just chuckled, “Well I think your tail is supposed to receive compliments.” Luke nodded upon seeing Gi point away, “You don’t see something awesome every day, you know.” Luke decided to have Stein be carried on his back. He struggled at first but he succeeded on putting Stein on his back. He cringed at the pruny texture of his skin starting from his hand down to his hips. He hissed as he felt his skin being sucked off.

By then, Luke was more than capable of looking behind. As he did look behind, it was though his breath was taken away.

Lisa was slowly revealing her very self in front of Luke. First she spread her wings—enough to cover the path behind her, leaving only a few rays of light to pass by. Her hands turned thick and metallic until it became a claw. A pair of thick horns grew from her head. Tattoos seeped out of her skin and tainted her cheeks, waist and legs. Her sclera turned all black leaving her golden iris to dangerously glow against the light. A moment later, the tail the Luke spoke of appeared from behind. The end part of her tail opened as though it was ready to attack on whoever it was.

Lisa started to look insecure as she set her gaze to the side, “I’m a demon...” She bitterly chuckled, “I don’t see any reason why I’m supposed to be complimented...”

Luke shook his head in denial with Lisa’s thoughts, “That’s not true!” His head suddenly snapped to Gi who was pointing to the new direction. Luke tilted his head to the new direction for Lisa to comply with. He started to move again, “In any case, there is no person who does not deserve a compliment!”

Lisa tucked her wings and went to follow with the direction, “I already told you that I’m a demon not a person..!” She weakly retorted.

“Yeah... but in the end of the day, the one who knows the fault between right and wrong is worth the praise and effort.” He said.

Like a beautiful side effect, Lisa’s transformation was reverted back to her human form. She smiled to the fullest for the first time of her life after Grim’s death. They were the words that she wanted to hear the most during her tough times. A person she just knew for a few days made just a little effort to make her day.


“You know what... I think I don’t regret going out with you.”

“Say what?”

“Nah, it’s nothing.”

Luke was beet red after hearing Lisa’s words but he just had to confirm upon hearing it. He wanted to know whether it was him being delusional or him being too unsure. Bottom-line was that he heard something he was hoping and waiting for.


Luke sheepishly grinned, even though he knew that Lisa couldn’t see his reaction, “I don’t know why but I think it’s something I should be happy about.”

Lisa returned the favour and smiled, even though she was fully aware that Luke couldn’t see her reaction, “Well you should be.”



Vines shot up and grabbed the ghouls by the head.


On cue, the vines forced the ghouls’ heads to snap due to sheer pressure.

Risette fell on her knees, breathing rigidly as she found herself surrounded by a whole lot of ghouls. The cycle seemed endless and relentless as they keep popping from the ground. She looked everywhere in hopes of a way out. That way, she could help Blind get out in one piece even though she knows that it isn’t such an easy task.

From the inside, Blind was still pounding against the walls of the vine shelter, begging for Risette to stop her actions. He was aware that the little miss was forcing herself along those lines. She was just that brave to confront the intruder—whoever they were—on the spot. He slammed against the walls for the final time as he gave up and slid down in defeat.

Deep inside he was self-loathing.

Loathing because he wasn’t able to do a thing for the little miss, because he was disabled, because was weak. He bit his mouth as he held back a curse. All he can do was feel and nothing else. He was all helped but never to help. He was protected rather than to protect. He knew that his very being was just in the way for everyone.

He wants to do something for a change. He wants something that was equivalent to his own worth.

With a big air of determination, Blind started pull the vines away.

Back to Risette, she was starting to feel the fatigue take a toll on her body. She was starting to respond to the external stimuli once again as her body started to match the color of the bones. Her lungs heavily heaved up and down as she tried to catch her breath.

It was in vain as she used her strength to flatten the ghouls coming her way. The vines weaved up, carefully aimed at the ghouls. After a power thud, Risette fell on one knee. She was profusely sweating. Her clothing started to cling to her skin. She started to clutch her chest as it was in great pain. It twanged unspeakable pain but she was able to determine the pain.


She knew that it was despair.

After all, she was a pessimist.

