A New World - Book One

Chapter Chapter Three.

Willow contacted John Winston her solicitor and then her brother, informing them there was a mining accident and that they needed huge quantities of blood, also she had decided to set up an orbital laboratory researching alien blood disorders, and ask John to obtain licenses for blood bank supplies and research, ordering over twenty thousand bags of blood as an initial starting point. She then spoke to her brother via a private line.

Simon had been very close to his little sister and truly loved her, she had even offered him more of the money because he had help her, But he had been comfortable and had earned more than he would ever require just from the very first pallet load of technology they sold, He had accepted a Fifty Million bonus, but after that he had kept refusing the money his sister tried to give him.

“Simon, I have spoken to John our solicitor and had him draw up a will and a contract, I have made you a partner with Thirty percent control, and offered John Nineteen percent control as a junior partner.”

Simon gulped he knew something was wrong. “Sis what’s wrong, I know you and you’ve never been able to hide from me when your upset.” She breathed in, held her breath and then slowly exhaled. “Simon I have done something very foolish and it has backfired on me” she paused. Simon just quietly waited. “The supplements we created from the alien organic sample…, well it looked so promising at first, so I started on human trials testing myself some five months plus before other humans.”

Simon could hear a faint quiver in her voice, he had seen all the pre-test results himself and they had talked for weeks about her risking human trials, eventually agreeing she should test it herself as all animal results showed incredible promise. He honestly had not thought anything could go wrong as it was now over two years since Willow tested the supplement on herself. She broke his chain of thoughts. “Simon it has turned me into some type of alien life for,…, only I am now much younger, taller, slim, strong and so much more”.

She waited as her brother took in her words, “Sis what has upset you,” It was then she switched on the video phone link so they could see each other. “Simon”, she said and his eyes widened when he saw how beautiful she looked, “Dear Lord sis, your stunning, this is not some type of weird joke is it”? He enquired. She actually laughed. “I wish it was, but then I am kind of pleased with my new me…, only it is the side effect that has me concerned”

Simon grinned, “Hell sis when people see how you look, they will be queuing to buy the supplement,” “No Simon, You still do not understand, Yes I look thirty years younger, but I am no longer human, and I,” she paused and he could see tears in her eyes, “I am a vampire.”

He laughed thinking she was joking with him. Only as he looked he saw her upper fangs start to extrude down from her mouth. “Dear Lord God” he said, Oh sis please tell me you are joking.” She wiped her eyes and brought her teeth back upwards. “No Simon my love, I am serious and you took the same supplement two months after me”.

Now his voice was quivering, so she gently told him what to expect, and told him to inform John he was visiting me and undergoing rejuvenation. He was shaken, but had understood the risks as his sister had, and in seeing the test results and how it vastly improved his sister, he decided to take the supplements while he could. He also had to agree his strength had vastly improved as had his mental abilities, and none of his friends could beat him at squash any more.

A month later Simon joined his sister leaving John as a junior partner to run their financial empire. When the others witnessed Simon’s transformation, it eased their fears and concerns, Willow had settled into a comfortable life style and only needed to feed every four weeks and a few days. She was incredibly strong and had become very adept at reading others minds. Slowly others started to change and one by one they became an alien life form.

After the miners had changed the security and ex-military started changing, at first they were upset, and only upon feeding on blood and seeing how it transformed them, they all quickly changed their minds. They thought how they were before was wonderful, but now this new transformation was like been born again and only one small side affect, that was feeding on blood. They all soon realised they could eat other food, it just did not taste as nice and was difficult to digest.

Also they discovered they could if so required tolerate our earth sunlight as the world the original sample had originated from had a different sun radiation light spectrum to that of ours on earth. Consequently the human adapted bodies could tolerate the new light source, even if it was uncomfortable. They preferred semi darkened areas and like most predators could see in total darkness along with viewing in different light spectrums.

However, Willows scientists unaware of the vampires had discovered these strange dog type creatures were senescent and vastly intelligent along with telepathic abilities. It appeared something had altered their genetic structures and presumably accidently altered their life span forcing them to grow old much quicker and die, so the new team of vamperic scientists who had been working alongside the original miners to examine new discoveries had harvested the telepathic genes and created a new supplement which they gave to the pups and humans, it was this that gave them the ability to read minds.

After additional gene modifications they became the second generation vampires and any females who became pregnant produced third generation vampires which in time were to become the most dangerous of all known predators. Willow had informed John and the staff she was travelling with her brother Simon, but requested all further field trials of the supplement be stopped as minor complications were showing. Hell she was the major shareholder and the boss, she paid their wages and if she said stop the trials then they stopped. Their speed and reflex actions required ultra-high speed cameras to follow their movements and their mental abilities were out thinking bio computers, even from the alien worlds. Willow had unintentionally created a predator which could hold its ground with ancient T-Rex type dinosaurs and outperform them in every way.

Fortunately, Willow had created viral defences which prevented any space vehicles from landing directly upon a planet or asteroid under her control and should someone ignore this they were in for a nasty surprise.

Incredibly that is exactly what happened. Three unknown vessels landed without permission on the mining planet, with intentions of stealing their stock of ultra-precious metals. Sixteen heavily armed aliens exited the ships carrying futuristic munitions that Willows crew should have no defence against.

Such was their confidence that they left the three ships unguarded, and started rounding up the miners. They grinned at the over confident aliens, and suddenly all but one alien was dead. It had happened so quickly that they honestly had not realised what was happening. Willow and the others read the sole survivors mind and learnt who they were, where they came from and how to operate the ships. As they were unsure if they could digest their blood, they killed him and fed them to their dogs.

Now they had three highly advanced ships and with technology they had never seen before. Willows scientists started back engineering one of the ships, and all that they had found, while they made use of the newly acquired gifts that had so kindly become theirs.

Simon contacted John and told him he was returning with some new samples which were to be manufactured by our own companies and to be kept highly confidential.

When John saw Simon he was startled and at first was unsure if it was truly his friend who he had known for many years. But he could see a much younger version of the man he once knew, and Simon convinced him it was the alien rejuvenation, offering one day to gift him if he wanted it.

Willow had sent Andrew Lockwood one of the ex-militaries with Simon, and he had previously contacted General Phillips who had become Willows liaison officer with the military.

He received Andrew and accepted the file he passed on to him. As he sat in his office he watched the information unfolding on the memory stick which Willow had sent him. There he saw a full but slightly edited version of the three alien crafts land and of the intruders trying to steal the minerals.

What caught his attention was the photos of the highly advanced weapons they carried and a promise of one of the ships. However, he knew how astute Willow had been and asked Andrew what was the catch.

“No catch sir, only an offer to give the military an opportunity of advancing some one thousand plus years in one single jump.” He looked at the ex-soldier before him. “Explain” was all he said.

Andrew gripped the heavy oak desk and with one hand lifted it above his head, held it there and then lowered it. Just as the general blinked in utter surprise Andrew was standing behind him, the general had not even seen him move. As Andrew returned to the ship he nodded his head, “he has taken the bait, I told him I had undergone highly advanced genetic modifications and that we were offering the military to give their volunteers free upgrades, but at the cost of been away for two years.

What he himself nor Willow had realised was that they no longer needed the two years, as their XDNA had now fully adapted and created the desired life forms, so now they could transfer this XDNA direct by a blood transfusion or by drinking the persons almost dry, and then feeding them with their blood.

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