A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 33

Yes, we arrived at the church three minutes later than the time expected of the bride. Greg was already waiting at the alte for his to-be bride and at the sight of her, relief washed over his face. In the end, the wedding was a success. With the hungover headache gone, I could carry out my duties as a maid of honour and deliver.

We moved to the reception, the massive, well-decorated Charis Hall and Diya and Greg got to dance and play the silly couples games, which made the whole hall cheer and applaud them. They were the definition of a couple's goal and their happiness brought so much joy to me. I had watched them meet and fall in love over six years ago and seeing how much their story had come was perfect. I could only wish them the best from here.

My mind raced back to Zion, wondering if he was okay or thinking about mommy too. I should have called, but I couldn't remember where I dropped my phone. I didn't have Aaron's number off heart and so I couldn't call. I missed him and wo get to him as soon as this ends.

I took a step back to the corner of the hall where the refreshments were after the cook for the occasion beckoned my attention. When I finished speaking to him, I made my way back to the celebrating couples through the hallway. “Mommy!” I heard Zion's voice call, and I spun around immediately to see where the voice of my son had just come from. I found him standing before me in a black baby suit and a red tie around his neck. His curly hair was parted at the side ai neatly combed to give him an adorable look. He had a pair of well-polished black shoes on his feet. My boy looked glorio and the smile on my face multiplied when I saw him.

I raced over to him and got on my knees. I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him as if I was going to lose him if didn't.

“Zion, How are you?”

“I'm fine, mommy," he answered heartily, and a giggle followed right away.

My eyes fluttered, and I realised he shouldn't be here at Diya's reception. As soon as the thought crossed my mind, I spotted Aaron walking towards us in white long-sleeved and black trousers, his hairstyle matching his son, except his sor had an innocent look while he had a sinful look.

I still knelt before my son and my arms stayed around him and when Aaron got to us, he smiled a little at me.

I cleared my throat, very much surprised to see them here, especially since that wasn't our plan. “Mr Hart, what are you doing here?”

“Zion wanted to come and your son doesn't understand the word no," he answered, not bothered to be here.

I felt grateful. I had searched for my phone after we got on the plane, but I couldn't find it. I had saved Aaron's number or the phone and I had no way of reaching Zion and hearing from him. Since I had promised my full attention to Diya's wedding, I had to keep it, hoping Zion wouldn't miss me too much. I had to believe he was having a great time with his father. I wanted to have him here with me, but it was something I couldn't ask for. Having him here with me now made my joy for the day complete and Aaron would never know what he had done.

He looked around for a while before looking back at me. “It's a lovely occasion, I see.”

“Yes, it is I nodded and took Zion into my arms before rising to my feet to face him properly.

We get interrupted by Lionel, who just arrived at the reception in a white shirt and khaki trousers, looking as well organised as ever. After a warm exchange of pleasantries, he took Zion from me, saying something about needing a cool buddy before leaving.

silence dominated the space we shared before Aaron broke it.

“By the way, you look beautiful” he said, his eyes gawking at the silver, armless dress I had on. His gaze swept down and then up again, stopping over the exposed upper part of the dress, which displayed the swell of my tits.

Shivers ran through me at his stare.

I glanced down at myself and then back at him. “Thank you. You don't look bad yourself." I said.

I could do better with my compliments. He looks better dressed and more good-looking than most men here, but I didn't want to play all my cards and leave myself without defence.

“Well, thank you. It's not every day a beautiful woman gets to compliment me.”

I ignored his words despite the effect they had on me. “Thank you for bringing him and I'm sorry I didn't reach out to you this morning. I can’t find my phone. I must have left it in the hotel we were in last night" I said, changing the subject. “You must have had fun then?” he asked with a tone of interest.

“Yes,” I admitted, “I did."

“It's obvious, you're less uptight than you usually are” he answered and I rolled my eyes at his words. “where is he? Your boyfriend?” his eyes moved around as if trying to find Daniel amongst the crowd.

“He's not here. He travelled home to see his family.”

“His loss," he said boldly.

I opened my mouth to speak, but he continued, “Are you happy with him?”

My eyes narrowed. “What sort of question is that?”

He shrugged and dipped his hand into his pocket before pulling out his phone and showing it to me like it was supposed mean something.

“What's that?" I raised a brow.

He didn’t answer, instead; he tapped on the screen and the next second a voice came through and if I didn't know any better, I would say it was mine.

“Hey, sexy, I hope you're all settled at home. Wish you were here with me. The things I want to do to you... with my mouth hiccup, “1 would make you my little naug-hty boy. I would be the naug-hty girl that makes you hard and then... makes you spank and toy with her. Keep that... face clean for me. I'll be back to sit on it."

The voice recording ended, and he turned off his phone and slipped it back into his pocket.

I remembered leaving the message, but I remember intending the message for Daniel and not for him. “I didn't send that you," I spoke, despite knowing there was no other way he'd have a recording of me if I didn't send it to him.

“That was meant for Daniel,” I answered in honesty, but just like I expected, he didn’t believe me. I mean, why would he? I was telling him I missed him and wanted to do dirty and sinful things to him. No man would believe it wasn't meant for them.

“You sure?” he took a step forward, and I backed away and the act was for self-preservation. “I have never been one to bi around the bush. Remember what I once told you? Once you're mine, there's no going back.”

How could I forget? Everything that had happened that weekend still felt like yesterday in my mind, but that didn't mean had to agree with what he was saying.

“This isn't five years ago, Aaron. A lot has changed." I spoke, taking a step back after he stepped closer, but this time, my back came into contact with the wall of the hallway.

“You sure about that?" he raised a brow at me.

I swallowed but didn't respond. My heart was hammering away in my chest and there was no control over it. His nearness was doing things to me I could not explain, things I didn't want him to notice. The truth was, he still had the effect he hac on me then, and I hated it.

He smirked and red flickered in his blue eyes, “That's what I thought” he grabbed me by the silver waist belt around my maid of honour gown and pulled me against his body. Before I could think of what exactly he was doing, his lips closed 0 mine and, like a spell, his kiss weakened me from the inside out.

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