She shook her head in disappointment of herself then got up on her feet once more the moment the ghouls stood again. She wanted to cry but no tears ran down. She wanted to scream and shout for help but no voice came out. She darkly chuckled to herself knowing that there was no hope for her.

Risette let the ghouls gang up on her. After all, it was all hopeless as we speak. She covered her eyes to make all the scary things go away. Just make fate do its job, she said.

She could feel the earth shaking by then.

It could either be her or the ground itself.

Was it this hard to anticipate one’s death?

Even though you’re an immortal?

She hastily opened her eyes.

As though it was slow motion, a leathery tail went past just beside Risette’s head and grabbed the nearest ghoul to her.

The ghoul’s head was mercilessly crushed to bits and pieces. Then the end part of the tail spat out its contents then hissed at the crushed ghoul. Risette turned around with bright, hopeful eyes, “LISA!!” She ran to the taller woman, hugging her tightly in the process, “How..?”

Lisa gave Risette a gentle pat at the head, “Take a wild guess.” She said in a motherly tone—even though she wasn’t a mother... yet. She tightened her hug as well on Risette, covering her eyes as she did so. Lisa then whipped her tail three-sixty, obliterating the other surrounding ghouls. After that, Lisa loosened her hug on Risette, finally allowing her to look up. Lisa gave a gentle smile, “He’s someone you know very well.”

“... Stein...” Risette weakly said.

Lisa nodded knowingly, ignoring her observations in regards to Risette’s body condition. Just as she was going to show Risette Stein, the ground turned to muck, sucking their feet into the ground. More muck come from above and fell from there then catch their hands.

The muck seemed to be controlled as their limbs got stretched to the maximum limit, rendering everyone unable to do anything.

Risette managed to catch a glimpse of Stein who didn’t seem to get affected by the muck. It was a though he was being protected by some sort of barrier. He wasn’t moving either. She couldn’t help be worry the instant because Stein would’ve usually done something to keep them from harm’s way.

“He-he-he!!” Someone chuckled from the shadows.

Risette’s eyes dilated in fear at the familiarity of the voice while Lisa and Luke had eyes of a furious prey the moment they heard the traitor’s voice.

Lisa tried to break free but she was completely and tightly bound by the muck, “YOU LITTLE MONSTER!!!” She shouted as she tried to lounge forward. Her every movement equalled to a significant tightening of the muck. She clicked her tongue in annoyance, “I should’ve attacked you if you weren’t so convenient!”

“It proves that disposable ones work the best!” He shouted back with glee. He broke into fits of broken laughter as he revealed himself from the shadows, “I’m glad that more bodies came into my domain~!” He said in a sing-song voice. His eye color shifted from yellow to colorless, “First I got an immortal for the first time!” He said as he pointed at Risette—which might’ve triggered the muck to pull on her harder.

Gi maniacally laughed again, “Then I got a well-built blind man!” He pointed to the vine shelter that didn’t seem to be affected by Gi’s magic. He didn’t fail to notice the reaction caused by Luke. Gi darkly chuckled, “I take it that you know the person.”

Luke just lowly growled at the deranged necromancer, “Lay a finger on him, you die.”

Gi didn’t seem to be affected as he just shrugged off the idea with another chuckle, “No one cares, bud.”

Gi was lucky—extremely lucky since all of them were bound by the muck. If not, Lisa, Luke, and the addition of Risette might’ve killed him on the spot no questions asked. Gi skipped around as though to provoke his bound audience, “He-he-he! I feel so lucky today! Now I have a QUEEN SUCCUBUS!!!” He pointed his finger to Lisa as though she was part of some freak show, “And I’ve got a former warrior who killed immortals!!” He then pointed at Luke, who in turn looked guilty as Risette flashed a surprised look towards him.

Gi waltz his way to Stein. He gave a sinister smile to Risette before turning his head to the unconscious Stein, “... And let’s not forget our beloved realm supervisor, Stein!!!”

On cue, more muck tried to cover Stein only to vaporize upon contact.

