A Mother's Love

Chapter 49

A bright red setting sun reflected brilliant rays of light off the ocean water as it fell below the western horizon. Peter and the Lost Boys were gathering in the clearing of the Neverwoods for their nightly meeting with Mister Blue. They sat in a circle and as the darkness of the night replaced the light of the day a small glowing plasma orb appeared in the center of the circle of children. Peter created the plasma ball by modifying the atomic structure of the air so that it glowed to create a light source at night. He was instructed by Mister Blue, as were the Lost Boys, on how to accomplish the process. At first it would start out about the size of a golf ball and slowly increase in size to of about twelve inches in diameter. Once the orb reached its full size it rose to about seven feet above the ground and spread its light and cast out the darkness from the circle of children.

Directly below the orb the Image of Mister Blue appeared to the children. “Good evening my sons.

Tonight we shall talk of a matter that Peter has brought to my attention. He has stated that you all would like to experience the world outside of this island. He and I have some concerns about it, but I feel that if you abide by some rules that this may be accomplished. I propose to you a test to determine if you are all capable of existing in the outside world without drawing unnecessary attention to yourselves.” Mister Blue paused to read the mental reaction by the boys to his suggestion. What he read was an excitement from the boys laced with the emotion of fear. This was the reaction he was expecting. He knew they wanted this opportunity badly and he also understood the fear of the challenge.

One of the Lost boys who was named Tootles spoke using his voice and asked “Mister Blue what will this test consist of?” “Each test will differ for each of you because of a random factor that you all will be exposed to. It will be one of both emotional and physical response.” replied Mister Blue. Peter spoke up and said “Before you continue Mister Blue, I think you should first explain the rules that will be set on them.” Mister Blue nodded and said “I agree Peter. I have but three rules you must abide by. The first is that you must tell one person the truth of who you are. This will test your courage. The second is to accept without regret this person’s actions to this information. Your emotional stability will be tested by this. The third rule is to determine whether to allow them to retain this information or erase it from their memory. This will test your ability to make a judgment of an extremely delicate and dangerous nature. Do you fully understand the rules?” John the youngest of the lost boys responded by saying “I understand the rules completely. What I don’t understand is how we determine who we tell the truth to.” A smile came to Mister Blue’s face and he replied “I have already chosen the person who you will tell, John. In fact I have chosen a particular person for all of you.” “Who are these people and how did you determine they should be the ones we tell the truth too.” asked the Lost Boy named Blinky. “If you follow the three rules I have given you the answer to that question will become quite apparent.” responded Mister Blue. “How will we know if we have the right person?” asked Tootles. “I will give you their mental signature. With that you should be able locate them. I will also give you a location to Quantum Tunnel too that will put you close to that person. Then you just have to home in on their mental signature. The test will take place tomorrow. You will all leave together at the same time and return eight hours from your departure time. Peter you will go an visit your family while the others are away. They will meet you at a predefined location that I know is secure.” instructed Mister Blue.

Mister Blue mentally sent each boy the mental signature of the person and the location to where they would quantum tunnel. To Peter he relayed the information of the location where to meet his parents. He also instructed Peter to mentally sweep the area to identify any thought pattern that might be watching the meeting. With that done the image of Mister Blue faded away to nothingness. The glowing orb divided into thirteen separate parts and positioned themselves over each boy. As they broke from the circle the orbs followed with them staying directly over their heads and giving them light to walk into the night to their sleeping quarters.

Surrounding the clearing were fourteen large mounds. The mounds held the living quarters for each boy and a lodge where they could all gather for meetings or meals. All the boys headed for the lodge for their night time meal and to discuss tomorrow’s adventure into the outside world. They supped on fish and fruit for dinner and filled their bellies for they would need it for the next day’s journey. The discussion went on for a few more hours and each boy had his own theory of what the test was all about. None but Peter knew the truth of what the test was, but there were many speculations that came close to the true scenario. In the end they all decided that they would find out the truth tomorrow about the test and headed off to their living quarters for a good night rest.

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