A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 36

Returning to consciousness took a slow pace and bringing my body to respond to my brain was harder. My lashes fluttere and 1 was on the bed in a room looking like the replica of the one I had woken up in during the weekend over five years ago. White curtains and walls, massive bed and expensive interiors. There was a cherry wood shelf close to the window of my right and a mahogany wardrobe to the left and beside it was a door I guess had to lead to the bathroom.

My eyes could barely keep up and my eyes and head began to ache, making me shut them briefly. I wonder what could have caused me such pain. I had no meaningful last memory that would explain the pain or my location. The last thing I remember was leaving Diya’s wedding and taking Zion home.


My heart skipped a little, and I feared something bad had happened to him.

Where is Zion?

Was I involved in an accident?

I pulled myself up to sit down, not ignoring the ache in my head and as the bedsheets fell off, they reveal the loose, long sleeved gown I had changed into after I got home from the wedding.

Seeing my gown on told me I got home safely and wasn't involved in an accident. So my first horrible thought didn’t happen.

If you were involved in an accident, you wouldn't have just a headache, you would have much more pain than that. the voices added.

still, it didn’t explain why my eyes and head were aching when I didn’t drink.

My hand dropped from my head and I caught sight of the purple-coloured bruise I sustained on it. It looked like someon: had gripped it hard, but my skin had been pierced through as if what gripped me had claws.

Aflash of the memory swept through my brain and I remember Henry at my door acting strange. Then I remembered him my kitchen as a terrifying furry creature with glowing yellow eyes later on. I remember how he surged towards me to harr me and I remember fleeing from the kitchen, which was where he grabbed my hand, leaving this mark. I remember trippi and getting up, only to find Aaron in the room fighting him off.


Aaron was just like Henry, only while Henry's eyes glowed yellow, Aaron's glowed red.

I remember him ripping Henry's heart out and dropping it on his lifeless body. I remember not wanting to go along with Aaron, and I don't know how he got me here, but it was against my wish.

What did he do to me?

Where am 1?

Where's Zion?

I ran out of bed, ignoring the ache in my head, and as my feet touched the cold tiled floor, the door opened. In walked a young man about my age with piercing blue eyes and black hair that fell on his face to give him a boyish look. He had a pair of neatly ironed trousers on, and a black long-sleeve which was also neat and ironed. He had his short black hair parted at the side and styled to the back. He looked handsome, but he seems to not place much mind on his looks.

He had a small white cup in his hand and a friendly smile on his face, but I knew better than to trust anything in this plac despite just waking up a few moments ago.

“What do you want?” I demanded, he stood at the door while I stood at the bed side giving us about ten feet gap. But something told me this gap wouldn't prevent a thing if the worse happened.

“I came to give you tea. It's herbal and helps with your headache.”

My eyes narrowed at the cup in his hand. There was no way in hell I was taking that.

As if reading my mind, he rolled his eyes and took a sip of the cup. “It won't do anything to me because I'm not the one with the massive headache needing relief. You are.”

“Who are you?” I asked, my voice laced with suspicion of the young man in the room with me looking as harmless as possible.

“My name is Ivan Hart," he answered, and the name echoed in her head, but before I could place it, the door opened agai This time, Aaron stepped in wearing a blue long sleeve and black trousers. His focus stayed on me and it didn’t sway ever as he walked closer.

My heart doubled up in its beat at his sight, remembering how terrifying he looked in my living room.

With the both of them in the room, I realised they were brothers and though their features were dissimilar; they had the same chiselled jaw, thick brows and forehead. Aaron was older and looked to have a fair amount of years ahead of his brother, Ivan.

“Leave us," he ordered, with his hard gaze resting on me.

“But she hasn't taken her tea Ivan tried to explain.

“I said leave us," he commanded and like an obedient little puppy, Ivan nodded and stepped out of the room, shutting th door behind him.

I didn’t want to be left alone with him. All my being rebelled against that, especially after what I saw back at the house. I wanted to run away or disappear or something, anything that wouldn't leave me in the same room as this man.

He stuffed his hands into the pocket of his black trousers and stepped forward. My heart picked up its pace despite standing a few feet away.

“Your heart is racing like your life is in danger,” he pointed out and I didn't know how he could have heard my heartbeat when he stood so far away then I realised he wasn't human, to begin with. Having a super hearing ability wouldn't be impossible for a creature like him.

“There is no telling that it isn't”

He scoffed and took a step forward, and my hand shot up defensively to stop him in his tracks. “What did you do to me? Where am 1? And where the F**k is Zion?!"

"He's with me. He's safe’

“safe?” I repeated, not believing he just used that word. “Zion is anything but safe with you."

“And how would you know that?”

“You killed Henry in cold blood!” I yelled at him and my head ached increased.

“If I didn’t, he would have killed you and Zion." he countered, “You endangered the life of my son by letting that man into your house and you do not get to talk to me about safety. I am protecting my son."

His accusations were cruel and unfair. “I didn't let him into my house. Just like you, he did what pleased him. I have protected my son for the last five years, and you don't get to point fingers at me as if I was a terrible parent when it was you who killed someone in his presence.”

“You might want to treat me like the enemy, but I was the one who stepped in and saved your life! That man would have killed you and my son and over my dead body before that happens. If I had the chance to go back, I would do the same thing again,” he said without an ounce of remorse.

I couldn't believe Henry was waiting for the right time to attack and who knows what he would have done to me and Zion This is someone I've known for over a year, someone who had been a friend, and we've shared a few laughs while he was on duty. It made no sense, Henry didn't appear like a violent person. He always spoke kindly to Zion and even mentioned his wife and kids. Knowing his lifeless body lay in my house made me a little sad.

“It still gives you no right to play God."

“With the Life of my son at stake, that gives me every right!” his eyes glowed red as he said those words and once again tt terrifying memory of him rushed back into my head and I trembled from the inside out.

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