Gi shook his head in dismay, “Is he broken or something?” He said jokingly. He flashed Risette another sinister look as he raised his foot. Risette shook her head—which only accidentally aimed to please Gi in the midst of despair, “HEY GET UP!!” He kicked Stein.


“Oh? You mean this?” Gi repeated the action.

“I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!!!” Luke shouted as well.

The muck binding them only got tighter—rendering blood flow to significantly drop for those areas. Lisa minimized her actions to a glare and Luke with a deadly scowl. Both directed at the deranged necromancer.

Gi ignored the daggers and chose to look at Risette who has been awfully quiet for quite awhile. His dark grin grew wider upon seeing the chest armor getting chipped away bit by bit. It may be long but the wait must be worth it.

As they say, stress is taken up by the external stimuli. Gi watched Risette be enveloped by stress as her hair matched the color of bones once again. His face turned into a twisted one as he knew that the symptoms of transformation were finally taking place. His grin grew wider upon noticing that Risette was finally on the verge of exploding. The color of his eyes shifted from colorless to fiery red.

“I love your faces!” He exclaimed as he kicked Stein once more.

“GODDAMIT STOP IT!!!” Lisa exploded as she forcefully tried to tug away from the muck. If looks could kill, she might’ve killed the bastard in a heartbeat.

“ONE MORE YOU GEEZER!! ONE MORE AND YOU DIE!!!” Luke shouted as he did the same action as Lisa. He lowly growled before the deranged necromancer. He didn’t care one bit even though he knows that he couldn’t feel some parts of his limbs anymore. What matters was that the little booger to stop his actions before everything goes dire.

Gi just snorted at the remark as he continued to kick Stein in hopes for him to wake up. His twisted grin just kept growing as he notices those little reactions from the little miss. He was just waiting for her to snap that remaining thread of patience and endurance.

Luke and Lisa just kept exclaiming provoking remarks. Their voices didn’t falter—rather; it kept rising as the deranged necromancer kept doing as he pleases.

Not a moment later that their voices shifted from anger to dead worried as they watched Stein shakily stand up.

“Stein, don’t do this!!!” Lisa pleaded as she watched Stein receive blows from Gi while standing.

“STOP STEIN!!! YOU’LL GET NOTHING FROM IT!!!” Luke added only to fall deaf on the latter’s ears.

Risette’s eyes widened in utter shock as she saw Stein’s state. It was as though her broken world was finally crushed to fine particles. Stein was tortured more than her. Tears rolled down from Risette’s eyes, “Stein..!” She weakly shouted, “Why would you go so far..?!” She added, her voice was weak and hoarse. Scales started to appear on her features as she continued, “I was rude to you..!” She said, hopping that Stein would stop his actions, “I kept insulting you..!” She tightly closed her eyes as more tears gushed out, “I don’t deserve anything from you..!”

Stein just listened to Risette’s words. He was shakily trying to balance himself as Gi was trying to bring him down back to his feet. He raised his hand then slapped down the air.

Everything shook violently.

Gi lost his footing. The muck significantly loosened causing the ones bound by it escape.

As though it was scripted, Lisa went for the deranged necromancer, Luke went to the vine-shelter to get Blind, and Risette dashed for Stein.

Luke swooped down to the vine-shelter. With the remaining strength that he had, he kicked a part of the wall that practically broke that upon contact. He was lucky enough that he kicked the wall with just enough force. If not, he might’ve kicked the other person behind the wall.

Blind looked up, “Little miss? Is that you..?” He uneasily said.

Luke knelt to the level of the other guy, “Unfortunately, no.”

“Luke..?” Blind said upon recognition of the voice.

Said person chuckled, “It’s been awhile.” He helped Blind get out of the vine-shelter, “I haven’t seen you since the extermination.”

Blind awkwardly chuckled, “Not that I can’t help it though...”

Luke helped Blind get up. He let out an awkward chuckle as well, “I see that you’re vision is finally down.” He let out a sigh, “I’m so sorry about that, Skye.”

“I don’t go by that name anymore.” Blind quietly said. He heard Luke sigh. Blind awkwardly chuckled again, “I call myself Blind... I don’t deserve the name Skye anymore...”

