A Machine Called Earth

Chapter 37- Hector And Hope, Sitting In A Tree...

“Hector, Hector? Are you ok?” came Hope’s voice. Hector was lying on the warm grass. He sat up and rubbed some sleep from his eyes, ‘I must have fallen asleep.’ Hector thought.

“Where have you been?” She said worryingly, though when spotting Jessy, she was relieved, saying, “Oh, you found Jessy. Good.”

Hope then grabbed hold of Jessy’s hand, saying, “Let’s get you back and get some breakfast.” Jessy nodded. Hope then turned towards Hector, and said, “Are you coming?”

Hector stood, but was not entirely himself, he looked a little confused. “You go, I’ll catch up, I know the way back.” He said.

There was a lot for Hector to take in. He had finally found the Keeper, and now he was gone again. In their meeting, much was explained, almost more than Hector could bear. He needed some quiet time to think. So he slowly made his way back to Norrth’s camp, but didn’t go all the way. He stopped before reaching the camp, and climbed a large oak, with long sprawling branches. There he sat, deep in thought.

My goal now is to re-enter the control room and face those within. The ruthless Moab, and Ichabod, bane of the earth. If I had been given this command before entering the control room first, I would have no fear. But now, I am terrified. My very breath trembles and heart quickens at the thought of facing them again. I have come to realize that I have no power or ability that can bring victory against these men. All I can do, is rely on the words of the Keeper. “I will bring victory.” My only doubt is: Is his word enough?’

Though much had been revealed to Hector, he felt confused and unsure, instead of how he expected he would feel after meeting the Keeper, which was much the opposite. And as though sprouting out from this fear and doubt, like a vine creeping into a crack in a ruined wall, he heard a voice. One he had heard before, though before, he was dreaming, this time, Hector was in full consciousness.

“Hector, you have grown to become quite a good listener.” Said the voice.

“Who goes there?” Hector said, shocked, as he began looking around through the trees. Though all he could hear with his ears, were the soft rustling of leaves from the surrounding trees. The voice he heard was not heard with his ears, it was heard in his mind. “Ichabod?” Hector called out.

“Oh, you remember my voice? You are a good listener. You’ve been hearing the words of those who all else are deaf to. Though a few have heard me, none have heard the voice of the Keeper. Not since that Archer, but he’s been around for longer than I can remember. The call to survive, to live when one is destined to die, such a tongue, such a language that is foreign and indecipherable to so many, if I knew you were that adept at hearing, I would have had you killed much more swiftly. But I must say, you do excite me.”

“What are you?”

“You cannot understand. Though the Keeper has likely said the same about himself. But the Keeper, he is old, and his time is coming to an end. I am to be the new keeper. It would be wise, for your survival, to listen to me, and forget all regarding the Keeper.

Remember also Hector, if you carry out what the Keeper has planned, then the blood will be on your hands. The blood of a nation. Following through, will result in the death of many. But I, I bring life. I bring acceptance and freedom. Surely you’d rather bring life over death.”

It was plain that Ichabod had somehow overheard the conversation between Hector and the Keeper. It also seemed that he knew of the Keeper’s plan, which is something that Hector knew not.

Hector then asked. “What do you know of the Keeper’s plan then?”

“The Keeper’s plan? He aims to kill me. He plans to smash his heel into my skull, and crush my face into the dirt of the earth. He then plans to throw my broken body into a fiery pit that he has been stoking since before the trees and the stars. He then plans to throw along with me, all the people who have gone against his natural order. But, he wishes not to get his hands dirty, getting you, to inflict the first blow.”

After these words were said, Hector remembered the dream he had. The one where he let a nation drown in the dark waters of some unending lake. Was what Ichabod said, true, will the blood of a nation be on his hands? Hector grew even more afraid. “What am I to do?” Hector sighed. But Ichabod grew silent.

Not long after, Hector heard footsteps approaching. It was Hope. She was searching for Hector, for it had been some time since Hope and the others had seen him. “He must be here somewhere.” He heard her say.

She stopped under the tree which Hector was in, and looked around side to side. “I’m up here.” Hector said softly.

She looked up. “What are you doing up there?” Her hair began to sway and dance in the gentle breeze that began to blow through.

“I don’t know.” Hector mumbled. “I-I Don’t know what to do.”

Hope couldn’t quite see Hector through the low, leaf covered branches of the oak. So she began to climb the tree also. It was a large and sturdy tree with long, spanning branches. And Hector had to assist in getting Hope to the level he was on, for she had not the reach that Hector had.

When she had reached an adjacent branch and planted herself securely on it, she looked at Hector. “Why do you look so glum? Are we not at the point we have been traveling so long to be?”

“So you know then?” Hector said. “I have spoken with him.”

She nodded. “When we arrived back at the camp, Norrth explained what had happened. Should you not be joyful?”

“Well, I suppose I should. But I’ve been given a task that I fear to complete, and there have been dark whispers that throw doubt on my journey and the very words I have just been told.”

“Then you mustn't listen to such whispers. For those who do listen to such a one, there is nothing in store for them, but misery.” Hope looked downcast as she said those words, for she remembered Kaelin. “Do not go all this way, and then tremble to incompletion. Besides Norrth has decided to come with us. He is packing up camp as we speak.”

Hector smiled. “You are a wise woman Hope. Thank you.”

At this, they both climbed down the trunk of the great oak, and went back to the camp.

When they arrived, Norrth and Jessy were rolling up the last bedroll, and had already divided the supplies into three packs. “I hope you are ready for a night of walking.” Norrth said. “The moon will be in full, and largest of the year this night. And the sky will be clear of any covering. Perfect conditions for a nightly stroll.”

Jane was sitting on a tree stump drinking from a bottle of water. “Where have you been Hector? We’ve been waiting for you for so long. It’s been so boring.” She said.

Hector placed his hand on her head. “I’m sorry. Let’s get moving then.”

“That’s the spirit.” Said Norrth. “Follow me.”

And so Hector, Hope, Jessy and Jane, along with Norrth, began their journey to Violet Town. Their goal, to enter the control room, and face Ichabod.

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