A Machine Called Earth

Chapter 40- Elevator What Floor Is Destiny?

Hector was becoming increasingly fatigued, and his pace had slowed to a weary jog. But he was determined as ever to reach his destination. Though he had wasted many hours following long and indirect paths throughout the maze of earthen tunnels.

Hector’s mutations: His speed and energy, and his ability to see in the pitch black of the cave, were fueled by his rage. Hector’s anger and determination to reach the control room were what had kept him going the last couple of hours.

But his energy, his anger and rage, were being expelled through the vigorous activity that was running through the cave. As his energy was being spent, and fatigue was setting in, his abilities, his mutations, were dimming. Hector stopped and rested.

He sat down and rubbed his eyes. “What’s going on?” He said, as he looked around, unable to see his way.

The curse acted within Hector much like that of a rash. It would flare up, at times, and mellow at other times. These moments of change were dependent on Hector’s state of mind. As Hector was running low on the initial flame that was his determination to enter the control room, and make as much distance as possible between him and his friends, he found himself, lost in complete darkness.

The effects of the curse in the mind was like that of a set of scales or a dam wall. There was a constant burdening weight that wanted to take control. To break through. But it was up to the person, to fight and hold back the tide, or give in, letting the curse flood your mind and take control.

This was the fight that Hector was dealing with. Though the benefits from the curse, that would help Hector in his immediate circumstance, were alluring, Hector feared what would become of him if he opened up the flood gate of his mind to the curse.

With all the strength that Hector possessed, he forced the curse at bay. He knew also that Ichabod was no doubt watching him. Waiting for him to give in. However Ichabod made no attempt to communicate with Hector. Hector reasoned that it’d be better to stumble through the rest of the cave blindly, than to risk losing control of his mind. Especially being so close to the finish line.


The others came to a spot to rest. It was at a crossroads of paths, and Norrth who was leading, stopped and waited for the others to catch up. Norrth was carrying Jessy again, and Hope was behind, followed closely by Charlie, then Valimir and Flynn. Coming up the rear, severally out of breath, was Shamus.

Norrth was eager to go on, however the three who had left their running days behind them, crashed to the ground in order to catch their breath. Though Charlie wasn’t doing much better, for his bad leg was still causing grief. Truth be told, it always will.

“We mustn’t waste too much time resting.” Norrth said.

“Hold your horses buddy. I ain’t no spring chicken anymore.” Shamus responded. Hope and Charlie were ready to move on as well. But as they waited for the others to catch their breath, Hope asked after observing that there was one missing.

“Where is Bliss?” She asked.

Charlie looked at the ground. “We had to leave her behind.” He said in a grieving tone. “She had become a monster. Not long after you and Hector left, she just lost it. She went crazy and tried to kill Val. We ran away from her, for we didn’t want to kill her, well at least I didn’t want to kill her. We ran into the forest, but she caught up to us. I couldn’t believe how fast she was moving. But just as we thought we had to kill or be killed, these guys showed up.” Charlie then motioned to Flynn and Shamus. “They came, and by some magic, they tied Bliss up in a tangle of vines and roots. I don’t know what would have been the most humane thing to do: Put her out of her misery, or leave her tied up in the forest. Obviously I couldn’t bring myself to kill her, or allow anyone else to do it, so we just left her there.”

“What a terrible circumstance to be in.” Hope said.

“Do you know of a way to reverse this curse?” Charlie asked. “Bliss is my cousin and I love her dearly.

“I wish I had a definitive answer, but I just don’t know, in any detail, what is going to happen.” Hope responded. “What we do know, is that we are to enter this cave, leading to the control room, and defeat the ones within.”

“Control room?” Charlie exclaimed. “For what?”

“I have not seen it for myself, but I predict it would be easier to see with our own eyes, than for me to attempt to explain it. You have no doubt seen many unnatural things as of late, but this is part of the natural world, and will perhaps be harder to believe.”

By this time, the others had regained composure and they all began traveling again. Etching their way even closer to Hector and their final destination.