Luke sighed disappointedly, “Is that what I’m supposed to hear from my little brother..?”

“I know... I’m so sorry.”

After that, Luke helped Blind walk to the safest place, minding that his other wrist was injured.

Gi, on the other hand, was trying to flee. It would’ve been successful if it weren’t for the queen succubus hot on his tail. It was just one moment that he saw Lisa flying just behind her then it after a blink of an eye that she was right in front of him. It didn’t take Lisa the least of effort to put the deranged necromancer on his knees.

With a forceful kick, Gi was already down. Lisa stepped on the necromancer’s face, “I believe there is a reason I am a queen.” She dangerously said. She pressed harder, earning disgusting cracking bone sounds on Gi’s head, “And I believe that there is a reason why the servant must bow down before me.”

Gi’s eyes shifted from red to blue. He chuckled, “Just a few more... just a few more...” He broke into another fit of broken laughs, “He-he-he-he-he!!! Just a few more!!!”

Lisa raised a brow in utter confusion, “What are you trying to do?” She demanded.

“Just a few more!!!”

Lisa clicked her tongue then kicked the deranged necromancer away since he was nothing more than broken as it is.

“STEIN!!” Risette hoarsely shouted as she dashed for the fallen person. As she approached Stein, she felt the pressure around her drop significantly then dropped on her knees. The sclera of her eyes turned black the moment she felt her body heat up an exponential rate. Everything went unusually slow during that time. She stared at Stein then helplessly shook her head the moment she saw Stein head to her instead.

Stein weakly dragged his feet across that few centimetres of space between them. Everything was hazy to him. He kept shifting from consciousness to unconsciousness. It was like looking at a scene that keeps fading to black. He didn’t care about the hurt he kept getting. He didn’t care about the profuse bleeding on his back. All he cared was to make the little miss stop her crying. His aching everything was heavy but it wasn’t so much of an obstacle for him to go to Risette.

Each step he took was equivalent to having the ground suck away its magic. He was confused as to why Risette was so intent on shaking her head in refusal even though he knows that it was no one’s’ fault. He was also confused of Risette’s body transformation. Why was she turning white? Why was she scaling? Why was she pushing him away?

He would never know.

Blood trickled out of his mouth as he slowly approached Risette.


Stein just shook his head in refusal as he finally reached his destination. A part of his face cracked due to the lack of magic. He looked into Risette’s eyes, “I... I don’t—” A piece on Stein’s face cracked and got chipped away; causing Risette to shout out of worry, “... don’t deserve... anything... from you...” He managed to say. He cupped Risette’s cheek, unintentionally sucking away her magic, “I... can only... hurt... ‘Tis... what I deserve... ” He said as his hand fell off of Risette’s cheek.

Risette caught the hand then gingerly pressed it between her hands regardless of the risks she was taking, “I...” She bit her quivering lips then closed her eyes, unable to look back at Stein, “I... I just—I’m not—” Unable to find the right words, she just bit her lip to stop her from saying anything else. She held Stein’s hand dearly close to her face, “You didn’t need to concern yourself with me..!”

Stein slowly put his free hand on top of Risette’s. His fingers got cracked in the process. It was hollow, Risette had to notice. Stein let out a weak breath, “... I... I want to be with you...” He placed his forehead on top of the grouped hands, “I lack the reason... but I wish... to do so...”

Risette can feel Stein’s life force slowly fading away. She remained quiet for the remaining time. She decided to let Stein rejuvenate himself with her magic—even if she wasn’t sure it was helping. She was still in the process of scaling. Her face was covered with leathery scale texture that ran down to her hands.

Lisa’s eyes widened in realization as she knew where this event was going next. She knows how it might end considering that she knows how it ended for the previous supervisor.

The earth shook once more. This time everything went crashing down. The pillars supporting the cave broke. And everything else caved in.

The deranged necromancer instantly died as it got hit by a boulder, crushing him in the process. Luke managed to protect his little brother. Lisa managed to shield herself from the falling debris.


Risette and Stein weren’t to be found in the heap of mess.

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