A Summer Of Missing Princesses

Chapter Fraizer And Lilas

“AYE! MYCONO IS WITHIN SIGHT!” a voice rings out across the ship.

Morning has just begun and I am sharing out some food with Princess Aleena.

“Oh my goodness!” Princess Aleena screeches.

I turn to look at where she is looking and see a huge stone tower reaching so far up that I cannot see the very top. A dense layer of clouds clings tightly around where the top would be.

“That’s the tower. Scotty’s Tower,” the captain informs us.

Somehow, even though just a moment ago we weren’t that close to the port, the ship slides in and the anchor is dropped.

“What was that?! How did we get here already?!” I ask.

“Magic! If you really want to know more, there is a man named Fraizer who knows all about this sort of thing!” the captain says. “Thanks for sailing with us!”

The gangplank gets dropped.

“Come, Aleena! Maybe we should find this Fraizer guy. He might also have an idea of where this princess went,” I say.

Princess Aleena follows me happily down the gangplank back onto dry land. There were some people gathered around waiting for their turn on the boat and they begin to board as we pass.

“This place is massive!” Princess Aleena cries out, echoing my thoughts.

“How are we ever going to find the princess, much less, Fraizer?” I ask.

“Fraizer?” someone asks.

I turn and see a young man with light brown hair standing there. He’s grinning and holding a few books under one arm. Clamped halfway into his shirt collar is a pair of glasses.

“We heard from the boat captain that there is a man named Fraizer who can inform us about various things,” I say.

“Hi! I’m Aleena!” Princess Aleena calls out, extending a hand for a handshake.

“Aleena? As in, Princess Aleena?! Wow! It is an honor to meet you, Your Highness!” the young man says, bowing to the little girl.

Princess Aleena stands there awkwardly with her hand still extended for a handshake.

“Is this not how you greet each other?” Princess Aleena asks, confused.

“Oh, right, sorry. Anyhow…I, am Fraizer,” the young man says, gently shaking hands with the princess.

“Wow! That’s convenient! Now I’m starting to think this might not be such a challenge after all,” I say.

Fraizer also shakes hands with me before leading us both back towards a house. Even though it feels as though we’ve only been walking for a short time, the sun reaches its highest point, declaring it noontime. Fraizer opens the door to the house and finds two other people inside.

“Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! I forgot I invited you two over!” Fraizer says.

“Hey, it’s alright, Fraizer,” the young lady says.

“Lilas, Tarish, I want you to meet Selima and Princess Aleena. On the way here, they told me they came all the way from Fairwood!” Fraizer says.

“Fairwood? Wow! That must have taken forever! Here, have some candy!” Tarish says.

He digs through a big bag he is carrying and tosses Princess Aleena and I each a candy. Aleena gets excited and unwraps her piece right away, popping it into her mouth.

“So, Fraizer, we heard that your princess is missing,” I say.

“Yes, the dear Princess Sìneag! She’s been missing for a while now and nobody has seen her,” Fraizer says.

“She’s quite the feisty one. If someone kidnapped her, it would have taken a lot of force,” Lilas adds on.

“Right, which is very odd...not many people have that much power,” Fraizer says.

Tarish munches on some candy and listens in. I guess he doesn’t have much to say on this matter.

“Mr. Fraizer...if not that many people have that much power, can’t you just rule most people out?” Princess Aleena asks.

Fraizer puts a finger to his lip and looks to be deep in thought.

“You have a good point, there,” Fraizer says, nodding.

Lilas then speaks again, “Fraizer. Do you think that...Scotty is responsible?”

“Yes! That’s it! He’s a sorcerer!” Fraizer says.

“Isn’t he the guy who owns that massive tower?” I ask.

“Mhm! That’s the one!” Fraizer says.

At this point, I come to the realization that I have to climb up that tower and confront a sorcerer... Not good!

“Anything else I should know?” I ask, nervously.

“He’s got wind powers as well as some psychic magic. He’s also got a huge hoard of cloned minions to defend him,” Fraizer says.

“Sounds like this will be a tricky mission. Well, just a few weeks ago I fought a guy who could turn into a tiger or a dragon, nearly got digested, and survived,” I say.

“You were inside a dragon?! Awesome!” Fraizer says, clapping his hands excitedly.

“I can’t possibly take Princess Aleena with me to face him,” I say after thinking for a bit.

“Yes, you can! I’m big and strong, just like you, Selima!” Princess Aleena says, pouting.

“It’s for your own safety. I don’t want you to die,” I say, patting her on the head.

“We can look after her...the three of us,” Lilas says.

Tarish has sat down and is already asleep, snoring.

“Well...the two of us!” Lilias corrects herself, giggling at Tarish.

“I wanna fight too!” Princess Aleena says.

“Maybe when you’re older. I know you’re strong, but this will be a challenge even for me,” I say.

“Fine...okay...I guess I’ll just stay with Fraizer and Lilas then,” Princess Aleena says with a sigh.

“I’ll buy you extra chocolates, I promise!” I say to her as I exit the house.

I see her brighten up right before I shut the door.

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