Meanwhile Hector was still feeling his way through the darkness of the cave. Although Hector had a several hour lead from the others, his staggered walk and indirect path, meant that his companions were closing in on him fast. But soon Hector’s eyesight began to improve. At first, he thought that the curse was taking back over, but this was not the result of the curse. In the distance of the earthen corridor, a dim light was glimmering from around a bend. As Hector advanced, the light became brighter.

As Hector came around the bend, the path grew into a straight hallway, which had lights fixed on the walls, lighting the path. Hector was able to move much faster now that he wasn’t stumbling in the darkness. In fact, the further down the corridor Hector went, the less cave-like it became. Soon it looked more like the innards of a building, than a tunnel in a cave. ‘I must be getting close.’ Hector thought as his mind was being filled with both excitement and fear. And just there, as he turned the final corner of the hallway, was the door of an elevator. The surrounding frame, along with some intricate curly designs on the door, were made from what looked to be gold. Bright and dazzling.

While the bulk of the face was painted red. Hector thought it incredibly strange to see such an elegant elevator, sitting in a wall of a cave, ever so deep within the earth. The like that would only be seen in the grandest of hotels in Syre.

Hector approached and with an apprehensive hand, he pushed the palm-sized send button. The button was stiff and hard to push, as though holding back a large weight. As he did, Hector heard a click, then the sound of gears and cogs, beginning to spin in motion. As he heard the sound and knew that the elevator was approaching, Hector grew even more fearful. There was a trembling in his very guts, and a feeling that he wasn’t getting enough air as he breathed.

It was about five minutes before the elevator arrived, and when it did, Hector felt his very heart clench in fear. The door opened. There it was, the interior of the vessel that will deliver him to the place he had to go, and yet wanted not to go.

But Hector was frozen, he couldn’t bring himself to cross the threshold. He stood staring into it for another ten minutes, and it was staring back at him, waiting for him to enter. For he did call it.

Hector was in a daze, unsure of what to do, unable to break this fear that was paralyzing him, but it was broken when he heard a sound in the distance, echoing from behind him. It was the others. It was only a matter of seconds until they would reach him. Hector then remembered that the whole purpose of leaving his friends in the first place, was so they don’t go with him. This was what caused him to enter the elevator.

The floor and ceiling of the elevator were of red carpet. The walls were of polished wood, with golden bars at each corner, and golden hand rails running between them. Inside was but one button with an image of a downward arrow.

Though Hector was in, he still struggled to bring himself to push the button. As he fought with his fearfulness, around the corner, came the others. Norrth leading the way, with Jessy on his shoulders, followed by Hope. Hector was glad to see them, but he was shocked when he saw the faces of Charlie and Valimir, and Shamus and Flynn. Hector so much wanted to stay with them, and go down together, but his desire they stay safe, caused him to press the button. As the doors slowly closed, Hector’s companions shouted out, “No! Hector! Wait for us!” But they were only greeted with a dread-filled face, and a shake of a head. The doors closed.

I may have failed my sister. But I cannot allow anyone else to die. This is what drew me to close the doors on my friends. Now that all who have been through so much with me are all together, I could not let them come with me. Though I know with almost certainty that they will follow me, and enter the elevator. I have at least ten minutes on them. I pray that things will be safer when they arrive.

While I wait for this elevator to deliver me to what I hope is not my death, I feel I must record my findings. I have found the Keeper! I spoke with him, and discovered much about this world. The evil Ichabod, who has caused all of this to occur, he is necessary. The evil in each of our hearts, it is allowed. This is what we call freedom. Without said freedom, we are but machines, built to follow orders and nothing more.

My goal now is to enter the control room once again, and stop Ichabod, who has possessed a foolish man named Malachi. With him also is one known as Moab. I fear he is no less evil. And no less dangerous. The Keeper gave me his word that he would come when I have done what I have to do, but I know not of what he will do. Nor his plan to restore the world from the curse brought upon it by the five. I must trust in his reliability. For in meeting, he had healed my eye, my evil eye that was cut out by Moab. Not healed to its evil self, but renewed to its former self, before it was tainted by the curse. So I know with certainty that the Keeper can reverse the curse, but the question that remains is: Will he?

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